v 13.0 Third Party 4
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
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Lines of code 623
Technical Name jt_stock_balance_xls_pdf
Versions 11.0 16.0 17.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Inventory (stock)
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Lines of code 623
Technical Name jt_stock_balance_xls_pdf
Versions 11.0 16.0 17.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0

Get product stock by warehouses/products/companies/product categories

- This Module will provide product stock by different warehouses in report format

- This module has been tested in both, Community and Enterprise Editions.


  • Get stock of product by different warehouses/products/companies/product categories in report format.
  • Can print report of stock providing the details of product stock with different warehouse also can print report with simultaneous warehouses with available product's stock.

Let's findout some details about stock balance report

- By installing this module, can get new report inside Inventory >> Reports >> Stock Balance Report
- Click on this Stock Balance Report option, there will be one popup wizard visible, asking some details.

- In this wizard, can provide details which we want to print on report.
- Can select multiple company and multiple warehouses, and print the report based on it.

- now let's select one company and warehouse and specific products in popup.

- Below is the report with specific company and its warehouse
- can also provide specific product and product category

Stock Balance report with specific company and warehouse

- now let's select multiple companies and warehouses and some products with categories in popup.

Stock Balance report with multiple company and multiple warehouses

The report can also be printed in XLS format.

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