Generate Customer Sales Order History, Last Sales Order History Module, SO Reorder Product Lines, Client Quotation History, Find History From SO App, Get Last Sale Order History Application, Search Customer Last Quote History Odoo

Customer Sales Order History
Softhealer Technologies

Event Registration Barcode Generator, Event Badge Barcode Generator, Maintain Attendees Ticket Barcode Module, Generate Attendee Event Barcode, Manage Event Ticket Barcode, Generate Attendees event Barcode App Odoo

Event Registration Barcode Generator
Softhealer Technologies

This module allow you to select lot from sale order line. On confirm of sale order it will automatically assign lot to delivery order. Sale Order Lot Selection Odoo, Sale Order Line Lot Selection Odoo. Select Lot From Sale Order Line Module, Choose Lot From Sale Order, Automatic Lot Assign To Delivery, Select Lot From Quotation Line Odoo. Choose Sale Order Line Lot Module, Select Sale Order Lot App, Automatic Lot Assign To Delivery, Select Quotation Line Lot Odoo. Sale Order Lot Selection 销售订单批次选择 Sélection du lot de commande Sale Order Lot Auswahl Selezione lotto ordine di vendita Selección de lote de orden de venta Seleção de lote de ordem de venda

Sale Order Lot Selection
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Order Weight Module, Sales Order Total Order Weight, Sale Order Calculate Weight, Quotation Weight Count App, Product Weight In Sale Order, Sales Product Weight Odoo

Sale Order Product Weight Information
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to show history of sale price for product, you can also track history of sale price of product for different customers. Easy to find rates you given to that customer in past for that product. Product Sale Price History Odoo Show Product Sale Price History Module, Display Product Sales Price History, Product Sales Record, Find Product Customer Past Record Odoo. Show Product Sale Price History Module, Product Sales Record App, Display Product Sale Price History, Find Product Customer Past Record Odoo Product Sale Price History 产品销售价格历史记录 Historique des prix de vente des produits Produktverkaufspreisverlauf Storico dei prezzi di vendita dei prodotti Producto Precio de venta Historial Histórico de Preços de Venda de Produtos

Product Sale Price History
Softhealer Technologies

, Currently, in odoo sale order, internal references appear with description, So This module useful to remove the internal reference from the description. Sale Order Internal Reference Remove From Description Odoo. Remove Internal Reference Number From Description, Remove Product Code From Sale Order Line Description Module, Delete Internal Reference No From SO, Remove Sales Internal Reference No From Description Odoo. Sale Order Remove Internal Reference No App, Remove Sale Order Product Code Module, Delete SO Internal Reference No Description, Remove Sales Internal Reference No From Description Odoo Sale Order Internal Reference Remove from Description 销售订单内部参考从说明中删除 Commande interne Référence interne Supprimer de la description Interne Referenz für Verkaufsauftrag Aus Beschreibung entfernen Ordine di vendita Riferimento interno Rimuovi dalla descrizione Orden de venta Referencia interna Eliminar de la descripción Referência interna da ordem de venda Remover da descrição

Sale Order Internal Reference Remove from Description
Softhealer Technologies

Currently in odoo estimation feature not available. This module allows you to create sales estimation. You can filter and group by estimation with a salesperson, customer & custom dates. Also, you can print the estimation. Manage Sales Estimation Odoo, Analyze Sales Estimation Odoo Create Sale Order Estimation Module, Make Sales Estimation Directly, Generate Estimation From Sale Order, Create Estimation From Quotation, Estimation Management, Estimation Analysis odoo Create Sale Order Estimation Module, Make Sales Estimation App,Estimation From Sale Order,Estimation From Quotation, Estimation Management, Estimation Analysis odoo Gestionar la estimación de ventas Odoo, analizar la estimación de ventas Odoo Crear módulo de estimación de pedido de venta, realizar estimación de ventas directamente, generar estimación a partir de pedido de venta, crear estimación a partir de presupuesto, gestión de estimación, análisis de estimación odoo Crear módulo de estimación de pedido de venta, hacer aplicación de estimación de ventas, estimación a partir de pedido de venta, estimación a partir de presupuesto , Estimación Análisis odoo Sales Estimation 销售估算 Estimation des ventes Umsatzschätzung Stima delle vendite Estimación de ventas Estimativa de vendas

Sales Estimation
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Order Product Filter App, SO Product Search Module,SO Product Find, Quotate Product Find, Quotations Product Select, Manage Sale Order Product, Sale Order Product Find, Sale Order Product Search, Sale Order Product Selection Odoo

Advance Product Search and Selection in sale order
Softhealer Technologies

Sales Report Based On Analysis, Compare Customer By Sales Report Module, Compare Products Based On Selling, Salesperson Wise Payment Report, Sales Report By Customer And Sales Person, Sales Report By Tax, Sale Report By Date And Time Odoo

All In One Sale Reports
Softhealer Technologies

CRM Whatsapp Integration, Send Customer Lead Details Module, Opportunity Information Whatsapp Module, Direct Send Client Whatsapp Lead Data, Manually Send Whatsapp Attachments Odoo

CRM Whatsapp Integrations
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Order Default Note, Sales Default Note, So Default Note, Quotation Default Note, Quote Default Note, Customer Default Note, Invoice Default Note, Sale Order Internal Note, Sales Internal Note, So Internal Note, Internal Note Odoo

Customer Sales Default Note
Softhealer Technologies

Customer Sequence No Module, Client Unique Number App, Partner Sequence Code, Manage Customer Sequence, Partner Sequence No, Client Unique No, Generate Partner Unique Code, Add Sequence On Contacts Odoo

Customer Sequence
Softhealer Technologies

Days Wise Product Sales Report,Day Wise SO Report Module, Generate Products Sales Report By Day, Sale Order Report With Start Date, Quotation Report With Date App Odoo

Days Wise Product Sales Report
Softhealer Technologies

digital signature sale order Module,digital signature sales, sale order Digital Signature, sales Digital Signature,so Digital Signature, quotation Digital Signature,quote Digital Signature Odoo

Digital Signature in Sales
Softhealer Technologies

disable sales stock app, hide sale order stock warning, block so stock module,Sales Stock Warning,Remove Sale Stock Warning, quotation low stock popup odoo

Disable Sale Stock Warning
Softhealer Technologies

Event Barcode Scanner,Maintain Attendees Barcode, Generate Event Attendee Barcode, Reduce Fake Attendance App, Manage Event Ticket Barcode module, Scan Attendees event Barcode, Event Ticket Barcode Scanner, Event Badge Barcode Scanner Odoo

Event Barcode Scanner
Softhealer Technologies

hide sales price app, Disable sales price,disable cost price, show cost price module,remove cost price, remove sales price, hide cost price, show sales price,Hide Product Price odoo

Hide Product Price
Softhealer Technologies

import customer image from csv, customer image from excel app, vendor picture from csv module, vendor pictures from excel, partner pics from excel odoo, partner photos from xls, image from xlsx odoo

Import Customer Image from CSV/Excel file
Softhealer Technologies

Import Customer From CSV Module, Import Customer From Excel App, import Partner From XLS, import customer from XLSX, import supplier from csv Odoo

Import Customers/Suppliers from CSV/Excel file
Softhealer Technologies

Import Lead From CSV Module, Import Lead From Excel Module, import Lead From XLS XLSX , Import Opportunity From CSV , Import Opportunity From Excel App, import Opportunity From XLS XLSX Odoo

Import Lead from CSV/Excel file
Softhealer Technologies