This module is used to manage multi-company mail templates and send different emails from different companies across all the models in odoo.

Mail Template Multi Company
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This module is used to Mass Update Product's for Accounting Data like Income, Expense Accounts and Sale/Purchase Taxes.| Mass Update Product | Update Product Taxes | Update Product Accounts | Update Products

Mass Update Product For Taxes and Accounts
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Add bulk product to order quickly by xls, csv and text. | Sale Order | Quick Add | Add Product | Quick Order | Quick Add Product

Multi Product Quick Import(Sales)
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Product Code/Name Generator module allows user to add various code as well as name in Product Internal Reference and product name respectively.| Generate | Product | Default | code| Attribute | value | Category |

Product Code/Name Generator
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

The Product Details on Sales Order module is an importable module which can easily be imported into server, user can view the product name, product quantity, and product unit | Product Details On Sale Order | Sale Order Product Details | Product Details On Sale | Product Details On Sale Order | Product Details On Sale | Sale Order Product Details

Product Details on Sales Order
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This module allows users to create lists of products as templates & use them in Sales in Odoo. Product |list |Product Lists | Template.

Product Lists Template for Sales
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Import multiple images of products through the internal refrence. | Image Import | Mulit Image Import | Product Image Import | Extra Product Media | E-commerce Multiple Images

Product Multi Image Import
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This module is allow to create and order Subscription manually in odoo product subscription | subscription intervals | product subs | Subscription | Product Subscription | product subscription management | subscription lines

Product Subscription Management
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This Module is used to calculate the price of product as per selected category and add surcharge to the existing cost of product.| Product Surcharge | Price Of Product Based on Selected Category | Surcharge Existing Cost | Automatic Surcharge on Sales | Add Charges on Pricelists | Advanced Price | Customize PriceList | Public Price List | Default PriceList | Sales |

Product Surcharge
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This module is a very useful Odoo addon that allows to Add Multiple Image of Different product Variant in eCommerce. With this module, we can add their Video URLs and multi images of different variants of any Product. In standard odoo, we do not have an option to add multiple images of product variants but our module allows us to add different images of variants. product variant multi image multi image product Product Variant Multi Image| Multi Image Product VARIANT PRODUCT

Product variant Multi Image
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

The Quotation / Sale Order Revisions module is an importable module which can easily be imported into server, It is used to create revisions of quotations or sale order in sales, user can create new revisions, can access revision history and manage all the revisions from any revisions created. | Sale Revision | Quotation Revision | Sale Importable | Sale Import

Quotation / Sale Revision
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Approve Sale order in a flow of action of various stakeholder on the basis of their roles.

Sale Approval Rules
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Using this module user can create multiple delivery orders for single sale order based on delivery address in sale order line. | Multiple Delivery Order | Delivery Address Wise Delivery Order | Multi Delivery Order | Sale Order Multi Delivery Order | Separate Delivery Order | Different Delivery Address | Delivery Address

Sale Delivery by Address
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This module allows user to create multiple delivery orders for single sale order based on scheduled date on all the products so that different products has different scheduled date of delivery for single sale order. Schedule Dates Sale Delivery 2 Step 3 Step MTO Multi Delivery Delivery Order Scheduling The Delivery Make To Order Multiple Delivery Orders

Sale Delivery by Schedule Dates
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

create a sales estimate and send email.And it also allows you to create sales quotations directly from sales estimates. | Sale | Estimate | Sale Estimate | Sales | Quotations | Sale Estimate Quotations | Send Quotation | Eastimate | Send

Sale Estimate
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This module fetch the Geolocation of the user when it creates. Geolocation On Create | Location | Sale Order Location | Sale Order Geolocation

Sale Geolocation
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Added the views of Quotation Line and Order Line to show the Sale Order Lines details in easy way. This module is importable. You have to just import this module and module is ready to use.

Sale Line Views
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Customers can get rewards option with Discount, Voucher, and Gift, by Loyalty Program Rules then the customer can spend those points to get rewards on purchasing. | Sale Loyalty Points | Loyalty Point | Sale Loyalty | Loyalty Point Reward | Loyalty Points | Loyalty Points And Rewards | Gift Rewards | Sale Loyalty Points | Customer Loyalty Points

Sale Loyalty
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

As its name suggest this module shows history of past orders by a particular customer in the order window

Sale Order History
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Using this module user can create multiple delivery orders for single sale order based on product in sale order line. multiple delivery order | product wise delivery order | multi delivery order | sale order multi delivery order | separate delivery order

Sale Order Product Wise Delivery Order
Kanak Infosystems LLP.