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Odoo Pharmacy Management App helps you to manage wholesale pharma stores. Users can configure access rights for the user and manager. Users can configure medicine type, medicine category and manufacturing company. Users can manage details of medicines, customers, vendors, employees and contracts. You can create or manage sales and purchase order details with medicines and required attachment of prescription. Users can see customer invoice reports in graph and pivot view and also print medicine expiry reports in PDF format.

Wholesale Pharmacy Management

Manage whole sales process from purchase to sale order to delivery,invoices upto payment from point of sale screen Wholesale Pharmacy Pharmacy Management Pharmacy Wholesale Wholesale Solution Sale medicine from point of sale Purchase medicine from point of sale

(POS) Wholesale Pharmacy Management

User can define dynamic approvals on any object with your own domain and multiple approvers

ALL in One Record Approvals

Payment approval mechanism and auto adjustment with invoices or bills

Account Payment Approvals V-17 Done

Scan available product barcode or create non exist product with barcode and add in lines for sale purchase invoice bill Barcode scan for invoices Barcode scan for Bills

Accouting Barcode Scan

Retailer agrees to pay a seller or consignor for merchandise after the item sells or selling goods (clothing, furniture, etc.) through a third-party vendor such as a consignment store. the consignee is financially responsible (the buyer) for the receipt of a shipment also includes Multiple commision on consigment and multiple reports. Consignment Management System sale Consignment Management purchase Consignment Management consignee Management buyer Management consignment store

Advance Consignment Management

Parcel or Courier Management System includes following features Portal access and allows to create request as customer Shipping order for sender to receiver Arrival and delivery of package for shipping order Arrival location unloading anf allocation in location Package barcode and shipping order barcode Source to destination wise pricing Home Delivery and pick up obtion Invoice at sender or receiver end Courier Management Courier Transport Management Package origin or destination wise reports

Advance Courier Management System

Dairy farm management system is use to manage data related to Dairy Animals, milk and manure Dashboard animal type wise Import milk on milksheet Daily Feed and other Expenses Costcenter and Activeties for all events Doctor appointment and trement and vacination Manages Animals Data like (Health,Weight,Breeding) Animals Daily Milk Sheet and Milk inventory Held and pregnancy and calf management Manages Animals Data ( Health, Weight, Breeding) Animals Daily Milk Sheet and Milk inventory Milk Distribution and Grain purchase and other expenses Manure Collection, Inventory and Distribution Milk ledger, income analysis and farm accouting Health, Weight, Breeding PDF and other reports Milk management system Animal management system Dairy farm management Farm management Animals management Cattle management

Advance Dairy and Cattle Management

Farms as Cultivation area and can distribute into Blocks Crop Activities and Materials and fleet and equiments management Accident and incident management Soil and water analysis Disease and cure management Inspection of crop on every process Multiple Processes as tasks and timesheet for labours Production summary and budget and costing claim and claim request and payments Agriculture or Farming solution as service providers Farmer management Farming Solution Agriculture Services Agriculture Cultivation Soil Testing Geolocation Crops Pestisides Farm Management system Crops Management system

Advance Farm / Agriculture Management

After sale order create from odoo Ecommmerce site order goes for delivery. Delivery person validates it and mail goes to customer to sign to confirm delivery is reached with all requred information Delivery signature management Delivery confirmation Sale Delivery singature

Advance Portal Delivery Signature

Advance Production Management System enable manufacturing in big scale which includes follwing features Multi finish products from single raw material and bom templates Sorting of end products Grading of end products Packaging of end products Backorder for raw materials Catalog orders from sales Indent request for other materials Factory management system Production management system Advance production management Manufacturing extended

Advance Production/Manufacturing Management

Create bulk RFQ with vendor management and comparison all RFQ from same screen and confirm purchase order based on comparison filters and rest will cancel automatically Purchase Management advance purchase vendor management Create bulk RFQ Purchase Comparison confirm purchase order Automatically RFQ Update price Vendors selection

Advance Purchase Management

Create Bulk RFQ for selected vendors. Auto send RFQ in mail. Multiple RFQ Create bulk RFQ Bulk RFQ send Multple rfq Update RFQ price Vendor profile Vendor Price Create RFQ Create Purchase Create Comparison Purchase Comparison Send RFQ Send Multiple RFQ Show all send RFQ into vendor profile. Update price and expected date from portal and add vendor description

Advance Quotation Management

System will tell you which RFQ is best for your need based on multiple comparison filteres like Min price or Expected delivery date. You can also manual select RFQ or update and confirm RFQ from dashboard. Purchae Comparison RFQ Comparison rfq comparison When you confirm any purchase order rest will be cancel automatically and manual process also available. Dashboard shows RFQ with product (Left) vs vendors (Top) and qty and price in middle.

Advance RFQ Comparison Dashboard

Advance Recuitment Process includes Recuitor or Manager profile Extra education or work experience or certification information about candidate Recuitor can or can not see basis information like name email phone Screens applications Selects qualified candidates Schedules interviews or oversees preparation of interview questions and selection materials Assists with the interview process, attending and conducting interviews with managers

Advance Recuitment Process

Multiple movement and set default location for repairs When Repair starts product move from main location to workshop When testing starts move Workshop location to waiting for testing location Then Testing location to finish location If testing fails workshop to irrepairable location If repair cancel it moves to cancel location repair transfer charges repair with accounting repair transfer Repair Management System Repair components repair product

Advance Repair Management System

Main product : Car Raw material : Tyre, Engine, Breakbox with auto serial or lot number from configuration Car will be scrap and move from main location to unbuild location Raw material will move from unbuild location to main stock location Auto Lot or serial for raw materials Assign existing lot for raw material Stock movments and tracebilty Set cost price for raw material as X percentage of main product

Advance Unbuild management system

Management solution for workshop or autoshop or garage for all kind of vechile which include following features Online or offline jobcard request Vechile inspection and workorder Technicain work timesheets Spart part and service products estimation Quotation and RFQ or Invoices and Bills Notify manager and customer about renewal service by mail Schedule auto service remainder Message or mail from jobcards with clients Jobcard, inspection or workorder report Repair management Autoshop management Garage management Spare parts, techincial and workshop efficency reports

Advance Vehicle Repair Autoshop Garage Management

Agriculture as service provided by organisation with following services Farmer as portal user and can see his services and processes Farmer register Cultivation area and distribute into Blocks Cultivation activities and services given by service provider Inspection by responsible person and Farmer can create his Claims Agriculture Multiple Processes as project and tasks Claim and Service invoices and Crops and fees reports Agriculture dashboard with crops and services area farmer deatils Agriculture or Farming solution as service providers Farmer management Farming Solution Agriculture Services Agriculture Cultivation Soil Testing Geolocation Crops Pestisides Farm Management system Crops Management system

Agriculture / Farm / Crops Management System

Based on variance define in categpey or product variance of qty and price will allow in picking and bills

Allow Variance in Purchase