Email Templates Attachments useful when you have fixed attachments in template. for ex brochure pdf or portfolio files, you want to send in quotation for all quotations. normally you need to do this procedure everytime. you need to attached files everytime. it's a time wasting job when you know some files always need to attached. you need to attached brochure file in send by email popup manually. our module will solve your issue by adding that attachment to email template once than it will take attachment from email template and add automatically to popup. Email Templates Attachments Useful to auto add attachments of odoo record in send by email popup. Currently in odoo, if you want to send attachments in email you need to manually select all attachments in compose mail popup. If you are usings odoo attachments module than this is wasting of time to download attachments and add in compose email. Our module will solve your problem, by using this module you will get all attachments auto add in email compose popup, you can easily remove attachment or send all on one click without wasting time in downloadings and uploading again that attachment. This feature will be applicable in any of compose email(send by email) button in odoo. email attachment fixed email attachments recurring email attachments email template attachments

Email Templates Attachments
Softhealer Technologies

Mail Attachments Useful to auto add attachments of odoo record in send by email popup. Currently in odoo, if you want to send attachments in email you need to manually select all attachments in compose mail popup. If you are usings odoo attachments module than this is wasting of time to download attachments and add in compose email. Our module will solve your problem, by using this module you will get all attachments auto add in email compose popup, you can easily remove attachment or send all on one click without wasting time in downloadings and uploading again that attachment. This feature will be applicable in any of compose email(send by email) button in odoo. Email attachments Auto attachment in email Email template attachment

Mail Attachments
Softhealer Technologies