Softhealer Technologies Extra Tools Apps 240 Apps found. author: Softhealer technologies × category: Extra Tools ×

Contact Social Contacts Social Media Contact Management Manage Multiple social Contacts Social Icons Social Contact For Portal Social Contacts Social Media Social Media Link Manage Social Media Links Contact Social Media Links Odoo Social Media Odoo

Social Media Contact Management
Softhealer Technologies

split purchase order lines app, extract po module, extract rfq, split purchase orders, extract rfq, split sale order lines, extract so, extract quote, split sale order, extract quotation odoo

Split Sale Order| Split Quotation | Extract Sale Order|Extract Quotation| Split Purchase Order | Split Request For Quotation|Extract Purchase Order | Extract Request For Quotation
Softhealer Technologies

Customized Subscription Plans Subscription Based Products Subscription Odoo Subscription Manage Subscription Website Subscription Portal Product Subscription Plan Manage Sales Subscription Page Subscription Pricing Page on Website

Subscription Management System - Website
Softhealer Technologies

Organization Survey Options Add More Fields In Survey Create Awesome Survey By Custom Field Survey By Email Survey By File Survey By URL Survey By QR Survey By Location Survey By Time Survey By Range Survey Extra Field Survey Extra Fields Odoo

Survey - Extra Fields Advance
Softhealer Technologies

Survey - Extra Fields File Upload Survey - Extra Field Files Upload Extra Fields File Upload For Survey Survey Extra Fields File Upload Feature For Survey Additional Survey Fields Survey Responses File Attachment Survey Customization Extra Information Upload Custom Survey Fields Survey Custom Fields File Inclusion in Surveys Attach Files to Survey Survey Data Enrichment Expanded Input Options Survey Questionnaire Attachments Customized Survey Inputs Survey Response Enrichment Survey File Upload Survey Attachment Upload On Survey Multi File Upload On Survey Multi Attachments Upload On Survey Attach Files On Survey Attach File On Survey Survey File Upload Option Odoo

Survey - Extra Fields File Upload
Softhealer Technologies

Import Google Contacts Export Google Contacts Google Contacts Two way Sync Export Odoo Contact To Google Import Google Partner Export Google Customer Import Google Vendor OAuth Google Contact Synchronization oauth Google Contact Sync Google Contacts Sync Connect Google Contact With Odoo Google Contacts In Odoo Google Contact Integration Fetch Contact

Sync Google Contacts
Softhealer Technologies

Display Sale Order Tax Line Show Purchase Order Tax Line Quotation Tax RFQ Tax View Invoice Tax Line Module See Vendor Bills Tax Lines App Tax Information On Lines Odoo Hide Tax Amount Field Hide Tax Amount In Sale Order Hide Tax Amount In Purchase Order hide tax amount in invoice hide tax amount in bills hide tax in PDF Report hide tax from PDF Report show tax amount field show tax amount in sale order show tax amount in purchase order show tax amount in invoice show tax amount in bills show tax in PDF Report show taxes

Tax information on lines Sales, Purchases, Accounting
Softhealer Technologies

sale order tax to vat app purchase order tax to vat sales order taxt to vat SO tax to vat request for quotation tax to vat RFQ tax to vat invoice tax to vat vendor bills tax to vat odoo

Taxes to Vat in Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Bills Reports and View
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Order Total Items Quantity Invoice Total Items Quantity Delivery Order Total Items Quantity Display Total Items Quantity In Sales Total Items Quantity In Invoice Total Items Quantity In Delivery Order Total Items Quantities Show Total Number of Quantity To Sale Order Total Number of Quantity In Purchase Order Total No of Quantity Odoo

Total Items Quantity
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Order Total Items Quantity Invoice Total Items Quantity Display Total Items Quantity In Sales Total Items Quantity In Invoice Total Number Quantity In Quotation Total Numbers Quantity Show Total Number of Quantities To Sale Order Total Number of Quantity In Sales Total No of Quantity Odoo

Total Items Quantity
Softhealer Technologies

Trello Odoo Integration, Filter Trello Data Module, Sync Trello Data, Fetch Trello Code In Odoo,Rest API Trello,Trello Project Management,Trello Odoo Sync,Odoo Trello Connector,Trello Odoo,By-directional sync between Trello & Odoo,Odoo ERP To Trello Connectors Import Trello projects Trello Task Export Trello Projects Trello Task Management Connectors Manage Trello Odoo Connectors Trello Integration with odoo Trello to Odoo Integration

Trello-Odoo Connector | Odoo Trello Integration
Softhealer Technologies

Check Duplicate customers Compare Contacts Find Unique field Contact Unique Supplier Unique Vendor Unique Client Unique Partner Duplicate contact alerts duplicate customer alerts duplicate contact validation avoid duplicate contact Odoo

Unique Contact Alert
Softhealer Technologies

Unique Products Alert Check Duplicate Product Compare Products Application Find Unique Products Identify Matching Products Odoo Unique Product Variant Alert Check Duplicate Product Variant Compare Product Variant Track Duplicate Product Variant

Unique Product Alert
Softhealer Technologies

Unique Sale Order Alert Check Duplicate SO Compare Sales Order Find Unique Quotation Unique Sales Order Duplicate Field In Sale Order Track Duplicate Records

Unique Sales Order Alert
Softhealer Technologies

Filter Duplicate Sale Order Watermark Filter Duplicate Purchase Report with watermark image watermark Quotation Duplicate Watermark In Report Purchase Order Duplicate Watermark Request For Quotation Watermark print Duplicate watermark Invoice odoo

Watermark In Duplicate Report | Sale Order Duplicate Watermark | Purchase Order Duplicate Watermark | Invoice Duplicate Watermark
Softhealer Technologies

Weekday & Weekend Filter Weekday And Weekend Filter Weekend Days Weekday Filter Weekend Filter Day-of-the-Week Filter Day Selection Weekend Exclusion Weekday Inclusion Day Type Filter Day Filter Options Day Criteria Weekday and Weekend Filter software Day-of-the-week filtering module Calendar filter for weekdays Calendar filter for weekends Schedule filter for weekdays and weekends Day type filtering tool Time-of-week filter application Weekday weekend selector module Weekday and weekend tool Weekend Filters Weekday Filters Workweek Weekend Picker Weekday Weekend Division Tool Weekly Day Filter Weekly Filter Weekly Filters exclude weekends and public holidays Week Day Filter week end filter week Days Filters Odoo

Weekday & Weekend Filter
Softhealer Technologies

Weekly Attendance Snippet, Manage Employee Attendance App, Find Employee Present Odoo,Weekly Attendance Snippets, Weekly Attendance Snipet, Weekly Attendance Box, Weekly Attendance Content Box module Weekly HR Attendance Sheet Weekly Check In Sheet Weekly Check Out Sheet Weekly Employee Attendance Sheet

Weekly Attendance Snippet
Softhealer Technologies

WhatsApp Push Notification For IOS/Android WhatsApp Push notification WhatsApp push notification module WhatsApp iOS push notification integration WhatsApp Android push notifications WhatsApp push notification implementation iOS/Android WhatsApp notification module WhatsApp notification integration for mobile app Push notification module for WhatsApp on iOS/Android WhatsApp notification API for mobile platforms WhatsApp Popup Notification For IOS/Android WhatsApp Pop-up Notification For IOS/Android Pop-up Notification For Whatsapp Msg Pop-up Notification For Whatsapp Messages Odoo

WhatsApp Push Notification For IOS/Android
Softhealer Technologies

Dynamic XML Report Global XML Report Export XML Data Excel Custom Template XML Export Own Fields Dynamic XML Export Dynamic Export Excel Reports Excel Reports Export excel Odoo XML Dynamic Export XML Global Export Dynamic Export Reports Global Export Reports Export IN XML Dynamic Export Text Report Global Export Text Report Export Reports Export Purchase Order Export Sale Order Export Invoice

XML Dynamic Global Export
Softhealer Technologies

Connect xero with Odoo xero Connector xero Odoo Integration Xero sync Xero Connector with REST API xero accounting Odoo xero integration odoo xero accounting integration sync data between zero and odoo integrate XERO with ODOO OAuth 2.0 xero connectors Odoo Connectors Odoo xero to odoo integration xero Import xero export

Xero Odoo Connector | Xero-Odoo Connector [OAuth2.0]
Softhealer Technologies