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v 13.0 Third Party 675
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Backend themes might not work with Odoo Enterprise Edition. Please read the description carefully and, in doubt, ask the author before buying.
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 738
Technical Name web_prestige
Versions 12.0 13.0 14.0
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Prestige Backend Theme

The most popular backend theme for Odoo 12.0 Community

Neat and clean design

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Not working, sign in impossile after instrall
on 4/27/20, 5:34 PM

After installation , it is impossible to login to backend. Instead, this message error is shown: Error message: Error to render compiling AST ValueError: Expected singleton: res.users() Template: web.frontend_layout Path: /t/html/body/div/header/nav/div/div/ul/t[2] Node: The error occured while rendering the template web.frontend_layout and evaluating the following expression:

After i install odoo13 had error.
Tanagrid Udomphol
on 3/17/20, 8:38 AM

Error message: Error to render compiling AST ValueError: Expected singleton: res.users() Template: web.frontend_layout Path: /t/html/body/div/header/nav/div/div/ul/t[2] Node: The error occured while rendering the template web.frontend_layout and evaluating the following expression:

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