Website Wallet in Odoo
by BROWSEINFO$ 103.73
Availability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
Sales (sale_management)
• Website (website) • eCommerce (website_sale) • Discuss (mail) • Invoicing (account) |
Lines of code | 1261 |
Technical Name |
odoo_website_wallet |
License | OPL-1 |
Website | |
Versions | 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 |
Availability |
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies |
Sales (sale_management)
• Website (website) • eCommerce (website_sale) • Discuss (mail) • Invoicing (account) |
Lines of code | 1261 |
Technical Name |
odoo_website_wallet |
License | OPL-1 |
Website | |
Versions | 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 |

Odoo Website Digital Mobile E-Wallets for customers

Odoo Sales Order Conversion to Purchase Orders App
This Odoo apps allow digital wallet/e-wallet facility in Odoo eCommerce/online store/webshop. This Odoo module is complete features of customer digital wallet management system which manages the wallet balance, pay orders and bill using e-Wallet, recharge wallet.Accounting entries managed properly Whenever wallet amount use for payment or recharge done for wallet as well as when first time balance allocated on wallet. This Odoo apps also have automatic email send features when wallet amount will be updated i.e Recharge or payment from wallet.
If you want to manage customer wallet on Odoo then this will be the good Odoo app for use. By using this app you can easily add/update wallet balance of your customer .This wallet can be used as Payment on eCommerce Order which comes as new payment acquire configuration. Customer wallet balance can easily shown on each customer card and Website Wallet section. So don't need to go back and check each customer's wallet balance. It has feature to pay partially or fully using Wallet and rest of the payment can also able to pay using other payment method.
Looking for Website and POS Wallet Management Odoo App,
please check below module link
Customer Wallet Management for
POS and Website Odoo App.
Looking for Website and POS Wallet Management Odoo App,
please check below module link
Customer Wallet Management for
POS and Website Odoo App.

Digital Wallet Feature for Website.
Provides digital wallet feature in your website.

Wallet Transaction Portal View.
Customer to see their wallet transaction details from portal.

Multiple Wallet Purses.
Secure Place that contain one or more currency purses.

Allow Individual Transaction.
Allows individual to make electronic transaction.

Automatic Email Send to Customer.
Automatic email send to customer while using or recharging wallet balance.

Admin can Add Credit to User.
From Back-end Admin can add credit to user wallet balance.

Wallet Configuration
Under Website > Configuration >Settings menu user have to enable "Use Wallet" and also select "Wallet Recharge Product", Product type must be service.
Wallet Menu on Website
User can see "Wallet" menu on website.

Website Digital E-Wallet
On wallet menu user can see wallet balance, User have to click 'Add Wallet Balance' button on wallet to recharge wallet.
Add Wallate Balance
User have to enter "Amount" and click "Add Wallet Balance" button.

User can see wallet recharge product will be automatically added to shopping cart. Confirm the order with the wallet recharge product and the wallet balance will be updated.

Automatic Email Notification
After recharge your wallet, automatic email notification will be send with the recharge amount detail to customer.

Wallet Transaction Portal view
Under under My Account > Wallet Transactions menu user can see wallet transactions from portal view.

Wallet Transactions Menu - Backend
Under Sales > Configurations > Wallet Transactions menu user can see wallet transactions.

Updated Wallet Balance on Customer View
User can also see wallet balance on customer form view as image.

Add Wallet Balance Manually
Admin can also add wallet balance manually by selection "Add Money to Wallet" option under user action menu as shown image.
User have to enter amount and click "CONFIRM" button.

Wallet Transaction Accounting Entry
User can see generated accounting entry for wallet recharge and can confirm it.
Wallet Transaction

Updated Wallet Balance
On wallet recharge customer wallet balance updated user can see on customer view or on website.

Shop with Wallet Balance
On payment screen user can use wallet balance to shop with wallet payment option "Use Wallet".
On clicking "Use Wallet",Total Amount of Order will be deduct from the Wallet Balance.

Confirmation Page
Wallet Amount & Wallet Transaction on Sales Order
When user shop with wallet amount user can see wallet amount and wallet transaction details on sales order.

Automatic Email Notification
After shop with wallet amount, automatic email notification will be send with the remaining amount detail to customer.
Wallet Transaction Portal view
Under under My Account > Wallet Transactions menu user can see wallet transactions from portal view.

Wallet Transaction - Backend

Wallet Transaction - Backend

Pay Customer Invoice using Wallet Balance from the Backend
User can also pay customer invoice using wallet balance for that user have to add wallet balance and validate created payment.

On customer invoice user can see "Outstanding Credits" as wallet balance, to pay invoice with wallet amount click "Add" button.
Paid Invoice with Wallet Balance
User can see inovoice is paid now using wallet balance.

Version :
25 October
Initial release of the app.
Version :
21 June
Added features update cart.
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Odoo Proprietary License v1.0 This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed, modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file). You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example: LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one). It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software or modified copies of the Software. The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
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