Project Apps 414 Apps found. category: Project × version: 11.0 ×

Project Subtasks management and Task Delegation

Task Delegation and Subtasks
293 | 4

This module provide Construction Management Related Activity.

Construction Management
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
138 | 3

Added support Gantt Chart Widget View

Gantt Native Web view
Viktor Vorobjov
6 578 | 2

Project Scrum Management ====================================================== Project Scrum Management Scrum project Project roles Scrum Management Scrum Master Product Backlog users stories Sprints Sprint Velocity Chart Releases Sandbox stand up meetings Burn-down Chart

Project Scrum Management Agile
Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. , David DRAPEAU
150 | 2

This module allow you to manager any type of project with its job costing (contracting) and job cost sheets.

Project Job Costing (Contracting) and Job Cost Sheet
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
380 | 2

This module allow you manage your customer support ticket, ticket portal, billings for support, Timesheets.

Website Helpdesk Support Ticket and Issue Management
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
11 361 | 2

This module will generate task and issue unique number for your projects.

Project Task Unique Sequence Number
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
40 | 2

Do you want to divide the project task and subtask quickly? currently, in odoo, you can't manage the sub-task of the project. This module helps to divide tasks into different subtasks. Here if sub-tasks are remaining then you can't done parent task. so, you can easily control task and sub-task progress. you can easily analyze the large project. Project Task -Subtask Odoo, Manage Subtask Odoo Manage Project Subtask Module, Create Subtask, Analysis Of Subtask, Project Task Management, Control Task Subtask Progress Odoo : Manage Project Subtask Module, Create Subtask App, Analysis Of Subtask, Project Task Management, Control Task Subtask Progress Odoo Project Task Subtasks 项目任务子任务 Sous-tâches de tâche de projet Unteraufgaben für Projektaufgaben Sottoattività Attività progetto Subtareas de tareas del proyecto Subtarefas de tarefas do projeto

Project Task Subtasks
Softhealer Technologies
8 | 2

Project Status Report Module, See Project Task Progress App, Project With Progressbar, Project Stages With Percentage Progressbar, Project Management With Stages, Project Manage With Task, Project Analysis,Project Timeline Management Odoo

Project Progress Status
Softhealer Technologies
63 | 2

Project CheckList SubTask Checklist Project SubTask CRM Check List Project Checklist Employee crm_checklist Sale Order CheckList construction checklist Read Only User Hide Any Menu multi level approve website document attachment product attachment

Project Task SubTask Checklist
281 | 2

This module allow user to start/stop time of task. Easy to calculate duration of time taken for task. Task Timer Odoo, Task Time Management Odoo. Task Timer Module, Awesome Timer For Task, Task Countdown timer, Feature Of Calculate Start And Stop Time Of Task, Calculate Work Time Duration , Time Report Timer Odoo. Task Timer, Manage Task Time App, Countdown Timer Module, Calculate Task Start Time, Calculate Work Stop Time, Manage Work Time Duration, Time Report Timer Odoo. Task Timer 任务计时器 Minuterie de tâche Task-Timer Timer attività Temporizador de tareas Temporizador de tarefas

Task Timer
Softhealer Technologies
55 | 2

Project Gantt View - Easy Planning Bulding - Drag and Drop - Search - Gantt Legend - Duplicate - Reassign - Delete - Edit - Unassign Task

Project Gantt View
SLife Organization
21 | 1

This app allow you to create and manage budgets based on analytic account/project for job contracting and construction.

Budget for Job Contracting and Construction Projects
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
71 | 1

This module allow you manage your customer construction and contracting business issues, construction issue portal, billings for support, Timesheets.

Issue Tracking System for Construction and Contracting
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
47 | 1

This app allow you to view your construction projects on your website under Project.

Construction Projects on Website
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
45 | 1

This app allow you to create knowledge base for support tickets. Questions and Answers for Helpdesk.

Knowledge Base for HelpDesk Support Ticket
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
29 | 1

Allow you to have inspection process of your job orders for construction and contracting projects.

Job Order / Work Order Inspection
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
56 | 1

This modules helps to manage contracting,Job Costing and Job Cost Sheet inculding dynamic material request

Project Job Costing and Job Cost Sheet With Material Request
70 | 1

This module integrate Material Requisition with Job Cost Sheet

Material Purchase Requisition and Cost Sheet Integration
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
75 | 1

This app will add dashboard on job costing and contracting on project.

Dashboard for Project for Construction and Job Contracting
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
56 | 1