Sale Combo module allows to sale the multiple number of product with their best combination. User can add Required or Optional Product alongwith main product and user can also set the limit of Optional Products.

Sale Combo
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Mail Template Multi Website it will send the mail from selected website true in mail template you can send mail from different website.

Mail Template Multi Website
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

By using this module user can set product packaging price and quantity

Product Pricelist Packaging
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Using this module user can receive directly payment from sale order. | sale order | Advance payment | sale payment

Receive Sale Payment
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

| Export Sale Order | Export Single Order | Export RFQ | Export from Website | Export From Portal | Export Feature from website | Export SO | Export xls | Sale Order Between Dates | Export Individual SO | Export Individual RFQs | Export List | Export Sale List | Export Order List | Export Excel | Export Between Dates |

Export Sale Order Portal
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This module helps user to merge the duplicate lines.User can merge the duplicate lines by clicking on Merge Duplicate Lines button

Merge Duplicate Line
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Portal Sale Orders/Quotations filter & search bar Using this module, User can filter And Search Sale Orders/Quotations in portal. | Sale Order Filter | Sale Quotation Filter | Sale Order Searchbar | Sale Quotation Searchbar | Order Filter | Quotation Filter |sale order Filter Search-bar | Order Search-bar | sale filter |.

Portal Sale Orders/Quotations filter & search bar
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

You can see Invoiced Details In Sale. | sales order | invoice for sale | sale order vs invoice | sale invoice template | Invoice details on sale order | Invoice Details in sale | Sale Invoice | odoo pos invoice details | invoice details | Payment Details of Sale Order | payment details on Sale Order | sale order details |

Invoice Payment Details on Sales order
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Sale Quotation Multi Confirmation module is used to confirm multiple sale orders at the same time. Users can confirm multiple orders in the tree view.

Sale Quotation Multi Confirmation
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Default Terms & Conditions (Sale) module is used to set Default Terms & Conditions on your Sale Orders and Sale Order report. In this module, the user can write and enable default terms & conditions in settings. After that when the user creates a quotation and Sale order, terms & conditions are automatically shown in the sale order as well as in the Sale order Report.

Default Terms & Conditions (Sale)
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Product App.This module provide seperate menu in main of product.Product Menu|Product|Main Menu Product|Menu Product.

Product App
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This module is allow to add multiple product in purchase order line or import order line from xls file | add multiple products | add mass products | import xlsx for sale line | xlsx import

Add/import Mass/multiple product in order line
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This is the base module of Sale, Purchase, Inventory, Picking Barcode Scan.| Barcode Scan | Generic Barcode Scan | Sale Barcode Scan | Purchase Barcode Scan |

Generic Barcode Scan Kanak
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This Odoo addon is used to import Zip file of Product images in bulk by using their Product internal reference number from the backend in odoo. | Import Product Image | Import product Photo | Import image using product internal reference | import product image by product SKU | Product Image SKU

Product Image Import
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

It allows to add products in sale order through the barcode scanning. Add Product | Barcode | Product | barcode scan | add product by Barcode | multi product by barcode| scan Product

Sale Barcode Scan
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This module is used to show Product variant sizing in matrix for view in sale order specially for * Textile industry, * Shoe industry, etc... | sale | matrix |size |product | Size | Product | Matrix | Sale | Sale Product | Size Matrix | Size Product |sale product | size matrix.

Sale Product Size Matrix
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Using this module you can add multiple product on sale order. | Sale Cart | Add Product on sale | Product Cart | Sale Order | add product on sale | sale cart | quick add product | Product add widget | Add Sale Order Line In Batch | Mass Product | Mass add product | product widget

Add Multiple Product From Sale Order
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This module will help us to add alternative product variant if the demanded quantity is not available.

Alternative Product Variant
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This module will automatically add an attribute description to the products description in the sale order line.

Attribute value display string
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Using this module user can add sales order in invoice and invoice line should be created based on sale order delivery quantity. |auto complete sale order in invoice | auto invoice line from sale order | add sale order reference in Invoice | sale order mapping in invoice | import sale order in invoice | add product in invoice from related sale order

Auto Complete Sale Order in Invoice
Kanak Infosystems LLP.