v 9.0 v 11.0 v 12.0 Third Party 30900
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 786
Technical Name web_responsive
Versions 9.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0
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Web Responsive

Beta License: LGPL-3 OCA/web Translate me on Weblate Try me on Runboat

This module provides a mobile compliant interface for Odoo Community web.


  • New navigation with an App drawer
  • Keyboard shortcuts for easier navigation
  • Display kanban views for small screens if an action or field One2x
  • Set chatter side (Optional per user)
  • Quick search

Table of contents


The following keyboard shortcuts are implemented:

  • Toggle App Drawer - ActionKey <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access_key#Access_in_different_browsers> + A
  • Navigate Apps Drawer - Arrow Keys
  • Type to select App Links
  • esc to close App Drawer

Known issues / Roadmap

Note: Data added to the footer support_branding is not shown while using this module.

  • Provide full menu search feature instead of just App search
  • Drag drawer from left to open in mobile
  • Figure out how to test focus on hidden elements for keyboard nav tests
  • If you resize the window, body gets a wrong overflow: auto css property and you need to refresh your view or open/close the app drawer to fix that.
  • Override LESS styling to allow for responsive widget layouts
  • Adding oe_main_menu_navbar ID to the top navigation bar triggers some great styles, but also JavaScript that causes issues on mobile
  • Sticky header and footer in list view only works on certain browsers: https://caniuse.com/#search=sticky (note that the used feature is in thead).
  • On Android (FireFox) - clicking the search icon does not focus the search input.
  • On Android (FireFox & Chrome) - clicking the search query input will show the on screen keyboard for a split second, but the App Drawer immediately closes and the keyboard closes with it.
  • Filter menu items completely on client-side, to make it smoother and allow users to filter on complete paths of menus and not only on the last item.

Bug Tracker

Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us to smash it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback.

Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.



  • LasLabs
  • Tecnativa
  • Alexandre Díaz



This module is maintained by the OCA.

Odoo Community Association

OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.

This module is part of the OCA/web project on GitHub.

You are welcome to contribute. To learn how please visit https://odoo-community.org/page/Contribute.

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  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author, please use the developer contact information. They can usually be found in the description.
Please choose a rating from 1 to 5 for this module.
good module, thanks u so much! i like it
on 2/23/19, 9:56 AM

Good Addon!
Kari Lindgren
on 1/23/19, 5:23 AM

Can we get this also for Odoo 12 CE ?

Works great but has small bug
on 8/24/18, 4:02 PM

I have installed this module in my Odoo 11.0-20180818 (Community Edition) which is running on a Windows 2012 R2 server on amazon AWS. I have a Point of Sale module installed, everything seems to work well, but when I try to create a report (Point of sale>Reporting>Sales Details) it crashes the Odoo server and I have to reboot it. Please help me solve this issue so that I can use this great app.

on 10/3/18, 4:20 AM

Hello, I installed Odoo in version 11, and when installing the module, I get the following error; Error while importing module 'web_responsive': 'Error mientras se validaban las restricciones\n\nEl campo `chatter_position` no existe\n\nContexto del error:\nVista `res.users form`\n[view_id: 231, xml_id: n/a, model: res.users, parent_id: 149]\nNone\n\n res.users\n \n \n <xpath expr="//field[@name=\'email\']" position="after">\n \n \n \n \n/tmp/tmpg5k9czmc/web_responsive/views/inherited_view_users_form_simple_modif.xml\n11 Do you know what the reason for the error is? Thank you Enrique

Works great but has small bug (Part 2)
on 8/24/18, 4:06 PM

The issue only happens while navigating on an Iphone (safari web browser). (on a pc web browser works fine)