Sales Apps 2801 Apps found. category: Sales × version: 14.0 ×

Sale discount sales discount invoice discount purchase discount on line percentage based discount fixed discount on sale order line sale invoice discount customer discount vendor discount on invoice line discount All in one Discount sales invoice discount

Sale Invoice Discount in Odoo
6 74
Sale Invoice No Mail
Camptocamp SA , Odoo Community Association (OCA)

Kanban view for Sale module

Sale Kanban
Alexander Kroeker

Apps will Show Sale Line Description and sale partner address into Picking/Delivery Order, Sale line descrption pass to picking , sale descrption to picking, sale descrption to stock move, sale line descrption to stock picking, sale product descrption to picking

Sale Line Description in Picking
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Sale Products By Location Product Sales by Location Sales order multi location sale order line multi location selection on sales order line location sales line multiple location sale line multi location sale order by multi location product sale by location

Sale Line Multi Location | Sale Product By Location
Edge Technologies

Allow deciding whether refunded quantity should be considered as quantity to reinvoice

Sale Line Refund To Invoice Qty
ForgeFlow , Odoo Community Association (OCA)

Track returned quantity of sale order lines for BoM products.

Sale Line Returned Qty Mrp
ForgeFlow , Odoo Community Association (OCA)

Added the views of Quotation Line and Order Line to show the Sale Order Lines details in easy way. This module is importable. You have to just import this module and module is ready to use. 17/07/21 [PKA] Added module icon and banner.

Sale Line Views
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

The Sale Line Views module is a highly valuable tool designed to significantly enhance the visibility and analysis of sale-related information. With its advanced data representation capabilities, this module provides users with an elevated level of insight and analysis compared to the base module. Sale | Quotation | Order | Sale Line Views | Management | Analysis | Sale-related information | Quotation line data | Enriched view | Advanced features | Functionalities | Base module | Navigation | Insights

Sale Line Views

odoo app manage Sale Lock/Unlock Reason, Sale lock Reason, Sale unlock reason,lock/unlock reason, lock reason history, unlock reason history, Sale Lock reason history, Sale unLock reason history

Sale Lock/Unlock Reason
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Manufacturing status in sales order manufacturing status in SO MRP status in sales order production status on sales order manufacturing order status in sales order view MO status in SO MO status in sales order.

Sale MRP Status
Edge Technologies

Add Multiple Attachments in sale order line and also can preview that attachments.

Sale Many2many Attachment Preview
Jupical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

This module use for see margin in Sales Orders and Invoices

Sale Margin

sale margin pdf excel report, sale profit report, margin by sales team, sale margin product wise, Sales margin Product category wise, Sale Profit by Sales team, Sales margin by sales person, date wise sales margin, sales margin warehouse

Sale Margin Report (PDF/XLS)
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Confirm Sale Quotations, Mass Confirm Quotations, Bulk Confirm Sales Orders, Multiple Quotations Confirmation, Confirm Multiple Sale Quotations, Mass Sales Orders Confirmation, Quick Quotations Confirmation, Automated Quotations Confirmation, Sale Orders Mass Approval, Time-Saving Quotations Confirmation, Sales Orders Bulk Action, Efficient Sales Quotations Approval, Quotations Confirmation Automation, Multi-Quotations Approval, User-Friendly Quotations Confirmation, Multiple Quotations Confirm

Sale Mass Confirm
Leap4Logic Solutions Private Limited

Bulk Duplicate Sale Orders, Duplicate Multiple Sale Quotations, Create Clones Of Selected Sale Orders, Duplicate Records, Mass Duplicate Sale Quotations, Replicate Sale Orders In Bulk, Duplicate Selected Quotations, Clone Multiple Sale Quotations, Sale Duplicate Record Generator, Copy Selected Sale Orders, Sale Order Duplication Module, Mass Create Duplicate Quotations, Multi-Quotation Cloning, Duplicate Order Creation, Quick Quotation Cloning, User-Friendly Duplicate Record Generation, Sale Order Duplication Automation

Sale Mass Duplicate
Leap4Logic Solutions Private Limited

Sale Max Discount Pricelist

Sale Max Discount Pricelist
Candidroot Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Add multiple Sale Shipping addresses to one customer/company

Sale Multi Addresses Pickings

Based on define approval rules, sale order dynamic approvals are created and You can also define sequence of user to approve from that approvals list

Sale Multi Approval

Sales Multiple Locations Quote Multiple Branches Multiple Stores Multiple Chain Multiple Branch Management Multi Branch Multiple Unit multiple Operating unit branch Sales Order branch Report Quotation Order Branch Management CRM Multiple Branch Lead Multiple Branch Opportunity Multiple Branch Odoo

Sale Multi Branch | CRM Multi Branch | Sale CRM Multi Branch | Quotation Multi Branch | Sale Order Multiple Branch | Quotation Multiple Branch
Softhealer Technologies