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Professional tool to build and print product labels


There are a lot of benefits of using the Odoo system, but sometimes the standard functionality is not enough for your business needs. Printing product labels is one of the bottlenecks of the system, where there is a lack of a convenient tool with wide capabilities.

Garazd Creation has developed the tool that allows printing labels in the user-friendly interface with a variety of label options, create and modify own label templates for any paper format and design.

Odoo edit product label app "Barcode Product Label Builder" provides the following options to print product labels:

Quantity management per product label.
Choosing a pricelist to specify the product price and currency.
Direct Odoo label printing, without download.
Special Price Sections: "Promo Price" - to show an additional sale price, "Multi Price" - to show prices from a pricelist based on minimal quantity.
Language selection to translate label text fields.
Skipping free label places when you print on the multi-label sheets.
And the main feature is the product label Builder, which allows you to create and design label templates.

Labels that are created by this app, compatible with any thermal label printer which allows to print PDF files.

Product Label Builder with a functional label print wizard changes the situation with product label printing in Odoo and provides a way to create and design labels on your own without developers. In Odoo print product labels can be a convenient operation, so simple and fast.

Easy & Simple

Easy to activate and configure

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Advanced Settings
The professional version of the label printing wizard provides advanced label settings:
  1. Select the label type "Product Label from your own template".
  2. Then choose a label template.
  3. There are 6 ready-made label templates after module installation: 2 Dymo labels, 2 on the A4 paper format, 2 on the Letter paper format. You can modify them for you needs, or clone.
  4. To preview a label template, activate the switch "Show Label".
Odoo 14.0 product label settings
  1. Sometimes, if you are printing on A4 or Letter size sheets, you may want to skip the first few label spaces on the sheet, just enter the number of spaces to skip.
  2. Select a pricelist to specify product prices on labels.
  3. The currency will be changed according to the selected pricelist and the currency symbol will be placed before or after a product price, as it specified in settings.
Label Options
You can also set some label options on the Options tab:
  • Language - to specify the language to translate label fields.
  • Human readable barcode - to print a barcode digit code on the labels.
  • Border - to set the label border width.
  • Set to 0 to print labels without border.
Odoo 14.0 product label options
  • Company - you can specify the company if you use several companies in your Odoo database with this option, this company related data will be used on the labels.
  • Sales Pricelist - product prices from this pricelist will be used on labels in "Promo Price" label sections.
Label Printing
Finally, you can preview the labels before printing, by clicking on the PREVIEW button, or download labels in the PDF format with the DOWNLOAD button, or print them with the PRINT
Label Settings

If you want to use the custom print wizard, by clicking on the "Print Labels" button, instead of standard, go to the "General Settings" menu and activate the "Print with the alternative wizard" option.

Here, you can also configure the demo product and pricelists to preview label templates in the label designer.

Odoo product label settings for template preview in 14.0
To open a label template list, go to the "Settings" - "Technical" - "Reporting" - "Label Templates" menu.
User Defaults
User default label template setting in Odoo 14.0
Specify the default label template for your system users in the user settings on the Preferences tab.
Working with Label Templates
Creating a Label Template
Click on the ADD button to create a new label template.
Odoo 14.0 create label template

To add a sticker label for a thermal printer, choose the paper format "Custom" and specify the label width and height (in mm).

In case when you need multi labels, several labels on a sheet, you must also specify the "Cols" and "Rows" parameters in the "Layout" section. Then enter the width and height of the custom page.

To add an A4 or US Letter label template, select the appropriate paper format and specify the "Cols" and "Rows" options for a sheet layout.

Odoo 14.0 add label template
Click on the CREATE TEMPLATE to continue with template settings.
Adding Label Sections
You can create label template sections and specify necessary parameters for them. Sections can be of different types, we'll look at them next. Let's create one by clicking on "Sections" button and creating a new record.
Odoo 14.0 add label template section
Section Settings
The first section will be the "Product Name" with the following settings:
Odoo 14.0 label data settings
  • Type: Model Field
  • Field: Product
  • Relation Field: Name
Let's continue with label design settings:
Odoo 14.0 label design settings
  • Height, mm: 10
  • Float Position: Full Width
  • Widget:
    • Price - show product price with a currency symbol and small cents, is used only for the "Product Price" field.
    • Barcode - generate a section value as a barcode.
    • QR Code - generate a QR code from the section value. Can be used with any text value.
    • Image - show binary fields as an image. Can be used to show product images or other binary fields containing image data.
Next, let's take a look at what text settings are available:
Odoo 14.0 label font and text settings
  • Align: Center, Left, Right, Justify values are available.
  • Font Weight: can be 100, normal, bold, or 900.
  • Font Size: 20, this value can be in pixels or mm.
  • Line Height: 1.0.
  • Letter Spacing: 0, can be positive (2.5) or negative (-1), in mm.
  • Color: #FFFFFF. A handy color widget allows you to choose any color from the palette.
  • Format: You have an ability to specify a format such as %.2f, %d for the digit values, and %d/%m/%Y, %Y %B %d %H:%M:%S for the date and datetime values.
  • Text Decoration: Line Through. Use this option to cross out the regular price when you add a promotional price to a label, or in other cases.

In addition, on the "Paddings" tab, you can configure the section padding attributes (in mm).

On the "Margins" tab, you can specify the section margins (in mm).

On the "Borders" tab, add borders for any side of the section: Top, Bottom, Left, or Right, and specify the border width (in pixels).

On the "Background" tab, you can set up the section background.

Shorten URL
In cases when you want to put a QR code with a URL on a label or just place a short URL, the URL shortening can provide additional benefits such as:
  • more quality QR code image (as the shorted URL text value is usually smaller);
  • tracking information about how often and when the URL was opened.
You can activate this option for label sections with the types "Text" or "Model Field":
Odoo product label section option shorten URL in 14.0
This functionality is handled by the Odoo internal link tracker and allows getting a link like this one: https://your-domain/r/aBc.
Odoo Product Label Link Tracker shorten URL in 14.0
Visibility and Order of Sections
By clicking the "Sections" button on the label template form, you can open a list of sections and perform actions with them:
  1. Change order - just drag and drop sections to set the order that you need.
  2. Hide or Show - switch the "Active" option to hide or show the section.
Odoo 14.0 template sections
Label Preview

During label designing, activate the "Preview" option to show your product label without having to generate a PDF sheet.

Odoo 14.0 barcode product label preview mode
Print Label Directly

With this feature, you can print product labels directly to your local or network printer. You don't need to download the PDF before. Just click on the "Print" button and the browser printing window will be opened, where you'll be able to select a printer.

14.0 odoo direct print label
14.0 odoo label printing directly

For downloading the labels, use the corresponding "Download" button.

Label Samples
Labels will be generated in the PDF format:
Sticker Labels for thermal printers (Dymo Labels)
Odoo 14.0 dymo barcode product label 50 x 25 mm
Odoo 14.0 dymo barcode product label 100 x 100 mm
Labels on the US Letter sheet
Odoo 14.0 us letter barcode product label 101 x 50 mm
Odoo 14.0 us letter barcode product label 66 x 25 mm
Labels on the A4 sheet
Odoo 14.0 A4 barcode product label 99 x 38 mm
Odoo 14.0 a4 barcode product label 63 x 38 mm
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Module design is reserved | Copyright © Garazd Creation
  • 2025-01-27
    • Improve the form view of label sections.
  • 2024-10-26
    • Add the parameter "garazd_product_label_pro.barcode_multiplier" to enhance the barcode quality.
    • Add an image to show on preview when a product does not have a barcode.
    • Add the barcode option "Symbology" - barcode type with the available values: EAN8, EAN13, Code128, Auto.
    • Add the barcode option "Human-readable".
    • Add the PDF preview to the wizard, label template and label section form views. To preview labels in the real generated form.
    • Add an option to specify a font for label sections. It includes the following available fonts from the Google Fonts collection: Lato, Roboto, Open Sans, Montserrat, Oswald, Raleway.
    • Add a new widget "Attribute Values" to show available product attribute values and highlight the active attribute value for the label product.
  • 2024-08-17
    • Add UA translations.
    • Add the "radio" widgets.
  • 2024-06-12
    • Fix the digit format for the "Price" label field.
  • 2024-01-15
    • Add checks for digit values formatting.
  • 2023-12-15
    • Fix getting a currency for the product price when pricelist is not specified.
    • Fix using the barcode widget for digits fields.
  • 2023-11-16
    • Fix access rights for internal users without Administration rights.
    • Implement setting of the default label templates for users.
    • Allow to use the widget "barcode" for any field.
    • Implement converting of URLs from relative URL type to absolute by the "Make absolute URL" option.
  • 2023-09-19
    • Fix a QR code sizes calculation.
    • Add an option to specify to add a product attrubute name or not to the "Product Attributes" section.
    • Implement shortening of URLs with the link tracker Odoo feature.
    • Add the "Archived" widget for label sections.
    • Add the "Label Templates" menu to the "Action" wizard menu.
  • 2023-09-05
    • Improve the QR code quality - increase a code image dpi.
  • 2023-08-22
    • Migration from 15.0.
Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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