Extra Tools Apps 2262 Apps found. category: Extra Tools × version: 12.0 ×

Assign All OpenERP Groups To Administrator

Administrator Access

This module allows the odoo users Integration with Adobe Sign. We will send emails to users asking them to sign the document (Invoice and Sale Order) after setting up the adobesign email. Use the Adobe Sign to retrieve the document.

Adobe Sign | Odoo Adobe Sign Integration | Odoo Adobe Sign Connector | AdobeSign

Module changes ZIP to Postcode and state to county

Adress form adjustments
Piotr Cierkosz

All Backdate All In One Backdate Advance Sale Backdate Sales Backdate Sale order Backdate Purchase Backdate Purchase order Backdate Accounting Backdate Invoice Backdate Inventory Backdate MRP Backdate backdate order stock backdate stock force date stock

Advance All in One Backdate - Sales, Purchase,Inventory, Accounting, Manufacturing Backdate
Edge Technologies

Manage full and Fast log with advance information. Update IP Address, Platform, Type of Operating System, Browser and its Version Informations.

Advance Audit Trail
Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
Advance Payment
Htcorps Pvt.Ltd

Search your picking by source and destination location.

Advance Search
Harhu IT Solutions

Odoo Advance Search Tree View 树形高级搜索

Advance Search 树形高级搜索

All in one advanced dashboard for users to preview its activities, Mail activity, All in one Odoo dashboard, All in one Dashboard Activity, All in one Activity Dashboard, Web Responsive dashboard, Activity Management, Activities Dashboard, Dashboard Activities, Tableau de bord des activités, Dashboard Odoo Activity, Graphs, Activity Odoo Dashboard, Web Dashboard, All in one Activities, Planned Activities, All in one Activity, History Activity monitoring Activity, Mail Activity Board, Schedule activities Scheduler, Planned Activity, Advanced List Activities, Multi Company Activity, Mail Odoo Print,, Daily Activities Management, Télécharger, Advance Dashboard, All ine one dynamic dashboard, Dynamic Activity Dashboards, Custom Odoo Dashboard, Exporter, Odoo Charts, Dashboard Charts, Activity Scheduler Users, Activity Supervisor, Activity Search Filter, Imprimer, Activity Search Filter, Activity Multi Activity Schedule, Schedule Mass Activity, Tag activity history, KPI, Dashboard Features, Schedule Activity Management, Advance List Activity, Mail Activity List, Daily Activity, Print Activities, Print Activity, Export Activities, Export Activity, Download Activities, Download Activity, Print Dashboard, Print Dashboard, Export Dashboard, Export Dashboard, Download Dashboard, Download Dashboard, Supervise Activity, Supervise Dasboard, Advance List View Manager, Dynamic Filters Search, Dynamic Search, Dashboard Apps, Key Performance Indicators, Dashboard View, DashboardView, Advanced List View Manager, Advanced ListView Manager, Advance ListView Manager, Dynamic List View, Advanced GraphView, Supervise Activities, Dynamic ListView, Automated Dashboard, Dashboard Automation, Dashboard Customization, Multi Task Activity, Multi Task Dashboard, Multi Dashboard Task, Activity Tasks Dashboard, Analytic Data Dashboard Analytic, KPI Dashboard Powerful Dashboard KPI, Beautiful Dashboard, Elegant Dashboard, Users Dashboard, User Dashboard, Dashboard Users, Dashboard per users, Dashboard Widget Templates, Today Report Dashboard Reports, Dashboard Tile, Portal Dashboard, Web Dynamic Dashboard Dynamic Web Backend Activities Dashboards, Manage All Activities, Advance Graph View, Advanced Graph View, CRM Dashboard CRM, Odoo Advance Activity Management, Advance GraphView Customer Dashboard Customers, Employee Dashboard Employees, Sale Dashboard Sale, Purchase Dashboard Purchases, Sales Dashboard Sales, Invoice Dashboard Invoice, Account Dashboard Accounts, Project Dashboard Projects, Lead Dashboard Leads, Opportunity Dashboard Opportunity, Opportunities Dashboard Opportunities, Leads Dashboard, Activity Monitoring, Activity Views, Schedule Activity, Manage Activities, New design, Web Backend dashboard

Advanced Activity Dashboard

Odoo Backend Theme, Odoo Community Backend Theme, Web backend Theme, Web Responsive Odoo Theme, New theme design, New design, Multi Level Menu, Web Responsive Odoo Backend Theme, Odoo Theme, Odoo Modern Theme, Odoo Modern Backend Theme Odoo, Advance Theme Backend Advanced, Sidebar Light, All in one, New advanced Odoo Menu, Sidebar apps, New design, Left sidebar menu, Web menu, Odoo backend menu, Web Responsive menu, Sidebar White, Advance Menu Odoo App Menu Apps, Advanced Apps Menu, Elegant Menu, Menuitem, Web App Menu Backend, Menu Odoo Backend, Collapse Menu, Light Sidebar, Expand Menu, Collapsed Menu, Expanded Menu, New Style Menus, Advanced Sidebar Menu, Advance Sidebar Menu, Responsive Menu Sidebar, Sidebar Theme, Responsive Sidebar, Hide menu, Show Menu, Hide Sidebar, Show Sidebar, Toggle Menu, Toggle Sidebar, All in one Dynamic Menu Access, Menu Theme, Visibility Menu Visibility, Quick Backend Menu, Dropdown Menu, Parent Menus, Shortcut Menus Shortcut, Menu Icons, Collapsible menu Odoo, Customize Menu Customize Sidebar App, Customization Menu Customization App Sidebar Customization Sidebar Apps, Group Left Menu in Odoo, Global Search Menu Search, Global Menu Access Global Apps Menu Global, Group Top Menu in Odoo, Odoo Foldable Menu Applications, Navbar, App web Menu, Quick Menu Access Menu, Menu Dynamic Sidebar, Any menu, Easy Access for menuitems, User Menu Users, All in one Sidebar, Advanced Menu, Advanced Odoo Menu Backend Odoo Web Theme Web Odoo, Elegant Theme Simple Theme, Advance List View Manager, Menu Style, Advanced List View Advanced Pivot View Theme Table View Theme Form View Theme Advanced Forms, Beautiful Theme Design, New Style Theme

Advanced Backend Theme for Community Edition

All in one advanced dashboard for users to preview its activities, Mail activity, All in one Odoo dashboard, All in one Dashboard Activity, All in one Activity Dashboard, Web Responsive dashboard, Activity Management, Activities Dashboard, Dashboard Activities, Tableau de bord des activités, Dashboard Odoo Activity, Graphs, Activity Odoo Dashboard, Web Dashboard, All in one Activities, Planned Activities, All in one Activity, History Activity monitoring Activity, Mail Activity Board, Schedule activities Scheduler, Planned Activity, Advanced List Activities, Multi Company Activity, Mail Odoo Print,, Daily Activities Management, Télécharger, Advance Dashboard, All ine one dynamic dashboard, Dynamic Activity Dashboards, Custom Odoo Dashboard, Exporter, Odoo Charts, Dashboard Charts, Activity Scheduler Users, Activity Supervisor, Activity Search Filter, Imprimer, Activity Search Filter, Activity Multi Activity Schedule, Schedule Mass Activity, Tag activity history, KPI, Dashboard Features, Schedule Activity Management, Advance List Activity, Mail Activity List, Daily Activity, Print Activities, Print Activity, Export Activities, Export Activity, Download Activities, Download Activity, Print Dashboard, Print Dashboard, Export Dashboard, Export Dashboard, Download Dashboard, Download Dashboard, Supervise Activity, Supervise Dasboard, Advance List View Manager, Dynamic Filters Search, Dynamic Search, Dashboard Apps, Key Performance Indicators, Dashboard View, DashboardView, Advanced List View Manager, Advanced ListView Manager, Advance ListView Manager, Dynamic List View, Advanced GraphView, Supervise Activities, Dynamic ListView, Automated Dashboard, Dashboard Automation, Dashboard Customization, Multi Task Activity, Multi Task Dashboard, Multi Dashboard Task, Activity Tasks Dashboard, Analytic Data Dashboard Analytic, KPI Dashboard Powerful Dashboard KPI, Beautiful Dashboard, Elegant Dashboard, Users Dashboard, User Dashboard, Dashboard Users, Dashboard per users, Dashboard Widget Templates, Today Report Dashboard Reports, Dashboard Tile, Portal Dashboard, Web Dynamic Dashboard Dynamic Web Backend Activities Dashboards, Manage All Activities, Advance Graph View, Advanced Graph View, CRM Dashboard CRM, Odoo Advance Activity Management, Advance GraphView Customer Dashboard Customers, Employee Dashboard Employees, Sale Dashboard Sale, Purchase Dashboard Purchases, Sales Dashboard Sales, Invoice Dashboard Invoice, Account Dashboard Accounts, Project Dashboard Projects, Lead Dashboard Leads, Opportunity Dashboard Opportunity, Opportunities Dashboard Opportunities, Leads Dashboard, Activity Monitoring, Activity Views, Schedule Activity, Manage Activities, New design, Web Backend dashboard

Advanced CRM Dashboard

Present Your Data In Desired Formats

Advanced Graph View - Dashboards
Cybrosys Techno solutions

All in one, New advanced Odoo Menu, Sidebar apps, New design, Left sidebar menu, Web menu, Odoo backend menu, Web Responsive menu, Advance Menu Odoo App Menu Apps, Advanced Apps Menu, Elegant Menu, Menuitem, Web App Menu Backend, Menu Odoo Backend, Collapse Menu, Expand Menu, Collapsed Menu, Expanded Menu, New Style Menus, Advanced Sidebar Menu, Advance Sidebar Menu, Responsive Menu Sidebar, Responsive Sidebar, Hide menu, Show Menu, Hide Sidebar, Show Sidebar, Toggle Menu, Toggle Sidebar, All in one Dynamic Menu Access, Visibility Menu Visibility, Quick Backend Menu, Dropdown Menu, Parent Menus, Shortcut Menus Shortcut, Menu Icons, Collapsible menu Odoo, Customize Menu Customize Sidebar App, Customization Menu Customization App Sidebar Customization Sidebar Apps, Group Left Menu in Odoo, Global Search Menu Search, Global Menu Access Global Apps Menu Global, Group Top Menu in Odoo, Odoo Foldable Menu Applications, App web Menu, Quick Menu Access Menu, Menu Dynamic Sidebar, Any menu, Easy Access for menuitems, User Menu Users, All in one Sidebar

Advanced Odoo Menu

Advanced REST API for Odoo is a module that allows users to access Odoo data and functionality through web services using the RESTful protocol

Advanced Rest Api

This module helps to print stock moves in both PDF and XLSX format.

Advanced Stock Move Report
Cybrosys Techno Solutions

Odoo Backend Hierarchical Tree View, Odoo Community Backend Hierarchical Tree View, Web backend Hierarchic Tree View, Regrouper, Hierarchical Structure Of Tree View, Hierarchic Structure Of Tree View, Odoo Hierarchic View Tree, Hierarchical ListView Manager, Web Responsive Odoo Backend Hierarchical Tree View, Odoo Foldable Tree View, Odoo Expendable Tree View, Odoo Expanded Tree View, Odoo Expand Tree View, Odoo Collapsed Tree View, Odoo Collapse Tree View, Odoo View Odoo List Hierarchic List, Foldable List, List Grouped by parent children childs, Grouped List View, List View Actions Buttons, Expanded List, Collapsed List, Folded List, Nested View List, Nested List View, Nested Tree View, Grouped Tree View, Folded Tree View, Dynamic View Tree, Dynamic List View, Odoo Backend List View, Web Odoo List, Web Odoo TreeView, Odoo Hierarchic Odoo View, Nested Odoo Tree View, Show/Hide Childrens, Expanded Tree, Expand ListView, Collapse ListView, Expand TreeView, Collapse TreeView, Collapse/Expand Childs, Collapsed Tree, Preview Details, Preview Line, Add Records, Add Line, Create New records, List Style, Remove Line, Delete Line, Edit Line, Web Responsive Odoo Hierarchical TreeView, New Hierarchical View design, Hierarchical View Tree, Hierarchical List View Manager, New view from scratch to group by any parent items, children items, child items, parent/children, parent/childrens

Advanced TreeView with Columns

Advanced Stepper, Workflow Process, Advanced process, Advanced statusbar, Elegant Stepper, Elegant Workflow, Elegant statusbar, Workflow State, Workflow Status, Workflow Statusbar Odoo Actions, Automatic Workflow Settings, Dynamic Workflow Builder, Module Workflows, Workflow Transactions, Auto Workflow Actions, Approval Workflow, Task Workflow Approval, Action Buttons, Take next step, Auto Workflow Management, Workflow stepper, Workflow steps, Workflow Transition, Workflow Status bar, Web Responsive Workflow, Web backend Workflow, Web Workflow, Workflow All in One, Task Workflow, Workflow Dynamic, Workflow Stateful, State Workflow Mixin, Stateful Workflow, Status bar Workflow, Process Workflow, stepper Workflow, Transfer Workflow, Task Work flow, Tasks Project Workflow, Approve Reject Workflow, Approve Workflow, Reject Workflow, Update Workflow, Validate Workflow, Check Workflow, All in One Workflow, All in One Statusbar, Cancel Workflow, Edit Workflow Odoo, Advanced Odoo Workflow, Advanced Odoo Statusbar, Web Responsive Workflow, Advanced Odoo Stepper, Advanced Stepper Actions, Step by Step Process Workflow Process, Web Odoo Backend Workflow Builder, Alter Workflow, Workflow stages, Stage, CRM Workflow, HR Workflow, Invoice Workflow, Invoices Workflow, Sales Workflow, Sale Workflow, Purchase Workflow, Accounting Workflow, Odoo Statusbar Advanced, Web Odoo Backend Workflow Builder, Odoo Web Workflow Dynamic, Web Backend Workflow, Web Odoo Backend Statusbar Builder, Odoo Web Statusbar Dynamic, Web Statusbar Workflow, Odoo Advanced Statusbar, Customization Process, Customization stepper, Customization Statusbar, Customization Actions, Workflow View, Workflow Enhancements, Workflow Design, Workflow Style, CRM Lead Workflow Action Buttons, All in One Process, All in One stepper, All in One step, All in One Status bar, All in One Action, Workflow Customization, Workflow Customize, Customization Workflow, Beautiful Stepper

Advanced Workflow

Set operations on filter results

Advanced filters
Therp BV , Odoo Community Association (OCA)

Hide cost price, hide standard price, sale price, user group, selected users

Advanced hide cost price of product
Dusal Solutions
Aggregate/create purchase lines