v 15.0 Third Party 4
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Blogs (website_blog)
Purchase (purchase)
Discuss (mail)
Website (website)
CRM (crm)
Calendar (calendar)
Contacts (contacts)
eCommerce (website_sale)
Invoicing (account)
Sales (sale_management)
Inventory (stock)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 114784
Technical Name sh_ecomate_theme
Versions 16.0 15.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Blogs (website_blog)
Purchase (purchase)
Discuss (mail)
Website (website)
CRM (crm)
Calendar (calendar)
Contacts (contacts)
eCommerce (website_sale)
Invoicing (account)
Sales (sale_management)
Inventory (stock)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 114784
Technical Name sh_ecomate_theme
Versions 16.0 15.0
One Click Install
Fast Loading
Easy Configurable
Dynamic Snippets
Multiple Language
Smooth Animation
Google Rich Snippets
Modern Design
Responsive & Retina Ready
Ready Made Themes

Store Management

With ecomate theme creating an online store happens way easier and quicker than you think – without needing coding and design skills.This distinctive theme can help you to build your own grocery store, food shop, supermarket, vegetables store, dairy products store.

Store Management

This is Ecomate-Furniture, a theme we craft for modern furniture store, interior design, lighting store and much more websites which are providing Carpentry work. This theme provides wide range of furniture, home interior, simple carpentry works and showroom layouts, as well as fully customizable compatibility and one-click setup feature. With this theme craft your furniture store on odoo website.

Hub Management

Ecomate-Fashion we designed for the tranding world. This theme will help to present your concept that perceive polished by us into visual that manifest your intentions clearly. It provides magnificent style that helps you to present your desinged cloths.

Core Setup

Product Image Zoom

Goto website configurationa and set the magnification in order 1,2,3

How it will work.

Wishlist Product Box

Goto website configuration and select wishlist product box style. Here you have 3 different wishlist style.

Style 1

Style 2

Style 3

Recent Sell Popup

Goto website configuration and configure recent sell products and dummy customers,

Add customer name location etc...

Recent sell popup in website

Comparision Product Box

Goto website configuration and select comparision box style.

Style 1

Style 2

Style 3

Product Marketing

Product Social Media Sharing

Goto website setting, Just enable 'Share Product on Social Media'. Here you have lots of style to display social media icons and list of popular social media options, just enable and ready to go.

How it will look on website product details page,

Whatsapp E-Commerce Order

Just goto the website configuration and enable Whatsapp Cart Order, Here you have to define the user who has access to take order on whatsapp.
To config user just click on 'Config Team Member'.

After click on 'Config Team Member' just define member with whatsapp number.

Now website user(customers) will see the list of the members on cart screen. Just click on any users.

After click on users it will redirect to the whatsapp web and customer order placed on selected use's whatsapp. Just like below image.

Website Product Sticker

Goto website config and click on 'Ribbon' menu. This is the ribbon tree view.

Create a new ribbon, just add ribbon name, style, text color and background color. here you can upload custom ribbon png just select style custom and upload ribbon png.

Now goto the product and select ribbon.

How it will looks on website.

Ecommerce Product Tags

In Website product menu you can see 'Product Tags' sub menu. Product Tags tree view.

Create a tag, just enter tag name, select appropriate tag color, select website. And select products list.

Also you can set tag into product master view.

You can filter by using tags in website.

Tags in product detail view.

Product Filter

Dynamic Blog Snippets

Goto website config menu and select daynamic blog filter. This is the tree view of dynamic blog filter.

Create a new filter. Just add filter name define filter type 1. Domain 2. Manually. Select appearance how to show blog in slider or in tab formate. If you select filter type Manuall just select products in the line.

Goto website and edit mode. Here just drag and drop dynamic blog snippet.

After drag and drop you have to select filter in to the style section.

How it will looks on website.

Blog Products & Products Blog List

First define related blogs in to the products.

Define related products into the blogs.

As you can see the related blogs will display into the product detail page.

Enable how to display related products in to the blogs slider or list view.

Related products into the blog view.

Product Price Filter

In product detail view just click on 'customize'. Here you can see 'Product Attributes Filter' section, here you have various option for that just enable and that's it.

After enable filters you can see the list of all fiters which you enabled.

Product Quick View

Just enalble quick view option in website setting.

After enable that you can see the quick view button in product view page.

Quick view.

Product Extra Details

Custom Tabs

In Website configuration menu, you can see the 'Custom Tab' sub menu. This is the tree view of custom tab.

Create a custom tab, just add tab name, sequence number, make sure it will active. And add your description in html field.

Select custom tabs in products.

Just select the tab style from backend website config.

How it will looks.

Product FAQ

FAQ Menu and Tree view.

Create custom FAQ.

Create your question answers.

Now goto products and select FAQs

How it will looks

Product Extra Details

Just enable which extra fields you want to enable for the website

As you can see these 3 fields are visible on product detail page.


Goto website configuration menu and click on 'Megamenu Configuration', this is the tree view of mega menu confing.

Create a mega menu and select appropriate styles and select ecommerce categories which you want to display on the website.

Goto ecommerce categories, just congif megamenu tab, here you can add tag, add images or icons as well.

Now goto the website and click on 'New' option and make one blank page 'Mega Two'

Now goto backend menu config view. Open recent created menu 'Mega Two'. Here you have to check 'Is Megamenu' and click on 'Design Megamenu'.

After click on 'Desing Megamenu', Here just drag and drop 'Megamenu Snippet', and select filter as per requirement.

That's it Megamenu is ready, How it will look Dynamic Megamenu. You can also set static megamenu. Just select static megamenu snippet and design using website tool.

Dynamic Snippet

Category Snippet

Goto website editor. search category snippet, here you have more than 20 different well crafted snippets.

Just drag and drop any one. After that you have to select which categories you want to display and which details you want to display (Number Of Products, Description, etc...)

How it will look.

Category Snippet

Goto website editor. search category snippet, here you have more than 20 different well crafted snippets.

Just drag and drop any one. After that you have to select which categories you want to display and which details you want to display (Number Of Products, Description, etc...)

How it will look.

Ecommerce Product Brand

Product brands menu and tree view.

Create your products brands and assign products. Also you can define brand images.

Also you can set the brand into the product master view.

Now goto configuration and click on product brand filter.

Here create filter for your brand snippet.

Now goto website, and just drag and drop brand snippet.

After drop the snippet, you have to select appropriate filter for the website.

How it will looks.

Bundle Product

Goto the product, Create new product just check the 'Is bundled' and select bundled's products in tab 'Pack/Bundle Products'

After that in 'General Information' tab you can see one button 'Compute Bundle Sales Price'. It will calculate based on the bundled products prices.

How it will looks on website.

Product Enhancement

Product Attachment

Goto product 'Attachment' tab, here just attach your products documents.

Here you have two type for attach attachment 1. URL 2. Files

Attached documents.

Attached documents on website product detail page.

Website Product Question Email

Goto the website configuration, here just select the responsible persons.

Now goto the website and open any products, here just click on 'chat' icon button beside cart button, after that this wizard will popout. Just fill all require details and click to send.

Success message.

Sended Email Template.

Category Page

Goto the websiter configuration, and select appropriate category style for category page.

Category page.

Subcategory page style

Coming Soon

Goto website config setting and enable 'Website Comming soon' here just add titl, release date and background image and style.

How it looks

Data Protection


Goto product 'Attachment' tab, here just attach your products documents.

Here you have two type for attach attachment 1. URL 2. Files

Attached documents.

Attached documents on website product detail page.

Cookie Notice

Just goto backend and enable 'Cookie Notice' Add your message, Button text, add your policy page text and url and define your cookie notice button position.

How it will looks on website.

Website FAQ

Enable the "Show Menu Global Search Mode" from the user preference.

Enable the "Show Global Search Menu" from the general settting. It allows to search the menus only.

Just enable the show global search configuration in to the user. It will show the configuration for the global search where you can configure your search terms.

We can configure object for global search from here. Global Search Bar

Website T & C

Just goto the website setting and Enable 'Show Terms & Condition in Website' After check the option, you can see the tree diffrent fields. Type, Title, Alert Message.

Here you have two option single T&C or Multiple T&C, click on 'Multi Terms and Condoint' to add multiple Terms and conditions.This is the tree view of terms and conditions.

Just define your terms and conditions.

After config terms and condition you can see the terms and condition on confirm order screen. Users have to check both option otherwise it will not proceed further process.

User can read terms and condition by clicking on the 'See Terms and Condition' link. It will pop out like this.

Mobile Configuration

All Features

3 Difference beutiful well crafted ecommerce theme.
50+ Fully Dynamic Snippets
Multi language and RTL support
Amazing snippet decorative tools.
More then 10 ready made extra pages.
Easy to place customer orders in the WhatsApp.
You can choose 2 option for place cart order through WhatsApp,
A) Individual: If you have one person who manages all orders then select individual.
B) Multiple: If you have a team that manages different orders then select multiple. (You can manage time and holidays for all team members).
You can customize your custom Whatsapp button,
A) Color: You can change the font and button color.
B) We provide different 9 styles for the WhatsApp button.
We have 2 ways for Whatsapp requests,
A) Modal-Popup: When you click the WhatsApp button it opens a wizard for general details for Whatsapp message.
B) Direct message: When you click the WhatsApp button it sends cart order details to WhatsApp message.
You can clear carts after sending cart order details to the WhatsApp message.
You can add terms & conditions on the shop page.
You can provide a single as well as multiple terms & conditions.
We provide an alert message option for terms & conditions.
It restricts the payment till all terms & conditions are checked.
We have added a default checked the option for default terms & conditions.
You can quick access product preview.
Quickly view products using the quick view button.
You can add to cart products directly from the quick view pop-up.
You can add a price filter on the website.
Customers easily find products for their price range.
Easy to manage customer questions about products.
Customers can ask website product related questions freely.
When any question generates email notification sent to the related user.
You can choose related users for a particular product for email notification.**
Well designed, clean, responsive & futuristic 10+ mega-menu styles.
Easy to define mega menu with the image.
Easy to set social media links in mega-menu content with appropriate icons.
Define mega menu dynamically.
Define mega-menu statically for static information.
Clients can request to access their data from the website.
Clients can download their data from the website.
Clients can request to delete their data from the website.
Email Notification To Responsible Persons(Employee) and Client.
a) On Request Email Notification Sent to responsible person.
b) On Request Email Notification also sent to the client.
c) On Respond from employee email notification sent to the client again.
We provide 10 different F.A.Q styles.
You can add all types of content text-images-videos-script in each answer.
Admin can publish and unpublish the FAQs as per the requirements.
Easy to active/inactive faqs category or questions.
25 different types of "Coming Soon" Templates.
Time-saving and effortless solutions for favorite "Coming Soon" Template.
With coming soon, user can access web backend.
7 Attractive Shop Category Designs.
6 Attractive Category Heading Designs.
7 Attractive Shop SubCategory Designs.
Easy to show out of stock, few quantities left alert of the product on the website shop page.
Easy to exclude out of stock products from the shop.
Easy to show/hide stock alert in product listing(shop page) and product view on the website page.
You can set the quantity of products as per your choice.
This stock quantity is not depended on your actual stock of product.
Easy to create product tags for the website.
You can manage tags color and sequence as per products.
You can filter tags by publish/unpublish tags.
Easy to group by product tags websites wise.
Easy to make sticker for your products
Easy to upload your custom stickers(png) using custom style.
We provide different 15 styles for ribbon.
Eye-catchy stickers help to increase sales.
Easy to show the barcode number, unit of measure & internal reference number of the product on product detail page.
Customers will easily add comments/notes in the order.
Comment/Note will display in the quotation, sale order, invoice, stock.
Easily print customer comment/note in sale order, invoice, stock operation PDF report.
Using Ajax add to cart : Reduce the traffic travels between the client and the server.
Advantage of Add to cart Ajax : User Experience is very high as page don't reload.
Add to cart Ajax : The cart opens directly with defined product quantity.
Add to cart Ajax : Don't need to go on the shopping cart/product page for input product quantity.
Easy to attach any documents,brochures with the products.
Customers can download attachments from the website.
Easy to share products on different social media from the website.
10+ different major social sharing services available like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, email, Pinterest, Reddit, Hacker News, Digg, Tumblr.
You have 10+ styles for social media sharing.
You can share a product from the website in a single click.
Admin can enable/disable multiple social media platforms from settings.
Easy to manage multiple websites for each and every product without any limitation.
You can mass update products for multi-website using the "Mass Update Product Website" menu.
Easy to manage products F.A.Q. for website.
You can add unlimited questions and answers in each product faq.
You can add all types of content text-images-videos-script in each FAQ answer.
You can add a common FAQ & Separate FAQ for a particular product.
5 different styles for FAQ.
5+ attractive styles to present custom tabs.
Easy to add global custom tabs in each products.
Easy to make product combo of several products.
Easy to generate product bundle in shop.
Users can select products by the brand on the shop page.
You can see product details by brand.
Assigning brand to multi product by using mass action.
Easy to search, filter and group by-products by brand.
15+ different elegant design ecommerce snippets.
Easy to use just like drag and drop.
Easy to set the product in the snippet as category wise.
Easy to hide or show sale price, description, add to cart and add to wish button.
Easy to display product using a filter like Top Selling, New Arrival, Alternative, Featured Product, etc.
Easy to set the limit of display product in snippet using limit.
Easy to set order of product based on Name, Date, Sale Price.
you can display extra fields in your shop. Just define the fields in backend configuration.
You can set different types of fields available to select (Boolean, Binary File, Char, Text, Float, Many2one, many2many, date, date-time).
Customize the cookie message.
Link to more info page/privacy policy page with cookie notice.
Easy to define custom positions of cookie notice message.
20+ different very beautiful style category snippets.
You can display category with image, description & product count.
Easy to add/edit content of category snippets.
Easy to define related product in blogs.
Easy to define related blogs in products.
5 different snippet style for blog slider.
You can select manually blog for each tab.

Version 15.0.1 |Released on : 24th December 2022

  • Initial Initial Release
  • No, This theme is not include features of the backmate basics and enterprisemate theme.
  • No, This theme works perfectly with Odoo Community only.
  • Currently, The firebase notification is tested with android os.
  • No, This theme is not include demo data. This is a showcase of photos taken from freepik and is intended for demonstration purposes only.
  • Yes, This theme setup with One-click, with 3 beautiful well crafted theme styles.

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You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
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It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
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