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Lines of code 33806
Technical Name setu_advance_inventory_reports
Versions 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0
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Inventory (stock)
Lines of code 33806
Technical Name setu_advance_inventory_reports
Versions 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0
User Guide:
Setu Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
Advanvce Inventory Analysis Reports

In any industry today inventory optimization is a vital function. Inventory excess or shortage at any level of the supply chain can affect the availability of products and/or services to consumers. It is critical to check inventory imbalance between supply and demand dynamics.

We have developed inventory reports to help you to manage your inventory properly. With our inventory reports, users can track Turnover ratio, FSN classification (inventory movement frequency classification), XYZ classification (inventory classification based on stock value), FSN-XYZ combined classification to define sales strategies for the existing inventories. Overstock analysis, Out of Stock analysis and Stock movements (inventory rotation).

Key Features

  • Inventory Turnover Analysis Report
  • Inventory turnover is a ratio showing how many times a company has sold and replaced inventory during a given period. Calculating inventory turnover can help businesses make better decisions.
  • Inventory FSN Analysis Report
  • Helps users identify products movement frequency based on FSN classification. Classify all inventory movements into three categories: Fast moving, Slow moving, Non moving.
  • Inventory XYZ Analysis Report
  • Helps classify inventory items according to the stock value and helps to minimize the inventory carrying cost.
  • Inventory FSN-XYZ Combine Analysis Report
  • This two dimensional combined FSN and XYZ classification scheme helps in planning the sales strategies to dispose of blocked inventories by selling them off.
  • Inventory Age & Age Breakdown Analysis Report
  • Inventory ageing reports tell you the number of days an item has been sitting in inventory based on the receipt date. Having access to this kind of information allows you to make informed decisions when it comes to what and how many products to purchase.
  • Inventory Out of Stock Report
  • Tracks any product that will be out of stock in the next upcoming days based on the product inventory movement frequency. It helps identify how many days of available inventory you have to fulfill sales demand.
  • Inventory Overstock Report
  • Helps eliminate the ordering of overstocked products which can lead to excess carrying inventory costs and potential major losses. Also helps categorize existing products in XYZ classification and FSN classification.
  • Inventory Stock Movement Report
  • Provides the ability to track all inventory movements for all warehouses and for all companies. Users can track inventory movements between specific dates or up to a certain date.
  • NOTE

  • The Inventory Age and Inventory Age Breakdown Report will display records only whose Product Category costing method is FIFO or Average.

  • Advance Inventory Analysis Reports

    • Inventory Turnover Analysis Report

      Inventory turnover is a ratio showing how many times a company has sold and replaced inventory during a given period. Calculating inventory turnover can help businesses make better purchasing decisions.

      Importance of Turnover Analysis

    • Turning inventory into Cash
    • Inventory ties up critical cash that could be otherwise used to generate profits. It is critical for a company to analyze inventory turnover by product and determine how to move the inventory faster.
    • Identify demand uncertainty
    • Changes in demand drastically affect the ability of a company to make money. If demand drastically decreases, cash will be tied up in unnecessary inventory and warehouse efficiencies will be negatively affected; if demand increases, the lack of inventory will prevent the company to generate additional profits. It is critical for a company to manage demand uncertainty to maximize inventory utilization and maximize profits.
    • Identify risk of holding inventory
    • Based on the inventory turnover ratio, users can identify whether the money is invested in the right products or not. To monitor and manage risk turnover ratio analysis is critical.
    • Prevent overstocking
    • Overstocking is a nightmare for any business. Cash must be put to work where it can generate the most profit and excessive inventory kills the ability to use the cash anywhere else in the business. Preventing overstock situation is critical to business health.

    • Advantage of Turnover Analysis

    • Price stability
    • Turning over inventory quickly helps you maintain price stability.
    • Fresh products
    • By selling efficiently, you can keep fresh new products coming in and regularly rotate items in different display areas to get the attention of regular customers.
    • Buying power
    • If you consistently sell products in high volumes, you can order more on each purchase and get better rates. This improves your inventory costs.
    • Less waste
    • High turnover also helps you protect against waste from perishable or expired items.

    • Screenshots

    • Inventory FSN Analysis Report

      FSN stands for fast-moving, slow-moving and non-moving items. It looks at quantity, consumption rate and how often the item is issued and used. It helps in arrangement of stocks in stores and their distribution and handling methods. The main aim of this analysis is to control obsolescence of the inventories. If there is a rapid change in technology then this classification will have to be updated more often.

      FSN analysis is stock turnover ratio based analysis. Stock turnover ratio is defined as the ratio of annual consumption of a material divided by its average inventory. The items can be classified into three categories:

    • arrowFast moving (F): items with a stock turnover ratio greater than 3.
    • arrowSlow moving (S): items with a stock turnover ratio between 1 and 3.
    • arrowNon moving (N): items with a stock turnover ratio below 1.

    • Advantages of FSN Analysis

    • arrowFSN Classification helps identify dead stock, fast moving inventories.
    • arrowFSN analysis shows the items that are active in your inventory.
    • arrowFSN analysis helps you make smarter buying decisions with suppliers and keep inventory relevant to demand
    • arrowThe non-moving items are surplus to requirements and could be taking up precious real estate in the warehouse
    • arrowSeparate reporting by warehouse
    • arrowUser can filter by companies, categories, warehouses and products
    • arrowReports can be downloaded in excel formats

    • Screenshots

    • Inventory XYZ Analysis Report

      XYZ Analysis is always done for the current Stock in Inventory and aims at classifying the items into three classes based on their Inventory values. The current value of the items / variants in the Inventory alone is taken into consideration for the Analysis and it is not possible to do this analysis for any other dates.

    • arrowFirst 70% of the total Inventory value corresponds to X Class
    • arrowNext 20% of the total Inventory value corresponds to Y Class
    • arrowLast 10% of the total Inventory value corresponds to Z Class.

    • Advantage of XYZ Analysis

    • arrowHelps identify inventories investment status.
    • arrowHelps determine if certain inventories require a strategic sales plan.
    • arrowHelps evaluate how each inventory item should be monitored and controlled.
    • arrowSome inventories are critically important and require close monitoring and tight control.
    • arrowSome inventories are of lower criticality requiring standard controls and periodic reviews of usage.
    • arrowSome inventories require the least amount of control and are sometimes issued as “free stock” or forward holding.
    • arrowReporting for each Company
    • arrowUser can filter by companies, categories and products
    • arrowReport can be downloaded in excel format

    • Screenshots

    • Inventory FSN-XYZ Combined Analysis Report

      In any industry, not all items are required with the same frequency. Some materials are needed regularly, other items are needed occasionally and some other items may have become obsolete and might not have been demanded for years.

      The XYZ analysis when combined with FSN analysis helps formulate more specific strategies. It provides more focused direction on the disposal of specific stock and therefore improve the company’s capital position.

      A closing stock theory applied to a combination of XYZ with FSN indicates: if a non-moving (N) item is found in X category (i.e. NX category), the decision is to dispose of the N items by selling them off. It will free up space and increase capital.

      Advantage of FSN-XYZ Combined Analysis

    • arrowXYZ analysis when combined with FSN analysis helps formulate more specific s0trategies
    • arrowFSN-XYZ combined analysis helps identify dead stock or dead investment
    • arrowFSN-XYZ combined analysis clarifies service levels for items with volatile demand
    • arrowHelps reduce stock obsolescence
    • arrowHelps improve accuracy of forecasting
    • arrowReduces stock-outs, which:
    • arrowImproves production stability and efficiency
    • arrowImproves customer satisfaction
    • arrowSeparate reporting by company
    • arrowUser can filter by companies, categories and products
    • arrowReport can be downloaded in excel format

    • Screenshots

    • Inventory Age & Age Breakdown Analysis Report

      Inventory ageing reports tell you the number of days an item has been sitting in inventory based on the receipt date. Having access to this kind of information allows you to make informed decisions when it comes to what and how many products to purchase.

      It is critical to identify the stock level and stock age in order to improve purchasing decisions and developing sales strategies. An inventory ageing report is a list of the items on hand grouped by the length of time in inventory. It is used to identify slow moving inventory and understand the additional costs to store/maintain these products until they are sold.

      Advantages of Age & Age Breakdown Analysis

    • arrowAllows you to focus your attention on the slowest moving items
    • arrowImproves decision making on the timing and quantity of inventory purchases or production
    • arrowHelps improve the costs incurred during storage to maintain the quality of the goods .
    • arrowUnderstand how long your products spend in inventory and compare performance against industry benchmarks
    • arrowHow the inventory control system compares to either their own company or competitors
    • arrowStock age can be analyzed in graphical form (Charts)
    • arrowStock age data is available in list view to give grouping and searching flexibility
    • arrowSeparate report by company
    • arrowCompanies wise separate reporting
    • arrowUser can filter by companies, categories & products
    • arrowReport can be downloaded in excel format

    • Screenshots

    • Inventory Out Of Stock Analysis Report

      Stockouts almost always make it to the “worst nightmare” lists of retailers, and for good reason. Not only do they lead to lost sales, they also result in reduced customer satisfaction and lower loyalty levels.

      To overcome Out of Stock issues, this report will help you analyze the number of products that will be out of stock and the quantities you need to have in stock.

      This report also helps you identify FSN classification for out of stock products which helps you determine if keeping the stock will be in benefits to you or not.

      Advantages of Out Of Stock Analysis

    • arrowHelps measure inventory coverage days
    • arrowHelps improve the reordering process
    • arrowHelps identify future sales figure for which there are no stock
    • arrowHelps identify required cash flow to restock out of stock products
    • arrowHelps identify which products are necessary to restock from the FSN classification
    • arrowHelps identify which products should be restocked using FSN classification
    • arrowHelps forecast your inventory properly
    • arrowSeparate report by Warehouse
    • arrowUser can filter by companies, categories, warehouses & products
    • arrowReport can be downloaded in EXCEL format

    • Screenshots

    • Inventory Overstock Analysis Report

      Excess inventory is another nightmare for businesses; it locks cash and can lead to major losses. Excess inventories for items that are not active can ruin successful businesses.

      This report helps you stop ordering too much inventory which can lead to major losses. It also helps categorize existing inventories in XYZ classification and FSN classification.

      Advantages of Inventory Overstock Analysis

    • arrowCombined FSN-XYZ with overstock report helps identify dead investment
    • arrowExcess inventory report helps determine stock forecasting accuracy
    • arrowIt gives you product specific inventory value and the percentage of the total inventory value
    • arrowThe excess inventory report helps identify inventories which need close monitoring and tight control
    • arrowIt helps improve reordering planning
    • arrowSeparate report by Warehouse
    • arrowUser can filter by companies, categories, warehouses & products
    • arrowReport can be downloaded in EXCEL format

    • Screenshots

    • Inventory Movement Analysis Report

      It’s always painful for most of the business to track the inventory movements, especially when you have a large product catalogue or high frequent inventory transactions. This app helps you to track the inventory for specific periods or up to a certain date for all products for all warehouses. Users can filter reports by products category, products, companies and warehouses.


    • Opening Stock
    • Gives you products beginning period calculated stock
    • Purchase & Purchase Return
    • Gives the total purchase qty & purchase return qty of the products between specific period or up to a certain period
    • Sales & Sales Return
    • Gives the total sale qty & sales return of the products between specific period or up to a certain period
    • Internal Transaction Tracking (In / Out)
    • Gives the total internal IN qty & internal OUT qty of the products between specific period or up to a certain period
    • Inventory Adjustment Tracking (In / Out)
    • Gives the total stock adjustment IN qty & stock adjustment OUT qty of the products between specific period or up to a certain period
    • Transit Transaction Tracking (In / Out)
    • Gives the total transit IN qty & transit OUT qty of the products between specific period or up to a certain period
    • Production Tracking (In / Out)
    • Gives the total production qty & consumption qty of the products between specific period or up to a certain period
    • Closing Stock
    • Gives the ending period calculated stock (closing stock)

    • Features

    • arrowUsers can generate report between specific dates or up to a certain date
    • arrowEach of the transactions will be captured and give you opening and closing for a defined criteria
    • arrowAlways gives you calculated real opening balance and calculated real closing
    • arrowCapture all possible inventory movements and separately visible all IN transactions and OUT transactions in report.
    • arrowWarehouse wise separate reporting
    • arrowUser can filter by companies, categories, warehouses & products
    • arrowReport can be downloaded in well format excel file

    • Screenshots

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    on 1/21/25, 5:54 PM

    Good App to Purchase
    Sys Admin
    on 11/4/24, 7:43 AM

    The support team is responsive and helpful, quickly addressing any questions I had. I especially appreciate the regular updates and new features that keep enhancing the app’s functionality.

    Overall, this app is a must-have for anyone looking to streamline their operations in Odoo. Great job to the developers

    Re: Good App to Purchase
    on 11/4/24, 8:52 AM Author

    Hello Sys Admin,

    We’re absolutely thrilled to see your 5-star review! Your feedback means the world to us, and it’s incredibly rewarding to know that we met your expectations. We’re committed to delivering quality and service you can count on, and your support encourages us to keep aiming higher.

    Thank you once again for choosing us. We look forward to serving you again soon!

    Warm regards,

    Team SETU

    Amazing helpful support
    Ahmet Akkuş
    on 6/6/24, 6:32 AM

    We are happy work with setu, they are making good projects. and support team also very helpful, Thank you

    Re: Amazing helpful support
    on 9/17/24, 9:38 AM Author

    Hello Ahmet Akkuş,

    Many thanks for sharing your excellent 5-star rating and providing such encouraging feedback.

    It brings us immense joy to know that you are satisfied with our services. We eagerly anticipate nurturing this relationship into a long-term partnership, and we assure you that we will continue to deliver future assignments to the highest standards.

    Best regards,
    Team SETU

    POS Sales
    Mario Marinić
    on 2/15/25, 7:11 AM


    Should we take this model and sell it in POS modules?


    on 1/21/25, 5:54 PM Confirmed Purchase

    Asim Mainuddin Tambe
    on 11/4/24, 6:58 AM

    Excellent App! Highly Recommend!
    Asim Mainuddin Tambe
    on 11/4/24, 6:57 AM

    The support team is responsive and helpful, quickly addressing any questions I had. I especially appreciate the regular updates and new features that keep enhancing the app’s functionality.

    Overall, this app is a must-have for anyone looking to streamline their operations in Odoo. Great job to the developers!

    on 4/29/24, 6:48 AM Author

    Hello Eduardo, 

    Thank you for reaching out to us and sharing your concerns.

    We regret to inform you that according to Odoo's policy, each version of the app must be purchased separately from the Odoo app store. Therefore, to access version 17 of the app, you will need to make a new purchase. Please note that we typically do not offer discounts on app purchases, as we prioritize delivering quality and value to our customers.

    Upon purchasing the app, you will receive 90 days of complimentary support. Our team will also assist you with the installation and configuration process to ensure a smooth experience.

    If you have any further inquiries or specific requests regarding our app or potential discounts, please do not hesitate to contact our sales team at They will be more than happy to assist you.

    Best Regards,

    Setu Team

    Version migration query
    Eduardo Lecuna
    on 4/26/24, 9:55 AM
    Good morning.

    We are migrating from v14 to v17. Do we have to buy the App again for v17 or do you replace it or give a discount for already having the v14 one?

    Stay tuned.