Default Make Barcode Module,New Product Barcode Generate App,Existing Product Barcode Generate Application, Existing Multi Product Barcode Create, Custom Product Barcode Generator Odoo.

Product Barcode Generator
Softhealer Technologies

Currently in odoo you can add only one discount on price, If you want to add another discount on discounted price? Don't worry here we build a module that can help to add multiple discount on price.With this module you can pass a Sales/Invoice with various discounts like Scheme Discount, Cash discount, Special Discount for any item, also you can print multiple discount in pdf report. All In One Multi Discount – Sale, Accounting, Purchase Odoo. Multiple Discount In Price Module, All In One Discount In Sales, Multi Discount in Accounting On Price Odoo, All In One Discount In Purchase Order Odoo. Multi Discount Module, All In One Discount App Odoo.

All in One Multi Discount - Sale, Accounting, Purchase
Softhealer Technologies

Import Sale Order Lines From CSV Odoo, Import Sale Order Lines From excel Odoo Import Quotation Lines From CSV Module, Import Quotation Lines From Excel, Import Sale Order Lines From CSV, Import Sale Order Lines From Excel, Import SO Lines From CSV, Import SO Lines From XLS XLSX Odoo. Import Quotation Lines From CSV Module, Import Quotation Lines From Excel App, Import SO Lines From CSV, import SO Lines From XLS XLSX Odoo Importar líneas de orden de venta de CSV Odoo, Importar líneas de orden de venta de Excel Odoo

Import Sale Order Lines from CSV/Excel file
Softhealer Technologies

Currently in odoo all customers are visible to salesperson, For this our module will help to show only specific customers to salesperson.

Salesperson Own Customers
Softhealer Technologies

new quote notification module, sale order email notification, automatic send so app odoo, new quotation email notify, new sale order mail notify odoo

New Sale Order Email Notification
Softhealer Technologies

Present days in market there is many competitors so there is less margin in profit and this profit calculation is little hard for larg number of products, so don't worry our this module will help to calculate profit and profitabilty for each product. This module provide a pivot view for profitability report. Where you can see the delivery quantity, return qutity, return rate, sales value, cost, profit, profitability, Tax amount, tax percentage, discount, discout amount, margin. Sales Product Profitability Analysis Report Odoo Show Sales Taxes Information Module, Display Total Sales Order Tax Amount, Price With Tax In Product Sale, Provide Product Price Without Tax , Display Sale Product Tax Percentage, Show Total Percentage With Goods Tax, Show Delivery Quantity In Product, Display Product Return Rate, Generate Product Cost Profit, Provide Sales Profitability In Product, Show Return Product Quantity Odoo. Sales Taxes Information Module, Total Sales Order Tax Amount, Price With Tax In Product Sale, Product Price Without Tax App , Product Tax Percentage, Total Percentage With Goods Tax, Show Product Delivery Quantity, Product Sales Return Rate, Product Cost Profit, Product Sales Profitability, Return Product Quantity Odoo.

Sales Product Profitability Analysis Report
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Order Delivery Module, Filter Sale Order Invoice,SO Partial Delivery App, Find Full Paid Amount In SO Application, Partial SO Paid Amount Status Odoo

Sale Order Status
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to show sale order lines products and other information related to it.

Sale Order To Task
Softhealer Technologies

A credit limit is the maximum amount of credit offered to a customer. You can set a credit limit for every customer using this module. For example, a manager grants a credit limit of $5,000 to a customer. The credit limit is used to limit the amount of loss that order will on hold if a customer does not pay. you can also notify the customer by email when a customer crosses his credit limit. And that order status will automatically set 'On hold'. This module also provides a different way to notify the customer by email.

Sales Credit Limit
Softhealer Technologies

Sales Advance Payment App, Quotation Register Payment, Sale Order Quick Payment Module, Multiple Payment Single Invoice, Multiple So Multi Payment Single Invoice, Mange Quote Advance Payment, Make Sales Advance Payment Odoo.

Register Payment From Sale
Softhealer Technologies

Do your time wasting in sales operations by manual product selection ? So here is the solutions this modules useful do quick operations of sales using barcode scanner. You no need to select product and do one by one. scan it and you done!

Sales Barcode Scanner
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to give customer sales history from last sales orders, easily reorder product lines from previous sale order. Generate Customer Sales Order History Odoo Give History Of Last Sales Order Module, Reorder Product Lines From Sales Order, Client Quotation History, Find History From SO, Get History Of Last Sale Order, Search Customer Last Quote History Odoo. Last Sales Order History Module, SO Reorder Product Lines, Client Quotation History, Find History From SO App, Get Last Sale Order History Application, Search Customer Last Quote History Odoo.

Customer Sales Order History
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to show history of sale price for product, you can also track history of sale price of product for different customers. Easy to find rates you given to that customer in past for that product. Features: Easy to specify no of items you want to keep as previous history. Easy to filter records by status of sale order (confirmed, done or both). Useful to get sales price given in past for that product with customer, sales person, qty, etc important details.

Product Sale Price History
Softhealer Technologies

Do you having lots of products and variants? Feeling difficulty to filter/search and choose specific products in sale orders? So here we come with solution, Our module will help you to filter products with fully customized your favourite products fields and variant attributes. Our module will save your time and efforts for selection of products on basis of different criterias. We have provided configuration of products fields and attributes. You can easily customized it as you required. After configurations of your favourites fields and attributes you will be able to add products on basis of that customized fields and attributes criterias or patterns. Cheers!

Advance Product Search and Selection in sale order
Softhealer Technologies

All in one sales report desc.

All In One Sale Reports
Softhealer Technologies

Customer Sequence No Module, Client Unique Number App, Partner Sequence Code, Manage Customer Sequence, Partner Sequence No, Client Unique No, Generate Partner Unique Code, Add Sequence On Contacts Odoo

Customer Sequence
Softhealer Technologies

This module is useful to generate sales report of products days wise. Very useful to analyse sales of products by days. Daily Product Sales Report. Daily Sales Report Product Sales Product day wise sales Days Wise Product Sales Report Odoo Generate Sales Report Of products By Day Wise, Analysis Of Sales Report By Day Module, Provide So Report By Start End Date Odoo. Day Wise Sales Report Module, Generate Products Sales Report By Day, Sales Report With Start Date, Generate Sales Report With End Date App Odoo.

Days Wise Product Sales Report
Softhealer Technologies

digital signature sale order Module,digital signature sales, sale order Digital Signature, sales Digital Signature,so Digital Signature, quotation Digital Signature,quote Digital Signature Odoo

Digital Signature in Sales
Softhealer Technologies

In Sale Order Line when we create a sale order and choose a product and if we order qty more than available quantity so it will give warning message pop up, which indicates available quantity is less than order quantity for that product. Here that Pop Up is blocked so it will not warn you. And available qty is displayed in the sale order line product-wise.

Disable Sale Stock Warning
Softhealer Technologies
Hide Product Price
Softhealer Technologies