Project Apps 636 Apps found. category: Project × version: 17.0 ×

Multiple user assignee for tasks multiple user task multiple assignee for task multi users assignment multi responsible for task multiple responsible for task, multi user task for multiple user assign task for multiple user assign on single task.

Multiple User Assignee for Project Tasks
Edge Technologies

Project team on task project team on project management team project member team project task member team project team on task form project team on project form team project team management advance project team advance team member on project advance team

Odoo Project Team on Project Tasks
Edge Technologies

Overdue Task Email Notification Send Email for Project Task Overdue Employee Overdue Tasks Notification Overdue Task Email Notify Overdue Task Alert Notifications Send Overdue Task Notification Reminder for Task Overdue Employee Task Deadline Notification

Overdue Task Notification | Employee Overdue Task Reminder | Task Overdue Email Notification | Task Delay Mail Notification | Task Deadline Status
Edge Technologies

Project Document Attachment For tasks document project document task attachment project task attachment project task document project attachment for project attach document for task document for project attachment task project document attachment version

Project & Task Documents Attachments App
Edge Technologies

Create categories on project category task category wise project group by categories for project task filter categories of project group by project task category controlling project categories project management project task management

Project Category Management | Group by Project Category | Set Project Category on Project
Edge Technologies

Create notes from project notes from task print project notes PDF report task note report add project notes for task project task notes show project notes report show project task notes display notes for project display task notes PDF report

Project Notes | Task Notes | Notes for Project | Notes for Task | Project and Task Notes Report
Edge Technologies

App for project own stages manage project stages manage project own stages manage stages on project define different stages on project stages add multiple stages on project wise stage.

Project Own Stages App
Edge Technologies

Manage project agile methodology project sprint release manage project scrum sprint planning scrum team scrum meeting project scrum document scrum task agile project management project planning with scrum master project task forecast sprint planning

Project Scrum Master | Project Management System | Project Scrum Meeting | Sprint Release | Agile Scrum Methodology
Edge Technologies

Apps validate and approve task checklist project task subtask checklist project task subtask checklist project task checklist for tasks checklist on project task project task own checklist project checklist task checklist task delegation add checklists

Project Task Check List and Approval
Edge Technologies

App create task checklist activities project subtask checklist activities project task checklist activities project checklist activities project tasks checklist activity project subtask checklist activity project task checklist activity project checklist

Project Task Checklist Activity App
Edge Technologies

Create project task from CRM lead project task from create CRM pipeline task CRM opportunity project CRM pipeline project assign CRM opportunity task create CRM pipeline task from CRM project CRM lead task CRM project pipeline CRM project task

Project Task from CRM Opportunity | Lead | Pipeline
Edge Technologies

App useful for request project timesheet request for employee timesheet request hr timesheet sheet employee timesheet sheet request for employee timesheet employee project timesheet request project time-sheet request request project task timesheet request.

Project Timesheet Request App
Edge Technologies

Print project and task report using different filter project task reports tasks print project task report project task pdf report print pdf report on project and task print pdf report task project report task pdf report task reports project task

Project and Task Report in Odoo
Edge Technologies

App for project risk management for project tasks risk management for tasks prioritization of risks management app project task risk management application risk management activities for task risk management activities for project.

Project and Task Risk Management
Edge Technologies

Odoo Task template and project template module helps to create project from project template create task from task template in project task template task project template create task template create project template create task from project template

Project and Task Template
Edge Technologies

Website Project Kanban View adds the Kanban board feature on the Odoo website. Also, it has features like group by, sort by, filter by, and search. This Odoo app allows you to drag and drop tasks or projects from one column to another. You can switch between Kanban and List view. Odoo Website Project Kanban View also has a load more button to load all projects and tasks columns and cards.

Website Project Kanban View
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.