Purchases Apps 499 Apps found. category: Purchases × version: 16.0 ×

Import purchase order Data App for import purchase order import purchase order import purchase data import PO excel import purchase from excel import purchase order from csv import mass purchase order import bulk purchase order line import

Import Purchase Order from Excel or CSV File in odoo

Purchase Order Document Management, Request For Quotation Document Management, PO Document Management, RFQ Document Management, Purchases Document Management, Documents Management,Vendor Document Management, Employee Document Management Odoo

Purchase Document Management
Softhealer Technologies

When you cancel any purchase order. it will cancel related pickings and bills. basically this feature will rollback whole workflow of purchase order

Cancel Purchase Orders

Last Product Price Last Product Quantity Last QTY Last Product QTY Last Product Purchase Price Last Product Purchase Quantity Last Product Purchase QTY In Purchase Order Recent Order Price Recent Order Quantity Odoo

Last Purchase Price & Quantity | Last Purchase Price In Purchase Order Line | Last Purchase Quantity In Purchase Order Line
Softhealer Technologies

odoo app to update mass Vendor Information into Products, Mass product vendor update, vendor update product list, multiple product vendor updates, Vendor Information of the Product, update minimum Quantity, delivery time, multiple products vendor code, product supplier info

Mass Product Vendor Update, Mass vendor update
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Product Purchase History & Report

Product Purchase History and XLS Report

odoo app Auto process purchase order of shipment process and create vendor bill when confirm the purchase order, it will auto process shipment done and create vendor bill and confrim it, Purchase auto workflow, purchase auto process, purchase conrim process

Purchase Auto Process, Purchase Auto Shipment,vendor bill
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Create purchase checklist template purchase order checklist progress request for quotation checklist PO checklist filter for purchase custom checklist for purchase invoice checklist multiple purchase orders checklist custom checklist templates for purchase

Purchase Custom Checklist

odoo app manage purchase Lock/Unlock Reason, purchase lock Reason, purchase unlock reason,lock/unlock reason, lock reason history, unlock reason history, purchase Lock reason history, purchase unLock reason history

Purchase Lock/Unlock Reason
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Generate delivery orders based on the warehouse selected, provides the option to choose Delivery to (Operation Type) on a purchase order. Users can see which warehouse they picked in PDF reports.

Purchase Multi Picking
AtharvERP Business solution

Digital signature purchase order,Digital sign RFQ, purchase order Digital Signature, request for quotation Digital Signature, RFQ Digital Signature, PO Digital Signature Odoo

Purchase Order Digital Signature | Digital Signature Purchase
Softhealer Technologies

odoo App will allow to add multiple Products into Purchase in single click,Multiple Product, Purchase product, product multi Selection, Product auto product, product create po, purchase multiple , product multiple,Supplier product

Purchase Order Multiple Product Selection
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Based on rights make confirm purchase order or related picking and bills readonly for certain users. Purchase order will in closed state, ser can not make any changes on purchase order or related pickings or bills. after reset it can go back to previous state.

Purchase Picking Bill Readonly

When you select products with given button, it will takes you to newly kanban view of product lines, where you can update qty of all products from new widget, that will make your process very user friendly and faster.

Purchase Product Dashboard

Purchase Quotation Different Number, different number on Purchase ,Quotation Different Number, Purchase number, Qutation Number, Purchase qutation Different Number, Purchase uniq number, Qutation Uniq Number, Purchase Sequence, Qutation Sequence Purchase Quotation Different Number

Purchase Quotation Different Number, RFQ Number
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app print Purchase Summary Report by dates into XLS/PDF, purchase summary, purchase by company , request for qutation summary, purchase summary pdf, req summary by dates, po summery by dates, summary purchase

Purchase Summary Report by dates into XLS/PDF
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Purchase Order History, Purchase History, Vendor purchase history, purchase past order history, Generate Vendor Purchase Order History, Last Purchase Order History Module, PO Reorder Product Lines, Supplier Request For Quotation History, Find History From RFQ App, Search Vendor Last Request For Quote Odoo.

Vendor Purchases Order History
Crypton Soft-Tech

Discounts in Purchase order lines

Discounts in Purchase order lines
Almighty Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Import Purchase Order Lines from CSV Import Purchase Order Lines from Excel Import RFQ Lines From XLS Import PO Lines From XLSX Data App for import purchase order lines import purchases data import mass purchase order import bulk purchase order Odoo

Import Purchase Order Lines from CSV/Excel file
Softhealer Technologies

odoo app confirm Multipal Purchase Order in one click, Mass Purchase Order, Mass Purchase Order, bulk send mail purchase, bulk confirm purchase, mass purchase confirm, bulk purchase confirm, mass rfq confirm, multiple purchase confirm, validate multiple confirm, mass validate po

Confirm Multiple Purchase Orders, RFQ, Mass confirm Purchase, Bulk Purchase confirm, Multiple Purchase Confirm
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd