The tool to restrict rights to create, edit, and delete products. Limited product access. Limited products access. Restrict product access. Product restriction on users. Product Restrictions. Product security for restricted internal users. Disallow product creation. Product restriction for create/update/delete. Odoo product access control restrict. Product permissions. Forbid product update and deletion. Block users to create and update product details. Product editing permissions. Product security restrictions

Limited Access for Products

This odoo app helps businesses to restrict access to specific products, or product categories for particular users by assigning products or product categories to specific users and limit access to sensitive products and prevent unauthorized sales.

Product Restriction on Users

Restrict User on Product Product User Access Restriction Product Restriction On Users Product Access Control User Restriction for Products Access Restriction Module Product Permissions Management Product Access Control module Access Restriction Module for Products User restriction User Access Management Data Security Compliance Category Restriction Module Product Security Management Restrict user on product User restric for product Restrict Product User wise product restriction user wise products Restriction on products hide products disable products access product access product user wise access product access control limited access user restriction on product Odoo

Product User Access Restriction
Softhealer Technologies