Non Moving Stock Report This application allows you to generate non moving stock report for taking two dates as an input from the user. Get non moving stock per warehouse for each product based on its sales and stock transaction.
Base module for multiple procurement group by Sale order
The ABC analysis (or Selective Inventory Control) is an Inventory Categorization Technique.
This application allows you generate report in multiple Packaging comparison with the conversion ration. If we have product with multiple package like box, pouch, drum etc.
Stock in multiple UOM This application allows you generate report in multiple UOM comparison with the conversion ration. If we have product purchase in Kilograms and sale in Grams we can print report with the all conversion ration of UOM
Product low stock alert module provide feature to send the email notification for low stock products in .xlsx format report with onhand quantity and minimum stock limit details.
Return merchandise authorization RMA Return goods Exchange goods Credit notes Replace item Goods Return Refund, Exchange, Payback