Odoo Apps 4 Apps found. search: "Sale Order Types" ×

POS Order Types, Point Of Sale Orders Types,Order Types in POS,Order Types in point of sale,pos orders,point of sale orders types,pos default order type,POS order default odoo

Point Of Sale Order Types
Softhealer Technologies

Manage POS order type Use for decide pricing as per order type(For example: Customer, Manager or Staff etc..). Payment POS Order Type Orders Type Pricelist Manage Pricelist POS Order Type pos pricelist discount on pos sales order pos order pos screen pos multi order point of sale pricelist point of sale discount point of sale order point of sale multi order point of sale screen pos authorization point of sale authorization point of sale order types POS Product Restriction POS product product restriction point of sale product point of sale item point of sale product restriction point of sale item restriction pos item restriction pos item pos restriction pos product category restriction point of sale product category restriction pos item category restriction pos user resctriction restrict pos user restrict point of sale user pos point of sale pos product display point of sale product display pos item display point of sale item display POS Payment Groups POS payment Point of sale payment payment payment by group multi journal payment group multi payment journal group POS multiple payment journals cash journal group bank journal group online paymen journal group

POS Order Type
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

This application facilitates POS user to manage multiple payment journals as a group. like cash journal group, bank journal group, On-line payment journal group, etc. Create groups of pos payment journals. Groups Journals Payment POS Payment Journal Payment Journal Groups Payment Group POS Order Type pos pricelist discount on pos sales order pos order pos screen pos multi order point of sale pricelist point of sale discount point of sale order point of sale multi order point of sale screen pos authorization point of sale authorization point of sale order types POS Product Restriction POS product product restriction point of sale product point of sale item point of sale product restriction point of sale item restriction pos item restriction pos item pos restriction pos product category restriction point of sale product category restriction pos item category restriction pos user resctriction restrict pos user restrict point of sale user pos point of sale pos product display point of sale product display pos item display point of sale item display POS Payment Groups POS payment Point of sale payment payment payment by group multi journal payment group multi payment journal group POS multiple payment journals cash journal group bank journal group online paymen journal group

POS Payment Groups
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Manage multiple sale order types

Terrabit - Sale Order Type
Terrabit , Dan Stoica