ChatRoom BASE Whatsapp - Messenger - Instagram. Live Chat. Real All in One

Odoo 10


v 13.0 Third Party 538
Live Preview
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 9401
Technical Name whatsapp_connector
Versions 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 12.0 11.0
You bought this module and need support? Click here!
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 9401
Technical Name whatsapp_connector
Versions 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 12.0 11.0

Real ChatRoom
Live Send and Receive. Multi Whatsapp numbers per company. / Whatsapp: +56 67 221 7777

Welcome new version 3
New design and functions. Odoo 13-14-15-16
- Full account free test !
- New Plans low cost !

This is Base module (ChatRoom Main View)

The most complete and advanced app for Odoo

ChatRoom main view, Odoo WhatsApp
Real Live chat
No need to refresh screen.
Create & Send: Sale Order, Invoice, Leads
Not only search, you can also create !!
Attending & Waiting area
Designed to use with multiple Agents.
Minimal app dependency
No need to install (and buy) apps that you don't use !!
Multi connector
Connect multiple Whatsapp/Messenger/Instagram accounts.
All in 1 screen
Online Partner Form (Create and edit).
Access all resources of an Odoo Partner.
Search Partner and link to chat.
Search Products to Drag and Drop on chat.
Multiple provider


ChatRoom Odoo

Apichat: Instant access. Scan QR and done!
and you keep Whatsapp on your cell phone.

ChatRoom Odoo Gupshup

Gupshup: Like META, you must delete Whatsapp on your cell phone.
We do not offer CHAT-API because it starts at USD $39
and is closed for new customers ?!
Gupshup works equal and has a lower price.


ChatRoom Odoo Facebook Messenger

ChatRoom Odoo Instagram

AcruxLab has a Certified App on FaceBook.
Instant access.

To use our modules you must contract a Plan in:
Start at USD$ 9 / month

Compatible modules

Click here to see all

Separate modules so you don't have to install extra Odoo apps
BASE (ChatRoom)

USD $75
ChatRoom main view
Base for all modules

ChatRoom main view, Odoo WhatsApp


USD $59
Create CRM Leads
direct in ChatRoom


USD $59
Create Sale Order + Invoice
direct in ChatRoom


USD $49
See chat history
in chatter

HelpDesk Community (OCA)

USD $59
Create HelpDesk Ticket
direct in ChatRoom


USD $149
Automatic replies
Products & Templates


USD $179
Batch, Marketing & Group

Free modules !!

Add to cart
and check the price!


Free module !!
Instagram Direct Message
Facebook Messenger


Free module !!
Message Templates

Test now - Direct access
(Odoo 14)
No password required, only your name and email
Full account Free test (Whatsapp)
How init? Install and...
  1. Go to Settings > ChatRoom > Connectors
  2. Select the connector and click on "Init Free Test" button.
  3. Scan QR and that's all !!

Welcome to ChatRoom

Real All in One WhatsApp solution

Full version video


ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Mobile
Mobile Friendly

Responsive ChatRoom main view.

Adapted to Odoo Enterprise.

Odoo Community compatible ?
Fully adapted with OCA
"web_responsive" module.

Multi WhatsApp numbers per company

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Multi numbers
Multi numbers

Offer your customers different numbers depending on the service.

One or several numbers per company ?

Support, Sales, Inquiries, Follow-up, Internal ?

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Multi Users
Multi Users

No matter where your employees are.

ChatRoom, Multi Users

Multi WhatsApp

All in same screen.

ChatRoom, Multi WhatsApp


ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Products
Drag & Drop Products on Chat

Sent with picture, description and price.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Init Chat
Init & Search chat

Search chat by number or name.

Create new one.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Partner
Edit Partner online

Associate/join chat to Odoo Partner automatically (By mobile or phone number).

Associate new Odoo Partner.

Create new Odoo Partner.

Copy & Paste data from chat.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Send Direct Message
Direct messages

Send custom message from Partners.

Get extra FREE modules to send from other places.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp conversation
Conversations/Chats View

View and manage all your Conversations.

Apply Filters and Groups.


ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp messages
Messages Setting

View and manage all your Messages.

Apply Filters and Groups.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp messages report
Messages Report

Apply your own filters and settings.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp report
Message Analysis

Graph and Pivot Analysis.

Several reports.

Apply your own Filters and Groups.

Default Answers

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Default Answers
Send with one click !

Send custom message:
Text, image, location, attachments, PDF, audio.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Default Answers Definition
Default Answers Definition

Without limits, you can create as many as you need.

Get Extra FREE modules

Send from many Apps with Templates

Separate modules !!

Not forced to install unnecessary Odoo Apps

Click here to download "ChatRoom PACK" module.

This module contains directory with all separate modules.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Send Modules
Auto Install and Filter in Odoo Apps

Upload content of directory "modules" to your server and install "ChatRoom SEND BASE".

Depending on the applications you have, the necessary modules will be installed automatically.

Select the "ChatRoom SEND" option in "Filters" and you will see the installed modules.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp All templates
Template Configuration

View and manage all your Templates.

From Invoice

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Send Invoices
Send message from Invoice

From Customer and Supplier.

Multi Whatsapp per partner, create new.
All Whatsapp contact saved in partner.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Template Invoices
Send template message

Own templates:
You can modify or create.

Included Templates:
- Invoice PDF report + text.
- Invoice Portal link + text.
- Invoice Payment link + text.

From Partner

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Send Partner
Send message from Partner

From Customer and Supplier.

Multi Whatsapp per partner, create new.
All Whatsapp contact saved in partner.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Template Partner
Send template message

Own templates:
You can modify or create.

Included Templates:
- Ask Address.
- Opening hours.
- Total debt (Unpaid invoices).

From CRM Leads

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Send CRM Leads
Send message from CRM Leads

Multi Whatsapp per partner, create new.
All Whatsapp contact saved in partner.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Template CRM Leads
Send template message

Own templates:
You can modify or create.

Included Templates:
- Processing request.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp CRM Leads
Create CRM Leads from ChatRoom ?

If you want to create leads directly
from main ChatRoom view,
you should buy this extra module
USD$ 75 free when you buy this.

From Purchase Order

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Send Purchase Order
Send message from Purchase Order

Multi Whatsapp per partner, create new.
All Whatsapp contact saved in partner.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Template Purchase Order
Send template message

Own templates:
You can modify or create.

Included Templates:
- Purchase Order PDF report + text.

From Sale Order

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Send Sale Order
Send message from Sale Order

Multi Whatsapp per partner, create new.
All Whatsapp contact saved in partner.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Template Sale Order
Send template message

Own templates:
You can modify or create.

Included Templates:
- Sale Order PDF report + text.
- Sale Order Portal link + text.
- Sale Order Payment link + text.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Sale Order
Create Sale Order from ChatRoom ?

If you want to create Sale Order directly
from main ChatRoom view,
you should buy this extra module
USD$ 75 free when you buy this.

From Product and Product Variant

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Send Product
Send message from:
Product and Product Variant

Search contact or create new.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Template Product
Send template message (Product)

Own templates:
You can modify or create.

Included Templates:
- Product Variants Name + text.
- Product Variants Name + Link + text.

These templates are examples, see Product Variants templates with other cases.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Template Product variant
Send template message
(Product Variant)

Own templates:
You can modify or create.

Included Templates:
- Product Odoo Website Link + text.
- Product External Link (Web, Instagram, FaceBook, ...) + text.

These templates are examples, see Product templates with other cases.

From Stock Picking

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Send Stock Picking
Send message from Stock Picking

From Receipts and Delivery Orders.

Search contact or create new.

ChatRoom, Odoo WhatsApp Template Stock Picking
Send template message
(Stock Picking)

Own templates:
You can modify or create.

From Receipts and Delivery.

Included Templates:
- Stock Picking: Products shipped + text.
- Stock Picking: Report PDF + text.   or


We do not offer CHAT-API because it starts at USD $39
and is closed for new customers ?!
Gupshup works equal and has a lower price.

Start conversation:

  • chat-api:
    - Cannot send text freely.
    Must first send "Whatsapp approved template".
    - Check that your module can initiate conversation using approved Whatsapp template.
    Otherwise you will not be able to initiate and also not reply after 24 hours.

    - You must wait for contact responding or approving you to send a free text message.
  • apichat:
    - Yes, you can send any text, image or attachment.

Extra charges:

  • chat-api:
    - Yes, only 1,000 conversations per month for USD $39, then you must pay for each one.
    - Average: 33 conversations per day.
    - Incoming and outgoing are counted.
    - Any conversation after 24 hours is counted as a new conversation, even if contact is the same.
  • apichat:
    - No. Only counts messages, not conversations.
    - With a 200 message plan (USD $24) you can handle over 3,000 conversations in a month.
    - Average: over 100 conversations per day.

No ofrecemos CHAT-API porque comienza en USD $39.
Gupshup hace lo mismo a un menor precio.

Iniciar conversación:

  • chat-api:
    - No puede enviar texto libremente.
    Debe primero enviar "plantilla aprobada por Whatsapp".
    - Comprueba que tu módulo puede iniciar conversación mediante plantilla aprobada por Whatsapp.
    De otra forma no podrás iniciar y tampoco responder después de 24 horas.

    - Debe esperar que el contacto responda o apruebe para enviar un mensaje de texto libre.
  • apichat:
    - Sí, puede enviar cualquier texto, imagen ó adjunto.

Cargos extra:

  • chat-api:
    - Sí, solo 1.000 conversaciones al mes por USD $39, después debe pagar por cada una.
    - Promedio: 33 conversaciones al día.
    - Se cuentan las entrantes y salientes.
    - Se cuenta como nueva conversación cualquiera después de 24 horas, aunque el contacto sea el mismo.
  • apichat:
    - No. Solo cuenta mensajes, no conversaciones.
    - Con plan de 200 mensajes (USD $24) puede manejar sobre 3.000 conversaciones en un mes.
    - Promedio: sobre 100 conversaciones al día.

To use our modules you must contract a Plan in

Remember, Odoo Online (Saas) does not support third-party modules.
This module is compatible with and Self Hosted (On-Premise). Enterprise and Community.
License: OPL-1 (Odoo Proprietary License v1.0)

By using or downloading this module, you agree not to make modifications that affect sending messages through or avoiding contract a Plan with Acruxlab.

Please log in to comment on this module

  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.