Project Apps 892 Apps found. category: Project × price: Paid ×

Task Auto Change Stage Task Stage Change Auto Change Project Stage User Assignment to Stage Task Auto Stage Auto stage project task Auto project task Auto project Stage Automatic move tasks Task Responsible by Stage Project Task Default Stage Odoo

Task Auto Assignment
Softhealer Technologies

Task Stages, Assign User, Tasks, Stage In Progress, Automatically, Stage Canceled, User, Stage Tasks, Stage New, In Progress, Done, Canceled, Assign, Stage Done

Task Auto Assignment
Leap4Logic Solutions Private Limited

Apps use to auto task assign to user tasks auto assign to user Automatically Assign Task to user Auto Assign Task Manager Auto Assign Tasks assign automatically assign tasks default assign task Auto assign task created to self Auto User assignment on task

Task Auto Assignment in Odoo

Task calendar view displays stage color based on stage color configuration instead of project

Task Calender View Stage Colour
Odox SoftHub

Project Task Checklist

Task Checklist
AtharvERP Business solution

This module helps to send reminder of task deadline to assignees of the task, Also interval of reminder can be configured as per convinience/need.

Task Deadline Dashboard
Botspot Infoware Pvt. Ltd.

Manage Project Task Dependencies and Relationships The Task Relationships module to streamline project management and enhance task coordination. Manage task dependencies and relationships effortlessly, ensuring tasks are logically linked and dependent on each other's completion. | Task Relationship Management | Task Dependencies | Dependency control | Task Predecessors | Task Successors

Task Dependencies and Relationships

Project Task Description Change Versioning

Task Description Version on Change
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.

This module is used to help users manage important documents of the task. And helps to send email notifications to customer about document expiration.

Task Document Management And Expiry Reminder
Agung Sepruloh

Gantt View or Gantt charts are widely used in project management to visually represent project schedules

Task Gantt View
AppsComp Widgets Pvt Ltd

Task Kanban Quick Edit. Task Card Quick Edit, Quick Edit, Kanban Quick Edit, Card Quick Edit

Task Kanban Quick Edit

This module is used to send mail the deadline notification mail according to their setting.

Task Notification Reminder
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

odoo app show Task Overdue dayes on Task Proejct Screen, Due days, task due days, task overdue, project task due date, employee due task days, days notify, due days notify task, odoo overdue days

Task Overdue Days, Task Due Date days
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app Reminder for Task Overdue due date Reminder, Task Overdue Reminder, Overdue task notify, Duedate task notify, task date notify, Employee task reminder, project task overdue reminder, task date by reminder, overdue due date project task reminder

Task Overdue Reminder, Task Due date Reminder, Task Deadline Notify
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

list of work reminder Tasks Checklist subtask checklist Subtask Custom Checklist list of incomplete work Task Subtask Checklist remember of important things Task Custom Checklist task checklist Odoo

Task Own Checklist
Softhealer Technologies

Schedule Task Based on Deadline task scheduler based on deadline date task planning task scheduler task schedule based on deadline project scheduler for task scheduler for date deadline task deadline scheduler date on tasks date schedule task Scheduling

Task Planning and Scheduling Based on Deadline

odoo app create Task Quick Edit option in task kanban view, quick edit task, edit project task, quick editable task

Task Quick Edit, Project Task Quick Edit
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Create Activity für recurring Project Task

Task Recurrence Activity
Maik Steinfeld

odoo apps to restrict Create past date Task, Task Restrict Deadline ToDay, Restrict past date Deadline, Task Date deadline, Task Restrict, Task Deadline date restrict, date deadline, task past date, task date deadline

Task Restrict Deadline ToDay, Restrict past date Deadline
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app Send Task By Email with Mail commose window,Task Send By Email,Task Send Mail, task email, Task send by mail, Project Task Send Mail, Customer Task Notify send by Mail, Customer task Mail Reminder, Employee Task send Mail

Task Send By Email, Task Send Mail
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd