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Simplifies the POS interface by displaying product templates and showing a variant selection popup when a product with variants is selected

POS Product Variants Popup

User Access to Closing POS, Odoo POS validation,Odoo POS validate, Odoo POS confirmation, Odoo POS access, Odoo POS user, user access, POS User Access, access right,POS Disable Close Session Button by Access rights Disable POS Close Session Button by Access rights Disable Point of sales Close Session Button by Access rights Hide POS Close Session Button by Access rights hide point of sale close session button hide,POS Close Session Allow in POS Interface POS closing, closing POS,POS MANAGER validation,pos close session access, pos session close access restrict user cloasing session, POS session close, pos session access

POS Close Session User Access
Khaled Hassan

EWall's customized Odoo Application for POS Membership Management is a comprehensive solution designed to empower businesses to seamlessly integrate membership programs into their Odoo POS operations. By simplifying enrollment, automating ID assignment, integrating with loyalty programs, and providing real-time reporting and analytics, this module enables businesses to drive customer engagement, loyalty, and retention directly from their POS interface. With EWall's POS Membership Management module, businesses can optimize their membership initiatives, enhance the customer experience, and achieve greater success in today's competitive market landscape.

POS Membership
EWall Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

This module allows users to print gift receipts along with payment receipts from the POS interface.

POS Gift Receipt (Community)
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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