Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark in Odoo. This dark mode backend theme gives you a fully modified view with a full-screen display. It is a perfect choice for your Odoo Backend and an attractive theme for Odoo. | apps night mode | dark mode| night mode | enable dark mode | odoo night mode |
Arabic Taxable Invoice Module is the Invoice Receipt Layout which is printed in english as well as Arabic language to ensure customer's ease of readability and displays content in proper format ready to use for commercial purpose | Invoice Report | qweb report | Taxable Invoice | invoice report | arabic invoice report | Arabic Invoice | arabic invoice
Saudi Electronic Invoice
Module helps to set background image in Login page.| Background image | image|Login | Login page|website|
Hide and show cost price in products
This module is used to customized receipt of point of sale when a user adds a product in the cart and validates payment and print receipt, then the user can see the client name on POS Receipt. | Custom Receipt | POS Reciept | Payment | POS Custom Receipt
Display Amount In Words in sale order, invoices and purchase orders, both in forms as well as reports| Amount |Words | amount in words| amount words| Total Amount | Total Amount in words|