Sales Apps 4914 Apps found. category: Sales ×

Show total amounts in sale order & company currency

Amount in sale order & company currency

Analytic Account in CRM (Lead/Activity/Pipline), Add Analytic Account in Lead, Add Analytic Account in Activity, Add Analytic Account in Pipline, Add Analytic Account in Opportunity, Set Analytic Account in Lead, Set Analytic Account in Activity, Set Analytic Account in Pipline, Set Analytic Account in Opportunity, Analytic Account in Lead, Analytic Account in Activity, Analytic Account in Pipline, Analytic Account in Opportunity, CRM, Lead, Opportunity, Pipeline, Activity, Analytic, Analytic Account, groupby Analytic, group by analytic, filter Ananlytic, filterby analytic account, CRM to Quotation, Pass Analytic account to Quotation, Add Analytic account to CRM and pass to quotation, Add Analytic account to Lead and pass to quotation, Add Analytic account to Opportunity and pass to quotation, Add Analytic account to Pipeline and pass to quotation, Add Analytic account to Activity and pass to quotation Set Analytic account to CRM and pass to quotation, Set Analytic account to Lead and pass to quotation, Set Analytic account to Opportunity and pass to quotation, Set Analytic account to Pipeline and pass to quotation, Set Analytic account to Activity and pass to quotation, Pass Analytic account from CRM to quotation, Pass Analytic account from Lead to quotation, Pass Analytic account from Opportunity to quotation, Pass Analytic account from Pipeline to quotation, Pass Analytic account from Activity to quotation

Analytic Account in CRM (Lead/Activity/Pipline)
OMAX Informatics

Analytic Tags

Analytic Tags On Sales
Ascetic Business Solution
Analytic distribution on products

Sales Report By States

Analyze your sales based on different customer states
Jupical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Animal / Bird Veterinary Management System

Animal / Bird Veterinary Management System
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.

AML Odoo Module BENEFITS Prevent money laundering and terrorist financing (AML) in your company with instant notifications on offers for clients at risk. BENEFITS · Ensure AML compliance without adding too much friction for your customers and operational burden for your employees · Instantly know whether the names of your customers or business partners appear on the EU Consolidated Sanctions List · Have real-time information with sanctions screening updated daily with the latest Consolidated List. Sanctions designations are added and withdrawn from the Consolidated List on a regular basis. · Cut down on resources devoted to compliance, as well as lowering the chance of reputational damage and fines incurred through non-compliance. · Have the tools and insights to identify and act against threats faster and more accurately. · Reduce manual efforts, strengthen controls, and heighten compliance, resulting in higher productivity and reduced costs. FUNCTIONALITIES · Integration between Odoo and EU Consolidated Sanctions List with daily update · Get instant notification when creating an offer for a client from a country with restrictive measures · Dedicated section with AML EU Measure available on Odoo Contacts for every company and contact in Odoo YOU CAN AVOID: Reputational damage: Getting caught not being AML compliant will hurt your reputation in the eyes of investors, business partners, employees and stakeholders – even your public image. Becoming instrumental in money laundering: You must also consider the legal and operational consequences of allowing criminals to use your product or service – which means you are helping money laundering. Hefty compliance fines: AML fines are designed to be prohibitive for financial institutions, which is why AML costs are often measured in hundreds of thousands of euro.

Anti Money Laundering EU

Precious Metal Price

Apmex Precious Metal Price
Duong Nguyen (

This app allows your admin to print app/module details in pdf format as shown in below screenshots.

App Details Print PDF Report
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.

Import/Export Sale Order Lines

App Import/Export Sale Order Lines

Product color swatch. Use for quick select color. can be use in product attribute and other color variant. color widget. color picker.

App Product Attribute Color

Auto Internal Reference.

App Product Internal Type,Auto Sequence, Auto Code(Variants Supported)

Auto Internal Reference.

App Product Internal Type,Auto Sequence, Auto Code(Variants Supported), Auto Attributes

Auto set Product weight if the UoM is in Weight Category. Show Weight in Product List, Kanban Views. Can be use in sale, purchase, stock

App Product Weight Auto Set

Regular SO line sequence to invoices and stock picking. sale order line number. Displays and print the sequence of Sale order line and helps to maintain the order.

App Sale Order Line Sequence, Line Number

Module to approve sales with zero amount

Approve Sale Order Zero Amount
ACH Alchemical Code

odoo app allow Helpdesk Archive,Helpdesk ticket archiving in Odoo, Helpdesk Archive/unarchive, archive tickets , archive done tickets helpdesk, archive helpdesk management,archived tickets in Odoo

Archive Helpdesk Ticket, Helpdesk Archive/unarchive
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app to archive on sale orders, sale order archive , sale order unarchive, sale qutation archive, sale qutation unarchive, mark archive on sale order, update archive on sale qutation

Archive/Unarchive on Sale Order, Archive/Unarchive Quotation
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

This application automatically creates logs for the archiving or unarchiving of records pertaining to any entity/model within the Odoo platform.

Archived Records with Archived Log History
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.
Area Activity Report