Sales Apps 1378 Apps found. category: Sales × version: 11.0 ×

Not all humans are professional. It does not matter how clever, trusted or trained we are, sooner or later everybody will make a mistake. That's why we make this module. As the name implies, Double Approval is a control that requires two separate people to authorize a transaction. The first person is responsible for creating the request (known as the user), while the second person checks and approves the activity (known as the manager). Double Approval clearly helps protect your business, but it also helps protect your employees from making a mistake from the process. This module will help to set a limit of the sale order amount for the user, If a user makes a sale order beyond the limit, So that sale order automatically sets in the 'To Approve' stage. And then the manager can approve or refuse this sale order from 'Sale Order Approval'. This module can help to track approved or refused orders with approved by, refused by, approved date, refusal date, refusal reason. You can alert for approving via email to the sales team, specific user, or that person who has to approve limit more than a sale order amount. Sale Order Double Approval Odoo, SO Double Approval Odoo Sales Order Double Validation Module, Sale Order Double Permission For Big Amount, SO Payment More Approval, Set Limit In Sale Order Amount, Quotation Double Validation,Quote Double Permission For Big Amount Odoo Sales Order Double Validation Module, So Big Amount Double Permission, SO Payment More Approval App, Quotations Double Validation, Quote Double Approval Odoo. Sale Order Double Approval 销售订单双重批准 Double approbation de l'ordre de vente Verkaufsauftrag Doppelte Genehmigung Approvazione doppia ordine di vendita Orden de venta doble aprobación Aprovação dupla de ordem de venda

Sale Order Double Approval
Softhealer Technologies
Sale Order Excel Report

Sale Order Excel Report and Mail

Sale Order Excel Report and Mail

Send Order expiration reminder to customer

Sale Order Expiration Remainder
iPredict IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Sale Order Extension
Har Technologies

Do you want to send a free product sample to your clients to try new products? This module used to define free products in the sale order, quotation & invoice. Free sample products help you to improve product selling. We provide configuration for free product tax on-off. You can provide a free product using a tickbox in a single click. Cheers! Sale Order Free Product Odoo. So Sample Product Odoo Sales order Sample Product, Quotation Free Sample Product Module, SO Free Product, Manage Free Sample Product, Sales Free Sample Product Request, Sale Order Product Management, Quote Free Product Odoo Sales order Sample Product App, Quotation Free Product Module, SO Free Product, Manage Free Sample Product, Sales Free Product Request, Sale Order Product Management, Quote Free Product, SO Sample Product Odoo

Sale Order Free/Sample Product
Softhealer Technologies

Create Purchase orders for the selected sale orders

Sale Order Fulfillment
Almighty Consulting Services

Allow see complete list of orders placed by any particalar customer on sale order

Sale Order History By Customer
Anvy ERP

Sale Order Invoice Detail

Sale Order Invoice Detail

Are you facing issue to check invoices amounts of sale order? How much amount paid? How much amount remaining? So here is the solution, This module help you to find total amount invoiced, due amount, paid amount, % of total paid Sales Order Payment Details Odoo Find Total Paid Amount In Sales, Count Due Amount In SO Module, Track Billed Amount In Sale Order, Get Total Paid Amount In Percentage Odoo. Count Sale Order Paid Amount App, Count SO Due Amount Module, Track Billed Amount Application,Total Paid Amount In Percentage Odoo. Sale Order Invoiced Details 销售订单发票明细 Commande facturée Détails Rechnungsdetails für Verkaufsaufträge Dettagli fatturati ordine di vendita Detalles de la orden de venta facturada Detalhes faturados da ordem de venda

Sale Order Invoiced Details
Softhealer Technologies
Sale Order Line Add Product EAN13
Sale Order Line Date
OdooMRP team , AvanzOSC ,

sale order line seprate menu.

Sale Order Line Menu
Craftsync Technologies

Sale Order Line Notes.

Sale Order Line Notes
Geminate Consultancy Services
Sale Order Line Seperate Product Code

Default Order lines on Sale Order creation based on templates.

Sale Order Line Templates
Red Lab

View for sale order line views sale order lines view sale order line kanban view for all sale line view so line view sale line view sale line graph view sale line chart view sale line pie chart view sale order line bar chart view sales order line view

Sale Order Line View
Edge Technologies

List all sale order lines in sale order line menu

Sale Order Line View

This module useful to show sale order/quotation lines products and other information related to it using the filter & group by option. Sale Order Line Views Odoo Show Sales Lines, Display Sale Order Lines Module, Add Filter In Quotation Lines, Group By SO Lines, Show Quotation Lines, Display Sale Order Lines Odoo Show Sales Lines, Display Sale Order Lines Module, Add Filter In Quotation Lines, Group By SO Lines, Show Quotation Lines, Display Sale Order Lines Odoo Sale Order Line Views 销售订单行视图 Vues de la ligne de commande client Sale Order Line Views Visualizzazioni riga ordine di vendita Vistas de línea de orden de venta Visualizações de linha de ordem de venda

Sale Order Line Views
Softhealer Technologies

Add Multiple Products in sale order line

Sale Order Line add Multiple Products
iPredict IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.