Odoo Apps 45828 Apps found.

Allows to identify the purchase orders that have quantities pending to invoice or to receive.

Purchase Open Qty
ForgeFlow , Odoo Community Association (OCA)
724 | 6

This module extends the functionality of Odoo 17 to add prepayments (down payments) for the purchase order.

Purchase Order Prepayments (down payment)
Purchase Quotation number
53 | 6
Purchase Receipt by Date
45 | 6

QR Code Generator for Products, Customers and Employees

QR Code Generator
241 | 6

Generate QR Code for Invoice

QR Code Invoice
ERP Harbor Consulting Services
2446 | 6

Accounting QR Code, Accounting QRCode, Accounting Barcode, Generate QR Code for Accounting, Generate QRCode for Accounting, Generate Barcode for Accounting, Customer Invoice QR Code, Customer Invoice QRCode, Customer Invoice Barcode, Generate QR Code for Customer Invoice, Generate QRCode for Customer Invoice, Generate Barcode for Customer Invoice, Invoice QR Code, Invoice QRCode, Invoice Barcode, Generate QR Code for Invoice, Generate QRCode for Invoice, Generate Barcode for Invoice, Credit Note QR Code, Credit Note QRCode, Credit Note Barcode, Generate QR Code for Credit Note, Generate QRCode for Credit Note, Generate Barcode for Credit Note, Vendor Bills QR Code, Vendor Bills QRCode, Vendor Bills Barcode, Generate QR Code for Vendor Bills, Generate QRCode for Vendor Bills, Generate Barcode for Vendor Bills, Bills QR Code, Bills QRCode, Bills Barcode, Bill QR Code, Bill QRCode, Bill Barcode, Generate QR Code for Bills, Generate QRCode for Bills, Generate Barcode for Bills, Refund QR Code, Refund QRCode, Refund Barcode, Generate QR Code for Refund, Generate QRCode for Refund, Generate Barcode for Refund, Refunds QR Code, Refunds QRCode, Refunds Barcode, Payments Bills QR Code, Payments Bills QRCode, Payments Bills Barcode, Payment Bills QR Code, Payment Bills QRCode, Payment Bills Barcode, Generate QR Code for Vendor Payments, Generate QRCode for Vendor Payments, Generate Barcode for Vendor Payments, QRCode, QR Code, Barcode, Generate QR Code, Generate Barcode, Scan QR Code, Scan Barcode Generator, Scan Barcode, Mobile QR Code Scan,

QRCode for Accounting
OMAX Informatics

Quick Update Product Category Change Quickly Product Category Change with POS Multi Changing Product Category Updating Multiple Product Categories Change POS Product Category Quickly Update Categories of Products in POS Update Product Category Management

Quick Change Product Category with POS
77 | 6

Quickbooks Odoo Connector supports two-way synchronization which makes management a lot more easier! Our module helps you integrate and manage your Quickbooks Online with Odoo. Sync Quickbooks and Odoo with just one click.

Quickbooks Odoo Connector
Techspawn Solutions Pvt Ltd
5 149

This module helps to search records easily in one2many field.

RP Quick Search in one2many
RP Odoo Developer
431 | 6

Radio Input Widget, Web Widget Radio Input, Web Widget Input Radio, Input Design, New Design Input Widget, Web Responsive Input, Web Backend Input, Web Field Widget, Odoo Widget Input Radio, Checked Input Checked Widget, Input Style New Style Input Design Radio Style Radio, Bootstrap Input Odoo Widget Odoo Input Form View Input, Bootsrap Kits Forms, Bootstrap Forms Kits Inputs Widget, Web Field Odoo Radio, Odoo Field Widget Field Radio, Radio Field Boolean Field Style, Selected Radio, Design Form Style, Boolean Radio Boolean Input Field

Radio Input Widget
145 | 6

Set Any User To ReadOnly User Restrict Read Only User Restrict Read Only Restrict Read User Restrict Only Read Restrict Only User Read Restrict Only Restrict User Read Restrict User Only Read Restrict User Read Only Restrict Only Read User Only Restrict Read Restrict User product tag website product stickers website product tag website product label website product ribbon website ribbon website product tag

Read Only User

Sell Real Estate Properties.

Real Estate Sale
Zillo Tech
74 | 6

Automatically propose all lines generated from payment orders

Reconcile payment orders
Therp BV , Tecnativa ,
407 | 6

Record Readonly - Add readonly to all fields

Record Readonly
Hoang Minh Hieu
17 | 6

This module helps to create a new stock transfer automatically when you finish validating the main transfer.

Related Stock Transfer
ZestyBeanz Technologies
46 | 6

Resize Column Width, Remember the tree view column's width each and every session.

Remember Resized Tree Column Width
Caret IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Sale Order Advance Payment Options By company setting

Remove Sale Order Advance Payment Options
Zero Systems
32 | 6

Report Layout for Qweb Pdf reports

Report Layout
Loyal It Solutions Pvt Ltd
216 | 6

shows a modal window with options for printing, downloading or opening pdf reports

Report Options - Download, View, Print
Luis Rodrigo Mejia Mateus , Odoo Mates
733 | 6