Purchases Apps 520 Apps found. category: Purchases × version: 16.0 ×

User-friendly, detailed and flexible dashboard for purchase module | purchase order dashboard | purchase dashboard | vendor dashboard | supplier dashboard | purchase product dashboard | purchase module dashboard | PO dashboard

Purchase Dashboard

odoo app will show user wise Purchase Dashboard, Users wise Purchase dashboard, Sales kanban view, salesteam kanban, salesteam dashboard

Purchase Dashboard by Users
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

This module makes the system to always respect the planned (or scheduled) date in PO lines.

Purchase Date Planned Manual
Eficent , Odoo Community Association (OCA)

Purchase Report, Purchase Day Wise Product Report, Purchase Weekdays Report, Purchase Weekly Report, Daily Product Purchase Report, Weekly Product Purchase Report, Weekly Purchase Report, Weekly Product Purchase Report, Weekly Product Report, Daily Purchase Report, Day Wise Purchase Report, Day Wise Product Purchase Report,

Purchase Day Wise Report || Weekdays Product Purchase Report
OMAX Informatics

Purchase Order Default Followers, PO Default Followers,RFQ Default Followers,request for quotation Default Followers,request for quote Default Followers,By Default Followers,Restrict Follower,Vendor As Followers,Automatic Followers Manage Followers Odoo

Purchase Default Followers
Softhealer Technologies

Apply Discount in Purchase order line

Purchase Discount
Zappa Infotech

Purchase Order Document Management, Request For Quotation Document Management, PO Document Management, RFQ Document Management, Purchases Document Management, Documents Management,Vendor Document Management, Employee Document Management Odoo

Purchase Document Management
Softhealer Technologies

Added Smart button on purchase view that will take you to attached documents of the record.

Purchase Documents
Jupical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Purchase Order Double Approval, PO Double Approval, Purchase Order Double Validation Module, Po Big Amount Double Permission, RFQ Payment More Approval App, Request For Quotation Double Validation, Request For Quote Double Approval Odoo

Purchase Double Approval
Softhealer Technologies

Option to create downpayment from purchase order

Purchase Downpayment
Jupical Technoloiges Pvt. Ltd.

odoo app allow purchase Dynamic Approval by user/gropus |odoo purchase Dynamic approval | odoo purchase user Dynamic approval | user wise approval | odoo purchase group approval, purchase double approval, purchase workflow, purchase user approval, purchase manager approval, purchase approval process

Purchase Dynamic Approval workflow, Purchase Approvals
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Based on define approval rules, purchase order dynamic approvals are created and You can also define sequence of user to approve from that approvals list

Purchase Dynamic Approvals

Plugin will help to print Purchase Excel and Send to supplier, export excel, export purchase excel, export RFQ, send purchase, send purchase excel, excel, print excel, print purchase excel, generate purchase excel, xlsx report, xlsx formate, export xlsx, daynemic excel, export excel, sale excel, invoice excel.

Purchase Excel
OM Apps

odoo app allow to add HTML Notes on purchase, purchase notes, print purchase notes, html notes on purchase, notes rfq, rfq html notes, print rfq notes, purchase notes print, purchase notes auto load, html notes on purchase rfq

Purchase HTML Notes & Print Notes
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Odoo app allow to pass Purchase Product line description shipment description, purchase product descrption, purchase shipment descrption, purchase shipment descrption, purchase move line descrption

Purchase Line Description to Shipment
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app manage purchase Lock/Unlock Reason, purchase lock Reason, purchase unlock reason,lock/unlock reason, lock reason history, unlock reason history, purchase Lock reason history, purchase unLock reason history

Purchase Lock/Unlock Reason
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Scan Mobile Barcode Product, Scan Product Internal Reference No, Purchase Order Mobile Barcode Scanner, Purchase Mobile QRCode Scanner,Request For Quotation Barcode,Request For Quote Barcode, Purchase Order Barcode Odoo

Purchase Mobile Barcode Scanner | Purchase Mobile Barcode QRCode Scanner
Softhealer Technologies

Purchase Multiple Locations RFQ Multiple Branches Multiple Stores Multiple Chain Multiple Branch Management Multi Branch Multiple Unit multiple Operating unit branch Purchases branch Report PO Branch Management Purchase Branch Purchase Order Branch Multi Branch purchase RFQ Multi branch Purchase Multi unit RFQ Multi Unit Odoo Purchase Multi Locations Multi Branch Management Multi Unit Setup Multi Unit Management Multi Unit Odoo Multiple Branch Odoo RFQ Multi Locations Multi Unit Features Purchase Branch Management Purchase Multi Store Purchase Multi Chain Purchase Multi Unit RFQ Multi branches RFQ Multi Stores Purchase Multiple Branch RFQ Multi Chains RFQ Multi Units Purchase Order Branch Report Purchase Order Stores Report Purchase Order Locations Report Purchase Order Unit Report Purchase Order Chains Report Multiple Branch Purchase Multiple Branch Purchases Multi Unit Purchases Multi Unit Purchase Purchase Order Multi Branches Purchase Order Multi Units Department Purchase

Purchase Multi Branch | Request For Quotation Multi Branch | Purchase Order Multiple Branch | Request For Quotation Multiple Branch
Softhealer Technologies

This app helps you to set location on purchase order line to receive stock in multiple location | Location Wise Purchase | Purchase Location | Purchase Order Line Location | Location on Purchase Order Line

Purchase Multi Location
Preway IT Solutions

Generate delivery orders based on the warehouse selected, provides the option to choose Delivery to (Operation Type) on a purchase order. Users can see which warehouse they picked in PDF reports.

Purchase Multi Picking
AtharvERP Business solution