Overdue Task Email Notification, Task Due Date Remiender



v 16.0 Third Party
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Odoo Online
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Project (project)
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Lines of code 157
Technical Name overdue_task_notification_sf
Versions 15.0 16.0 14.0 13.0 17.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Project (project)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 157
Technical Name overdue_task_notification_sf
Versions 15.0 16.0 14.0 13.0 17.0

Overdue Task Email Notification & Task Due Date Remiender


Task Before deadline reminders and overdue tasks will be automatically emailed to assignee. You can choose when these reminders are sent by comparing the task deadline.

You can set overdue days and Due date before days to send notifications by email.

An email will be sent every day to an assigned user whose task is going to be due and whose deadline date has passed.

This module has tested in community and enterprise version 16.0

You can set overdue days and Due date before days to send notifications by email.

Projects -> Overdue automatically sets overdue days and due dates before days for all projects.

Based on stages and deadline date will send email notification to assignees.

Schedule Action of Task due date before reminder.

Today's date is 17th May and Deadline date is 20th May, and as per configuration 3 days ago, notification will be sent on 17th May.

Overdue Task Notification deadline date is 16th May.

Schedule Action of Overdue Task reminder/notification.

The configuration after day is one day, so on 17th May, it will send an email notification to assignees.

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