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SimBeez IT solutions LLP Extra Tools Apps 9 Apps found. author: Simbeez it solutions llp × category: Extra Tools × version: 16.0 ×

Set your password format, Sign up password format, Upper Case. Lower Case, Mimimum password length, special character, validate password format, password parameter

Password Formatter
SimBeez IT solutions LLP

Easy and Quickly Update your module,update module,upgrade module,easily upgrade module,module to upgrade,update,upgrade,Easy and Quickly install your module,install module,install module,easily install module,module to install,install,install

Quick Module Upgrade Install
SimBeez IT solutions LLP

Budget Upload Using Excel,import budget,import budgetary position,import multiple budget, import multiple budgetary position,create budget,create budgetary position,budget control

Budget Upload Using Excel
SimBeez IT solutions LLP

Bulk Product Price Update,Multi Product Price Update,Product Price Update,Price Update,Bulk Product Price Change,Multi Product Price change,Product Price Change

Bulk Product Price Update
SimBeez IT solutions LLP

Attendance Manual Entry of employees. You can entry the multiple employees attendance.employee manual attendance,employee attendance,import attendance,insert bulk attendance entry,multiple attendance entry of employee,employee multiple attendance entry,employee attendance absent entries,insert employee attendance in date-range,skip duplicate attendance,add multiple employee attendance entries,insert particular employee attendance entries,employee attendance,create employee attendance records,Attendance manual entries of employees

Employee Attendance Manual Entries
SimBeez IT solutions LLP

This module is used to generate the XML feed file for Facebook Catalog product,Facebook Catalog feed file,Facebook Catalog feed for upload,product feed for Facebook Catalog,Facebook Catalog shopping feed,feed for Facebook Catalog shopping,xml feed for Facebook Catalog shopping,text file for Facebook Catalog shopping,Data Feed Manager,Facebook Catalog Feed Manager,Data Feed,Shopping Feed

Facebook Catalog for Products
SimBeez IT solutions LLP

This module is used to generate the XML feed file for google product,google feed file,google feed for upload,product feed for google,Google feed for Merchant,google shopping feed,feed for google shopping,xml feed for google shopping,text file for google shopping,Data Feed Manager,google Feed Manager,Data Feed,Shopping Feed

Google Feed for Products
SimBeez IT solutions LLP

Product Stock Alert You can get the notification of the low as well as high product stock Low stock notification high stock notification, product stock alert, product low stock alert, product high stock alert, stock alert, product excced alert, low stock alert, high stock alert

Product Stock Alert
SimBeez IT solutions LLP

Worker Management System

Worker Management System
SimBeez IT solutions LLP