Sales Apps 1378 Apps found. category: Sales × version: 11.0 ×

Salesperson can see and manage the customer by using this module

Salesperson permission for Own Customer in Odoo

reference number quotation, scan barcode so module, scan reference no sales order, scan barcode sale order app, scan barcode quote odoo

Sales Barcode Scanner
Softhealer Technologies

odoo app allow to add Serial/lot number on Sale order line and pass serial/lot number to Invoice, serial number in sale, lot number in sale, sale order line lot number, sale order serial number, sale invoice serial, invoice serial , sale serial warehouse, sale serial delivery, sale lot number delivery, sale serial stock moves

Serial/Lot Number In Sale to Invoice
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Generate Customer Sales Order History, Last Sales Order History Module, SO Reorder Product Lines, Client Quotation History, Find History From SO App, Get Last Sale Order History Application, Search Customer Last Quote History Odoo

Customer Sales Order History
Softhealer Technologies

Event Registration Barcode Generator, Event Badge Barcode Generator, Maintain Attendees Ticket Barcode Module, Generate Attendee Event Barcode, Manage Event Ticket Barcode, Generate Attendees event Barcode App Odoo

Event Registration Barcode Generator
Softhealer Technologies

This module is allow to set discount limit on product and product category | Sale Discount limit | Invoice Discount Limit | Invoice Discount limit on product category | Product Category discount limit | Maximum Discount

Product Discount Limit
Preway IT Solutions

sale product by location sales product by location product sale by location selection on sale line location product deliver location sale order product deliver location on sale order location wise delivery order

Product Sales by Location
Equick ERP

odoo app will alert & restrict sale order confirm if product out of stock in sale order line

Restrict out-of Stock Sale Orders
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

This module is help you to restrict to add duplidate product in sale orderline, restrict to add duplicate product in purchase orderline, restrict to add duplicate product in invoice line

Restrict to Add Duplicate Product in SO,PO and Invoice Line
Preway IT Solutions

Define a specific source location on each Sale Order Line

Sale Product By Location
Odoo IT now

Remove Customer As follower in Sale Remove Customer As follower in Purchase Remove Customer As follower in Customer Invoice/Vendor Bill Assign/Unassign Followers Unassign/Assign Followers Disable/Hide Followers Hide/Disable Followers Stop Auto Followers Disable Partner as Follower Disable Adding Partner as Follower Restrict follower Assign and Unassign Followers

Remove Customer As Follower || Disable Customer from Follower || Disable Follower || Remove Follower
OMAX Informatics

This module allow you to select lot from sale order line. On confirm of sale order it will automatically assign lot to delivery order. Sale Order Lot Selection Odoo, Sale Order Line Lot Selection Odoo. Select Lot From Sale Order Line Module, Choose Lot From Sale Order, Automatic Lot Assign To Delivery, Select Lot From Quotation Line Odoo. Choose Sale Order Line Lot Module, Select Sale Order Lot App, Automatic Lot Assign To Delivery, Select Quotation Line Lot Odoo. Sale Order Lot Selection 销售订单批次选择 Sélection du lot de commande Sale Order Lot Auswahl Selezione lotto ordine di vendita Selección de lote de orden de venta Seleção de lote de ordem de venda

Sale Order Lot Selection
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Order Delivery Module, Filter Sale Order Invoice,SO Partial Delivery App, Find Full Paid Amount In SO Application, Partial SO Paid Amount Status Odoo

Sale Order Status
Softhealer Technologies

Restrict price change on orders

Sale Price Change Restriction
Aktiv Software
5 830

Point of sales order sequence point of sales personalized sequence pos sequence pos custom sequence pos personalized sequence on pos sequence point of sales custom sequence on pos own sequence pos user sequence.

POS Order Sequence | POS Personalized Sequence of Order
Edge Technologies

Export products images in excel export product in excel export images in excel product image export products images in xls export product in xls export images in xls product image export product data in excel product export with image export product images

Export Products with Images in Excel
Edge Technologies

Sale reserve stock sale stock reserve sales stock email notification on stock reservation stock reservation email cancel stock reservation product reservation in sale order product inventory reservation auto stock reservation sales stock booking on sales

Odoo Sales Stock Reservation
Edge Technologies

This module allows user to sign sale order.

Sale Order Signature
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Customer Payment Report, Customer Invoice Payment Report, Invoice Payment Report, Payment Report, Payment Receipt, Invoice Payment Receipt, Customer Payment Receipt, Customer Invoice Payment Receipt, Invoices Payment Receipt, Invoices Payment Report,

Customer Payment Report | Customer Payment Receipt
OMAX Informatics

Plugin will help to export multiple contacts image in zip file or send to selected partners, export contact image, export customer image, export vendor image, supplier image, customer image zip, image zip, export image, send image, customer image, contact image

Export Contact Image Zip
OM Apps