All in one Helpdesk Support | Helpdesk for CRM | Helpdesk for Sale | Helpdesk for Purchase | Helpdesk for Invoice | Helpdesk for Timesheet | Task Helpdesk Support Ticket



v 11.0 v 12.0 Third Party
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Odoo All In One Helpdesk Support Ticket and Website Helpdesk Portal App

Odoo Helpdesk Support Odoo app integrated solution for managing customer interactions and support processes. With this helpdesk ticket system, businesses can track and resolve customer issues. This Helpdesk Dashboard provides a centralized view, enabling quick monitoring of support operations. The Helpdesk Portal allows customers to submit and monitor their tickets, fostering transparency and engagement. Through this integration with CRM, the system ensures a holistic approach to customer relationship management. Additionally, Helpdesk Support connects with other Odoo modules, such as Sale Orders, Purchase Orders, and Invoices, improving the workflow and overall efficiency.

Allow User Access Rights

Allow user access rights for helpdesk to manager, leader and user and set access for other access.

Helpdesk Configuration

Helpdesk category, rating, days, template, stages, product and multi user.


User can see state wise dashboard.


We provide different mail send to customer like when create ticket then generate mail is send and when click on reply button.


View, manage and create helpdesk ticket in website portal.

Helpdesk With CRM

If user has right for manage helpdesk crm then user manage helpdesk with crm.

Helpdesk With Sale Order

If user has right for manage helpdesk sale then user manage helpdesk with sale order.

Helpdesk With Purchase Order

If user has right for manage helpdesk purchase then user manage helpdesk with purchase order.

Helpdesk With Invoice

If user has right for manage helpdesk invoice then user manage helpdesk with invoice.

Helpdesk With Task

If user has right for manage helpdesk task then user manage helpdesk with task.

Helpdesk With Timesheet

If user has right for manage helpdesk timesheet then user manage helpdesk with timesheet operation.

Helpdesk SLA Policy And Alarm

If user has right for manage helpdesk alarm and sla policy then user manage reminder and sla policy.

Helpdesk Support App Basic Functionality

Allow User Access Rights

Allow user access rights

Helpdesk Support Configuration

Helpdesk support configuration

Helpdesk support multi user and products configuration.

Helpdesk Support Team Configuration

Helpdesk support team configuration

Helpdesk Support Ticket Type Configuration

Helpdesk support ticket type configuration.

Helpdesk Subject Type Configuration

Helpdesk support subject type configuration.

Helpdesk Support Tags Configuration

Helpdesk support tags configuration

Helpdesk Support Stage Configuration

Helpdesk support stage configuration

Helpdesk Support Category Configuration

Helpdesk support category configuration.

Helpdesk Support Sub Category Configuration

Helpdesk support sub category configuration

Helpdesk Support Priorities

Helpdesk support priorities configuration

Show Helpdesk Support Ticket Dashboard

Show helpdesk support ticket dashboard.

Helpdesk Support Form

Helpdesk support form

Send Mail on Generate New Support Ticket

Send mail on generate new support ticket.

Print Helpdesk Support Ticket.

Print helpdesk support ticket in PDF format.

Report of Helpdesk Support Ticket.

Report of helpdesk support ticket

Helpdesk Ticket Preview

Helpdesk ticket preview

Helpdesk Support Approve Ticket

Helpdesk support approve ticket in progress stage.

Helpdesk Support Ticket Approved

Helpdesk support ticket approved done.

Helpdesk Support Cancel Ticket

Helpdesk support cancel ticket.

Helpdesk Support Cancel Reason

Define helpdesk support cancel reason.

Re-Open Cancelled Helpdesk Support Ticket

Re-open cancelled helpdesk support ticket.

Cancelled Helpdesk Support Ticket

Details of cancelled helpdesk support ticket.

Helpdesk Support Reply Ticket

Helpdesk support reply ticket.

Show Reply Sub-Form

Show reply sub-form then send.

Generate Mail When Reply Ticket

Generate mail when reply ticket.

Reply Date Details

Reply date details.

Dashboard Support Ticket in Portal

Dashboard support ticket in website portal.

Filtered Dashboard Support Ticket in Portal

Filtered dashboard support ticket in portal .

Show Dashboard Support Ticket in Portal

All dashboard support ticket in website portal .

Create Dashboard Support Ticket from Portal

Create dashboard support ticket from website portal.

Define Details in Dashboard Support Ticket from Portal

Define details in dashboard support ticket from website portal.

View Particular Ticket

View particular ticket.

Download Dashboard Support Ticket From Portal

Download dashboard support ticket from portal

Generated PDF Report

Generated helpdesk ticket PDF report from website portal.

Communication with Users

Communication with users.

Feedback and Rating

Add feedback and rating.

Add Rating and Feedback

Enter rating and feedback.

Rating and Feedback Stored

Rating and feedback stored in backend.

Helpdesk With CRM

Allow User Access Rights

Allow user access rights for helpdesk to manager, leader and user and set access for crm helpdesk

Show Helpdesk Support Ticket in Kanban View

Show helpdesk support ticket in kanban view with filter lead/opportunity.

Helpdesk Support Form

here we give some button for different functionality like approval button for stage change etc.

Create Lead In Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk crm then onclick create lead button then user create lead for this ticket.

Redirect To Lead In Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk crm then onclick lead smart button then user redirect it related lead.

Create Opportunity In Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk crm then onclick create opportunity button then user create opportunity for this ticket.

Redirect To Opportunity In Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk crm then onclick opportunity smart button then user redirect it related opportunity.

Create Ticket In Lead/Opportunity

If user has right for manage helpdesk crm then onclick create ticket button then user create ticket.

Redirect To Ticket In Lead/Opportunity

If user has right for manage helpdesk crm then onclick ticket smart button then user redirect it related ticket.

Lead/Opportunity Tree View

If user has right for manage helpdesk crm then ticket filter is show.

Helpdesk With Sale Order

Allow User Access Rights

Allow user access rights for helpdesk to manager, leader and user and set access for manage sale order helpdesk

Show Helpdesk Support Ticket in Kanban View

Show helpdesk support ticket in kanban view with filter sale order.

Helpdesk Support Form

here we give some button for different functionality like approval button for stage change etc.

Create Sale Order In Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk sale order then onclick create sale order button then user create sale order for this ticket.

Redirect To Sale Order In Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk sale order then onclick sale order smart button then user redirect it related sale order.

Create Ticket In Sale Order

If user has right for manage helpdesk sale order then onclick create ticket button then user create ticket.

Redirect To Ticket In Sale Order

If user has right for manage helpdesk sale order then onclick ticket smart button then user redirect it related ticket.

Sale Order Tree View

If user has right for manage helpdesk sale order then ticket filter is show.

Helpdesk With Purchase Order

Allow User Access Rights

Allow user access rights for helpdesk to manager, leader and user and set access for manage purchase order helpdesk

Show Helpdesk Support Ticket in Kanban View

Show helpdesk support ticket in kanban view with filter purchase order.

Helpdesk Support Form

here we give some button for different functionality like approval button for stage change etc.

Create Purchase Order In Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk purchase order then onclick create purchase order button then user create purchase order for this ticket.

Redirect To Purchase Order In Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk purchase order then onclick purchase order smart button then user redirect it related purchase order.

Create Ticket In Purchase Order

If user has right for manage helpdesk purchase order then onclick create ticket button then user create ticket.

Redirect To Ticket In Purchase Order

If user has right for manage helpdesk purchase order then onclick ticket smart button then user redirect it related ticket.

Purchase Order Tree View

If user has right for manage helpdesk purchase order then ticket filter is show.

Helpdesk With Invoice

Allow User Access Rights

Allow user access rights for helpdesk to manager, leader and user and set access for manage invoice helpdesk

Show Helpdesk Support Ticket in Kanban View

Show helpdesk support ticket in kanban view with filter invoice.

Helpdesk Support Form

here we give some button for different functionality like approval button for stage change etc.

Create Invoice In Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk invoice then onclick create invoice button then user create invoice for this ticket.

Redirect To Invoice In Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk invoice then onclick invoice smart button then user redirect it related invoice.

Create Ticket In Invoice

If user has right for manage helpdesk invoice then onclick create ticket button then user create ticket.

Redirect To Ticket In Invoice

If user has right for manage helpdesk invoice then onclick ticket smart button then user redirect it related ticket.

Invoice Tree View

If user has right for manage helpdesk invoice then ticket filter is show.

Helpdesk With Task

Allow User Access Rights

Allow user access rights for helpdesk to manager, leader and user and set access for manage task helpdesk

Show Helpdesk Support Ticket in Kanban View

Show helpdesk support ticket in kanban view with filter task.

Helpdesk Support Form

here we give some button for different functionality like approval button for stage change etc.

Create Task In Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk task then onclick create task button then user create task for this ticket.

Redirect To Task In Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk task then onclick task smart button then user redirect it related task.

Create Ticket In Task

If user has right for manage helpdesk task then onclick create ticket button then user create ticket.

Redirect To Ticket In Task

If user has right for manage helpdesk task then onclick ticket smart button then user redirect it related ticket.

Task Tree View

If user has right for manage helpdesk task then ticket filter is show.

Helpdesk With Timesheet

Allow User Access Rights

Allow user access rights for helpdesk to manager, leader and user and set access for manage timesheet helpdesk

Helpdesk Support Configuration

Helpdesk support helpdesk with timesheet configuration

Show Helpdesk Support Ticket in Kanban View

Show helpdesk support ticket in kanban view with filter running ticket.

Helpdesk Support Form

here we give some button for different functionality like approval button for stage change etc.

Start Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk timesheet then onclick start ticket button then timer is start and timesheet is created with default project in configuration and default description.

End Ticket

If user has right for manage helpdesk timesheet then onclick end ticket button then following wizard is open and then we end button click then ticket is end with given project, timesheet and description in timesheet.

Timesheet Tree View

If user has right for manager for timesheet then user can edit start date and end date.

Helpdesk SLA Policy And Alarm

Allow User Access Rights

Allow user access rights for helpdesk to manager, leader and user and set access for manage helpdesk sla policy and alarm

Helpdesk Support Configuration

Helpdesk support ticket reminder configuration

Helpdesk Support Team Configuration

if user has right for manage helpdesk sla policy then see working schedule and we calculate ticket sla deadline in this working schedule

Helpdesk Support Ticket Type Configuration

if user has right for manage helpdesk sla policy then see sla policy redirect button.

Helpdesk Support SLA Policy

if user has right for manage helpdesk sla policy then see this

Redirect SLA Policy To Ticket Type

if user has right for manage helpdesk sla policy then it redirects to ticket type

Helpdesk Support Alarm

if user has right for manage helpdesk alarm then it sees this menu

Show Helpdesk Support Ticket in Kanban View

Show helpdesk support ticket in kanban view and if user has right for manage helpdesk sla policy then user see sla pass and fail filter.

Helpdesk Support Form

here we give some button for different functionality like approval button for stage change and if user has right for manage helpdesk sla policy then it sees sla deadline.

Helpdesk With Alarm

if user has right for manage helpdesk alarm then enter remainder due date and helpdesk remainder then mail is send automatically on this action .

Alarm Cron

Cron for alarm that is run automatically.

Due Date Mail

Mail for due date of ticket.

Our Services

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Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
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