odoo app allow to generate purchase advance payment (Fixed/percentage) On purchase order,vendor Advance payment,supplier Advance payment,Purchase advance payment ,Advance Payment Product, Advance down payment purchase

Purchase Advance Payment
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app allow to RFQ Template, auto purchase template, rfq product template, request for qutation template, rfq template, purchase order template , po product template,RFQ Template, product auto load purchase,RFQ Product Template

RFQ/Purchase Template
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo apps purchase product line list view with filter and group by, purchase line view, purchase line list view, PO line list, purchase order line list view, Purchase product line list view, Purchase Order Lines by Vendor, Product, filter purchase lines

Purchase product Line List View, Filter & group by
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app will allow to make Payment from Purchase Order, Advance payment, payment from purchase,vendor payment purchase

Payment from Purchase Order
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Product Vendor Code

Product Vendor Code
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo apps allow recurring Purchase Order, Purchase recurring, Request for quote recurring, Rfq recurring, Purchase quote recurring orders, purchase order product line recurring orders,

Recurring Purchase Order, Recurring RFQ Qutation
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Odoo apps will show product purchase history on product Screen | Purchase history | Product Purchase History | Purchase line Product History, product template purchase history, product purchase cost history

Product Purchase History
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app allow to backdate mass purchase Orders, purchase backdate, purchases Backdate, purchases Backorder process, purchase confirm backdate, purchase confirm backdate, purchases order back date, qutation backdate, delivery backdate, invoice backdate

Mass Purchase Order backdate, Purchase Backdate, Purchase Pastdate
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app allow to create Purchase Quotation from lead/Opportunity, purchase crm, purchase from lead, purchase from Opportunity, rfq from lead, quotation from lead, rfq from opportunity, rfq lead,lead purchase, crm purchase, opportunity purchase

Purchase Quote from CRM LEAD/Opportunity
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app will help you to add Discount into Purchase Order Line, Discount in Purchase,Discount in Purchase Order Line, purchase discount, purchase line discount, purchase price discount, purchase product line discount, purhcase order line discount

Discount in Purchase Order Line
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo App will check the Suppplier Credit Limit on purchase order and notify to the purchase manager,Suppplier Credit Limit, Partner Credit Limit, Credit Limit, Purchase limit, Suppplier Credit balance, Suppplier credit management, Purchase credit approval , Purchase Suppplier credit approval

Suppplier Credit Limit
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app allow Vendor Portal Signature, Purchase RFQ Vendor Signature, vendor portal, vendor Signature, vendor Signature, portal supplaier Signature, rfq supplier Signature, purchase vendor Signature, purchase supplier Signature, vendor Signature portal rfq, quote, purchases

Vendor Portal Signature, Purchase RFQ Vendor Signature
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Odoo apps will Print 4-way Matching Report (PO, Shipment, Bills, Payment)

4-Way Matching Report
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo Apps will help to add product into Purchase order by barcode or Referance, purchase barcode, product barocde, purchase order line barcode, purchase barcode, barcode purchase, purchase product barcode, barocode scan purchase

Add Products to Purchase by Barcode
Devintelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

All in One Purchase Reports - Purchase Export, Purchase Import, Purchase daywise report, Purchase summary, Purchase Daily Analysis, Purchase Daily Summary, Purchase Request analysis, Purchase Open import export, Purchase line export, vendor Purchase day wise report, Purchase Reports, RFQ Reports

All in One Purchase Reports - Purchase Export, Purchase Import, Purchase daywise report, Purchase summary, Purchase Daily Analysis
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app allow to archive purchase order, archive purchase order, unarchive purchase order,archive purchase, unarchive purchase, active purchase, inactive purchase order, repair purchase, purchase inactive, purchase order active,filter archive purchase order

Archive/Unarchive RFQ and Purchase Order
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo apps will show Purchase Back Order Status

Back Order Status - Purchase Order
Devintelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Odoo app allow Blanket purchase Order aggreement between Purchaser and Supplier/Vendor, sale purchase order, Blanket order, long term purchase order, Blanket Po Order, blanket qutation order, blanket rfq

Blanket Purchase Order
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app confirm Multipal Purchase Order in one click, Mass Purchase Order, Mass Purchase Order, bulk send mail purchase, bulk confirm purchase, mass purchase confirm, bulk purchase confirm, mass rfq confirm, multiple purchase confirm, validate multiple confirm, mass validate po

Confirm Multiple Purchase Orders
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo application will print day wise product purchase report, day waise report, purchase daybook, purchase daywise, purchase daily report, daily purchase, daily product purchase, product daybook purchase, purchase day book , purchase day report

Day Wise Purchase Report | Purchase day wise | Purchase day book | Day Wise Report | Purchase Daily Report | Purchase Report | Purchase
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd