Merchants occasionally have products and services where prices should be hidden for many reasons. These items might free, out of stock or their prices change frequently and need to be verified by phone, email and etc. The product prices will become a consensus between merchants and their customer. Call For Price is a tool with flexible option, you can effectively manage all the product price status by decide which are display, which must be contact to know price. Product that enable call for price will be hide the price and “Add to cart” button, then add a button “Request for quote”. Customer click the button to send price request to merchant.

Request for quotation
Softhealer Technologies

Are you running the store with a large catalog of products? Wanna bring store usability to a new high level? This module is useful to show the category page for the shop. It provides easy catalog images to make the display of categories list more presentable. Grab user's attention on your store page, providing them with the immediate loadable categories listing. The default odoo category bar in the shop doesn't provide a user-friendly way to browse catalogs. Our extension allows you to use better navigation displaying all categories list on the category page. Our module is also useful to show the category name heading on the category page. Easy for customer to navigate different category. Shop Category page, Category page, E-commerce Category page, Odoo Category Page, Website Category page, Shop Catalog page, Catalog page, E-commerce Catalog page, Odoo Catalog Page, Website Catalog page

Website Category Page
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to hide product price in shop. Only logged user can see product price.

Product Price Hide in Shop
Softhealer Technologies

Currently, in odoo, you need to add related products manually in each of the products. So Auto-related products will provide facilities to show Related products automatically for a product. So no need to add the related or upsell product separately to show related Products. There are two options are given now to manage this feature, 1) By Category Wise 2) Global, If By Category Than It will show randomly related products of the current category. If Global than it will show random products from all categories. Max no product you can input as you want. Auto Related Products Odoo Set Auto Related Product Odoo, Set Default Related Products Module, Provide Automatic Related Products, Provide Related Products Odoo. Auto Related Products Module, Default Related Products App, Automatic Products Odoo.

Auto Related Products
Softhealer Technologies

Merchants occasionally have products and services where prices should be hidden for many reasons. These items might free, out of stock or their prices change frequently and need to be verified by phone, email and etc. The product prices will become a consensus between merchants and their customers. Call For Price is a tool with a flexible option, you can effectively manage all the product price status by deciding which are display, which must be contacted to know the price.The product that enables a call for the price will hide the price and “Add to cart” button, then add a button “Call for price”. The customer clicks the button to send price requests to the merchant. Call For Price Odoo Manage Product Price Module, Feature Of Hide Specific Product Price, Send Price Request To Merchant Odoo, Temporary Unavailable Product Price Odoo, Remove Product Price, Invisible Product Price Odoo. Manage Product Price Module, Hide Product Price App, Remove Goods Price Module, Temporary Invisible Product Price Odoo.

Call For Price
Softhealer Technologies

Using this module you can add extra fields in your shop. If you want to add some fields for the product in your shop like external reference, created date, Availability warning, product brochure, etc you can do it easily by using this module. you can add custom fields in the shop in one step. You can also set a binary file field so you can set a product brochure, warranty card, etc of product. This module design is very simple and fluent so the user can easily understand and interact with the product properly. Go to website configuration setting and select field in 'Products Custom Fields - Website Sale' which is you want to add in the shop, apply it and cheers! Product Custom Fields – E Shop Odoo, Product Dynamic Fields – E Shop Odoo Add New Field In Product Form View- E Shop Module, Create Dynamic Field In Products – E Shop, Feature For Add Multiple Fields In Products - E Commerce Odoo. Add Product New Fields – E Shop Module, Make Product Dynamic Fields – E Shop, Create Product New Fields – E Commerce App, Assign Custom Fields Odoo. Edit/Update Product Custom Fields – E Commerce Odoo.

Products Custom Fields - Website Sale
Softhealer Technologies

Set Product For Request For Quotation, Make RFQ For Product Module, Invisible Product Price,Request For Quotation Multi Product Shop Odoo,Hide Product Price App, Set Product RFQ Module,Set Product Request For Quotation,RFQ Multi Product Shop Odoo

Request for quotation-Multiple product Advance
Softhealer Technologies

customer cancel order app, customer cancel order module, cancel order for online shop, client order close, remove customer website order, website cancel order odoo

Website Cancel Order
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to show terms and conditions in website shop.

Website Terms & Conditions
Softhealer Technologies