1 click customize odoo, reset data. For quick develop. Set brand, boost, reset data, debug. Language Switcher. Easy Delete data.reset account chart. customize my odoo. odoo customize, odoo oem.
Open PDF Reports and PDF Attachments in Browser
Helps to create configurable dashboards easily.
shows a modal window with options for printing, downloading or opening pdf reports
Detailed Dashboard View for Project
The module offers a comprehensive summary of all payment transactions
The product profit report module provides detailed insights and analysis on the profitability of individual products
Website Geolocation Based Language and Currency Application for Odoo 14
All PDF reports of Odoo with Signature
Progress bar for operations that take more than 5 seconds.
Make and receive calls and SMS, sync contacts, capture conversation history and recordings right from your Odoo Platform
Library Management System
lookup for incoming call from 3cx to odoo
Customize 'from' and 'reply-to' addresses for email messages sent from Odoo
Graphical BI views builder for Odoo
Automatically Change the Colour Based on the Date Interval Config of Notes
This module integrates the response from ChatGPT into Odoo's built-in chatbot, OdooBot.