Odoo Apps 23544 Apps found. version: 16.0 ×

Point of Sale Screen Auto Lock POS Screen Lock Timer Point of Sales Automatic Timer Lock POS Screen Lock Period Lock POS Period Point of Sale Lock Time Period POS Auto Lock Session Automatic POS Screen Lock Session POS Time Period Lock Auto POS Lock Period

POS Lock Screen | Point of Sale Auto Lock Timer

POS Login Direct Allow POS User login direct to POS Screen by pass backend layout Allow POS User logout from pos by pass backend layout

POS Login Direct
TL Technology

Using this module to auto select LOT/Serial in POS sorted by expiry date

POS Lot Auto Selection depend on expiry date
Ahmed Elmahdi

Expiry date warning for the lot of the product

POS Lot Expiry Warning
Cybrosys Techno Solutions

POS lot warning pos lot expiry warning pos serial expiry warning pos lot expiry validation point of sale lot warning point of sale lot expiry warning point of sale serial expiry warning point of sale lot expiry validation point of sales lot expiry warning

POS Lot Expiry Warning - Validation

Point of sale lot Selection pos lot Pos Multi lot select Add unique serial number to products in Pos select Lot select Pos multi lot selection Pos lot number selection Pos lot selection Pos serial selection Pos serial number selection Select serial number POS serial number POS product serial number Assign unique serial number in point of sale Select serial number in pos Assign serial number in point of sale Lot number select from Pos lot serial selection Lot number in pos serial number in pos product add to cart with lot product add to cart with serial products add to cart with lots numbers products add to cart with serial numbers Scan Lot Serial Number Scan POS Lot Number Scan POS serial number scan lot no scan serial no scan serial numbers scan lot numbers POS scan product by lots POS scan product by lot numbers POS scan product by serial numbers

POS Lot Serial Selection
Softhealer Technologies

Manage the Stock of your POS products by highlighting them in different colors depending on their stock state.

POS Low Stock Alert
Ksolves India Ltd.

POS Loyalty and Rewards Redeem odoo apps is used to give POS loyalty redemption points for every purchase to your customers from point of sales screen. Customer can also redeem this loyalty points for other purchase from the point of sale screen Or use accumulated points to rank up for customers

POS Loyalty Program And Rewards | POS Loyalty And Customer Ranks
Dev Happy

Manager Validation of Closing POS, Order Deletion, Order Line Deletion, Discount Application, Order Payment, Price Change, Decreasing Quantity using Employee Badge ID Odoo POS validation, Odoo POS validate, Odoo POS confirmation, Odoo POS confirm, Odoo POS checking, Odoo POS check, Odoo POS access, Odoo POS employee, employee access, access right, delete order, delete order line, POS closing, closing POS, decrease quantity, Odoo POS employee validation, Odoo POS restaurant validation

POS Manager Validation using Employee Badge ID

Create pos forced questions pos force questions pos questions for product pos mandatory product questions mandatory pos question pos product question customer question point of sale forced question for pos forced questions point of sales forced questions

POS Mandatory Question

POS customisation for a Sale Price, Cost Price and Average Cost Price, Total Profit in POS Pivot Report

POS Margin And Analysis | POS Order Analysis Pivot Report Custom || Cost Price, Total Cost Price and Average Cost Price, Profit ,Total Profit in POS Pivot Report

app point of sales Margin on POS product margin on pos margin on pos invoice margin on point of sale margin pos sales margin report POS profit report pos Daily profit report POS Margin Report pos margin analysis on pos total margin pos order margin on point of sale

POS Margin Profit and Analysis Report in odoo

odoo app POS Margin Report, Point of Sale Margin PDF/XLS Report, Pos margin report with date/customer filters, point of sale margin, pos customer margin, pos saleperson margin pos order cashier margin, date range margin report , pos profit report, point of sales profit order, product profit

POS Margin Report, Point of Sale Margin PDF/XLS Report, Pos margin report with date/customer filters
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Manage and search products using PLU codes

POS MealVoucher Paiement
Icloud Solutions

Allows the seller to provide membership cards to his customers for availing discounts

POS Membership Cards
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

App helps POS Loyalty Management pos loyalty pos rewards pos club membership POS by Loyalty Program POS Loyalty Program pos customer loyalty POS membership card Program Point of Sale Bonus Gift POS Referral pos club Membership Card for provide Discount

POS Membership Management in Odoo

The module allows you to export the product internal categories to POS and sort the products according to them.|Custom Category|Modified Category|Merge Category|Category

POS Merge Category
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Odoo POS Minimum Quantity Order Module enables you to set a MOQ at the product level.Orderline Quantity|Set Minimum Order Quantity|MOQ|Minimum Orderline Quantity

POS Minimum Quantity Order
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Mobile Web App | Mobile Web Application | Sales | Invoicing | CRM | Inventory | Accounting | Purchase | Point of Sale | Project | Manufacturing | Timesheets | Expenses | Employees | Planning | Events | Contacts | Calendar | Appointments | Attendance | Messaging | Planning Mobile Application | Planning mobile | Planning | Mobile Application | V3CodeStudio | V3 Code Stucio | Planning mobile app | Mobile app | Odoo Planning | Odoo mobile app | Odoo planning app | Mobile calendar app | Task management app | Business productivity app | Odoo calendar on mobile | Other Apps.

POS Mobile App

POS Barcode Scanner POS QR Code Scanner POS Mobile Barcode Scanner POS Mobile QRCode Scanner Point Of Sale Mobile Barcode Scanner Point Of Sale Mobile QRCode Scanner point of sale barcode scanner pos scanner pos product scanner pos product barcode scanner

POS Mobile Barcode and QR Code Scanner