Preway IT Solutions Apps 231 Apps found. author: Preway it solutions ×

This module help you to record product sales price update history | product previous sales price history | Sale Price Update History | Sales previous price

Product Sales Price Update History
Preway IT Solutions

This module help you to auto lot/serial number generate on incoming shipment | Auto Generate Lot Number in Incoming Shipment

Purchase Auto Lot Generation
Preway IT Solutions

This module help you to add discount on purchase order line | Purchase Line Discount | Purchase Discount

Purchase Discount | Discount on Purchase Order Line
Preway IT Solutions

This apps helps you set multi approval on purchase order confirm | Purchase Multi User Approval | Purchase Approval User Wise

Purchase Multi Approval
Preway IT Solutions

This app helps you to set location on purchase order line to receive stock in multiple location | Location Wise Purchase | Purchase Location | Purchase Order Line Location | Location on Purchase Order Line

Purchase Multi Location
Preway IT Solutions

This app helps you to set warehouse on purchase order line to receive stock in multiple warehouse | Purchase Warehouse | Purchase Order Line Warehouse | Warehouse on Purchase Order Line

Purchase Multi Warehouse
Preway IT Solutions

This app helps you to show payment status and due amount on purchase order | Purchase Order Payment Status & Due Amount | Purchase Order Payment Status Filter | Purchase Payment Status | Purchase Order Payment Status | Billing Status on Purchase Order

Purchase Order Payment Status | Payment Status and Due Amount on Purchase Order
Preway IT Solutions

This module helps you to show total demand qty, received qty, billed qty and remaining receipt and bill qty on purchase order | Purchase Order Total Quantity | Purchase Total Qty | Purchase Total Quantity | Total Quantity Of Purchase Order Line

Purchase Order Total Quantity
Preway IT Solutions

This app helps you to set purchase price for uom | Multi UoM Price | Purchase Pricelist | Purchase Uom Pricelist | Product Price by UoM | Product UOM based Pricelist

Purchase Price by UoM | Purchase UoM Prices | Purchase Unit of Measure Price
Preway IT Solutions

This app helps you to add picking note on purchase order | GRN note from purchase order | Purhcase order receipt note | GRN note from purchase order | Purchase Order Picking Notes | Purchase Picking Notes to Purchase Orders

Purchase Receipt Note | Purchase Picking Note
Preway IT Solutions

This module helps you search purchase orders by tag | purchase tag | Purchase order tags

Purchase Tags | Search Purchase Order by Tags
Preway IT Solutions

This module is allow you to restrict to edit product internal reference for specific user | Readonly Product Code | Default Code Readonly

Readonly Product Internal Reference | Restrcit Product Internal Reference
Preway IT Solutions

This module will help you to purchase unit price readonly for specific user | Readonly purchase price | Readonly purchase unit price | Read only purchase price | Read only purchase unit price

Readonly Purchase Price | Purchase Unit Price Readonly
Preway IT Solutions

This module will help you to readonly Units of Measure in sales and invoice for specific user.

Readonly UoM | Readonly Unit of Measure in Sales and Invoices
Preway IT Solutions

This module helps you quick remove orderlines in pos screen | POS Quick Remove Orderlines | Delete orderline in pos | Remove order line in pos | Quick POS Order Lines Remove/Delete

Remove Order Line In POS
Preway IT Solutions

This app helps you to archive or unarchive Repair orders | Repair Archive Records | Repair Unarchive Records | Archive/Unarchive Repair Orders

Repair Order Archive/Unarchive | Archive Repair Orders
Preway IT Solutions

This module is use to restrict close session button on pos for employees | Restrict Close session on POS | POS Restrict Close Session | POS Disable Close Session Buttons By access rights in hr employee

Restrict Close Session on POS for Employees | POS Restrict Session Close
Preway IT Solutions

This module is use to restrict pos order return from backend, you can allow return for specific users | POS Return By Manager Only | Pos Return Button

Restrict POS Return for Specific Users
Preway IT Solutions

This app helps you to assign default pos to the other users, User can only access to their default pos and user can only see pos orders and payments related to his default pos

Restrict User To Default POS
Preway IT Solutions

This module helps you to restrict to print product in pos receipt | Hide Free Product in POS Receipt | Hide Product in POS Receipt | Restrict to print product in pos receipt

Restrict to Print Product in Receipt | Hide Product in POS Receipt
Preway IT Solutions