Odoo Apps 17946 Apps found. version: 17.0 ×

Show Age Popup on Website Message Popup Confirmation Alert Conformation Alert Website Age Verify Website Conformation Popup Confirmation Popup Website Pop up Website Alert Confirmation Popup Alert Odoo Age Verification Odoo Add Age Verification on Website Age Restriction Popup Website Age Restriction Pop up On Website Age Gate Popup Age Alert Verify Age Verification Message Age Alert Message Restrict Age Show Age Pop up on Website Message Pop up Conformation Pop up Website Age Gate Pop up Age Verification Pop up

Age Verification Popup
Softhealer Technologies

Hide Followers In Sale Order, Remove Sales Followers, Disable account Auto Add Followers, Quotation Invisible Followers Module, Partner Not Add In Follower App, Customer Not Add In Follower, Vendor Not Add In Followers In Bill All in One Disable Followers Disable Followers For Sales Disable Followers For Purchase Disable Followers For Invoice Disable Followers For Bill Disable Followers For Picking Disable Followers feature Follower Disabling module Disable Follower Accounts tool Followers Deactivation module Inventory Disable Followers All-In-One Follower Control Disable Follow Requests Deactivate Followers Turn Off Followers Odoo

All in One Disable Followers | Sale Order Disable Followers | Purchase Order Disable Followers | Invoice Disable Followers
Softhealer Technologies

Set Quotation Priority App Set Sales Order Priority Put RFQ Priority Module Give Request For Quotation Priority Set Invoices Priority Provide Bills Priority Set Credit Notes Priority Set Debit Note Priority Set Internal Transfer Priority Inventory Priority Incoming Order Priority Outgoing Order Priority Odoo All in One Priority - Sale, Purchase, Account, Inventory Odoo Set Priority In Quotations Set Priority In Sales Order Module Put Priority In RFQ Group Credit Notes By Priority Group Debit Notes By Priority Group Transfer By Priority Odoo Set Quotation Priority App Group Sales Order By Priority Group RFQ By Priority Group Request For Quotation By Priority Group Invoices By Priority Group Bills By Priority Credit Notes Priority in Form View Debit Note Priority in Form View Internal Transfer Priority in Form View Odoo Quotation Priority in Form View Sales Order Priority in Form View RFQ Priority in Form View Request For Quotation Priority in Form View Invoices Priority in Form View Bills Priority in Form view Credit Notes Priority in List & Tree View Debit Note Priority in List & Tree View Internal Transfer Priority in List & Tree View Odoo Quotation Priority in List & Tree View Sales Order Priority in List & Tree View RFQ Priority in List & Tree View Request For Quotation Priority in List & Tree View Invoices Priority in List & Tree View Bills Priority in List & Tree view Credit Notes Priority in Kanban View Debit Note Priority in Kanban View Internal Transfer Priority in Kanban View Odoo Quotation Priority in Kanban View Sales Order Priority in Kanban View RFQ Priority in Kanban View Request For Quotation Priority in Kanban View Invoices Priority in Kanban View Bills Priority in Kanban view

All in One Priority - Sale, Purchase, Account, Inventory
Softhealer Technologies

Manage Employee Attendance Module, Calculate Working Hours App, Track Employee Check-In Time, Track Check-Out Time, Manage Late Comers Employee, Get Attendance Detail Odoo

Attendance Late/Undertime Information
Softhealer Technologies

Auto Purchase to vendor bill auto purchase order processing auto purchase process Automatic purchase confirmation processing automatic workflow for purchase order auto process purchase order auto workflow on purchase auto workflow purchase single click

Automated Purchase Order Processing

POS Extra Bank Charges on POS Extra Charges on POS credit card charges pos extra payment charges pos credit card extra charges point of sale extra bank charges on point of sale extra charges point of sale bank charges point of sales bank charge pos charges

Bank Charges in POS

This module allows the odoo users to upload documents from different sources like Drag and Drop, Local Devices, Screen Capture , Webcam and Audio to binary field

Binary Widget | Binary Field Widget Uploader | Screen Capture Attachments | Webcam Attachments | Audio Attachments | Capture Screen

Company wise email templates company wise email templates company wise templates email template based on company different email template for company wise default email template for company specific email template set default email template company wise

Company Wise Default Email Template For Invoice/SO/PO
Edge Technologies

Module allow to Create delivery order manually from sale order Manual Delivery Order Manual Picking Delivery Order Sale Order

Create delivery order manually from sale order
Kiran Infosoft

Sale Order Invoice Status Module Track Delivery Order Invoice Status Invoice Partial Payment Status Invoice Full Payment Status App Print Invoice Status DO Status Invoice Payment Status Odoo Status Of Invoice In Delivery Orders DO Invoice Status In DO With Invoice Status Odoo Delivery Orders Invoice Status Order tracking and invoicing Order delivery and invoice management Invoice status update Order delivery status Odoo

Delivery Order Invoice Status
Softhealer Technologies

Dynamic, Customizable and Flexible approval process for documents | electronic document approval | online document approval process | doc approval cycle | doc approval process | document approval workflow | approve document package | document approval system | approve doc package | contract approval process | invoice approval process

Document Approval Workflow

Manage Complains Module Handle Worker Complain Management App Employees Complain Management Manage Complains With Types Maintain Complains Odoo Employee Complaint Enhancement Employee Complaint Management Organization Complaint Organization Complain HR Complain Management Employee Complains Management for Employee Complain resolution employee complain tracking for employee manage complain for employee HR complains management human resource complain management manage complains for HR employee complain Employee Complain Odoo Employee Complains Odoo Complains Management Odoo Complain Management Odoo Grievance Management Employee Grievance Employee Concerns Employee Problems Employee Problems Management Complaints Tracking Complaints Resolution Complain Resolution

Employee Complain Management
Softhealer Technologies

Manage Idea Management Worker Idea Manage Workers Idea Staff Idea Maintain Ideas employee votes employee share idea manage idea types employee idea notification HR employee share ideas HR share ideas Employee Idea Request Idea approval Odoo Share Employee Idea Management Odoo Employee Idea Odoo Employee Ideas Management Employee Suggestions idea sharing Employee Idea Submission System Idea Generation

Employee Idea Management
Softhealer Technologies

Export Access on Specific Models Access Export on Specific Models Export Access on Specific view export data access to different view allow to export only specific models export access control model export access management allow to export access on model

Export Access Control on Specific Models

Export mass invoice export invoice export vendor bill export mass vendor bill export invoice as zip export invoice on zip file export mass invoice on zip export mass invoice report export invoices in zip export multiple invoice report export invoice report

Export Multiple Invoice Reports in ZIP

Html List Blocks Html Snippet Module HTML Snipet html Box HTML Snippets App HTML Slider Snippet html Image Grid Block HTML Content Box Css snippet Js snippet JavaScript snippet Code for Design HTML Editor CSS List Blocks CSS Snippet Module CSS Snipet CSS Box CSS Snippets App CSS Slider Snippet CSS Image Grid Block CSS Content Box HTML Code for Design CSS Editor JS List Blocks JS Snippet Module JS Snipet JS Box JS Snippets App JS Slider Snippet JS Image Grid Block JS Content Box HTML Code for Design JS Editor

HTML Snippets
Softhealer Technologies

Ticket Timer for Helpdesk Timer for ticket start and stop timer pause helpdesk start helpdesk timer stop helpdesk timer start and stop helpdesk timer helpdesk timesheet timer record timesheet with timer start timesheet timer task timer stop timesheet timer

Helpdesk Ticket Timer with Timesheet

Apps helps to Import pricelist import multiple pricelist lines import vendor pricelist import sales pricelist import product pricelists import customer pricelist import from excel pricelist import from csv import Price list import Pricelist item import

Import Pricelist from Excel or CSV File

This app allow you to create instruction and quality checklist for job order.

Instruction and Quality Checklist on Job Order
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.

Print Inventory Age Report Inventory Breakdown Report inventory aging report stock aging report warehouse aging report product Stock aging report Inventory age stock report stock card stock ageing report stock expiry report aging stock report ageing stock

Inventory Age Analysis Report