Productivity Apps 370 Apps found. category: Productivity ×

All in one restriction management app. Easy to setup user restriction without any Odoo access right knowledge. Access Management, User Access, User Right, User Roles, Security User All In One Access Management App for setting the correct access rights for fields, models, menus, views for any module and for any user. All in one access management App, Easier then Record rules setup, Centralize access rules, User wise access rules, Show only what is needed for users, Access rules setup, Easy access rights setup, Hide Any Menu, Any Field, Any Report, Any Button, Easy To Configure, Access group management, Access organizational structure, Odoo user rights, User security roles, readonly whole system, Access Rights Manager, Advanced Users Access, Advanced Users Access Rights, Advanced Users Access Rights Manager, Main Features:- Hide fields, Hide Buttons, Hide Tabs, Hide views, Hide Contacts, Hide Menus, Hide submenus, Hide sub-menus, Hide reports, Hide actions, Hide server actions, Hide import, Hide delete, Hide Export, Hide archive, Hide Tree view, Hide Form view, Hide Kanban view, Hide Calendar view, Hide Pivot, Hide Graph view, Hide Apps, Hide object buttons, Hide action buttons, Hide smart buttons, Readonly Any Field, read only user, readonly user, Hide create, Hide duplicate, Readonly Field, Invisible Field, Hide Chatter, Invisible Chatter, Hide group by, Hide filter, Hide filters, Chatter Hide, Control every fields, Control every views, Control every buttons, Control every actions, Restrict/Read-Only Apps, Restrict/Read-Only Fields, Restrict/Read-Only Export, Restrict/Read-Only Archive, Restrict/Read-Only Actions, Restrict/Read-Only Views, Restrict/Read-Only Reports, Restrict Delete items, Restrict Apps, Restrict Fields, Restrict Export, Restrict Archive, Restrict Actions, Restrict Views, Restrict Reports, Restrict Delete items, user access, advance user, model access rights, sales access rights,sales user permissions, inventery access rights, timesheet access rights, accounting access rights, accounting user permission, invoicing access rights, purchase access rights , crm access rights , all in one access rights manager access manager Sales access Sale access Invoicing access Invoice access CRM access Inventory access Accounting access Purchase access Project access Manufacturing access Email Marketing access Timesheets access Expenses access Documents access Time Off access Recruitment access Employees access Knowledge access Maintenance access Helpdesk access Subscriptions access Quality access Quality control access Contacts access Rental access Calendar access Field Service access Social Marketing access Appraisals access Fleet access Approvals access Consolidation access Appointments access Surveys access Repairs access Referral access Attendances access Management access Shipping access VOIP access Payroll access Jobs access Lunch access Fleet access Multi Company supported.

Advance User Restriction Management |Hide Menu, Submenu, Fields, Action, Reports, Tab, Link, Views |Model Restriction, Field Export Restriction, Field Restriction, Menu Restriction, Chatter Restriction
Sonny Huynh

Point Of Sales Profit Report POS Product Profitability Analysis Report Point Of Sale Profit POS Product Sales Profitability Sales Product Profitability Report Point of Sale Profitability Report Report POS profitability report pos profit Odoo

All In One Product Profitability Report
Softhealer Technologies

Configure availability to accept appoointments by day and hour-slot; fully flexible

Appointment Slot
Seventh Dimension

Generate Customized Description for Quotations and Sale Orders Automatically

Auto Custom Description for Quotation and Sale Order
Michael Sachin

Select whom to add as follower when sending message

Auto Subscribe Followers Selection: Select Partners to add as Followers in mail composer to avoid unwanted messages
Ivan Sokolov , Cetmix

Auto extract mobile and email from customer Internal Notes

Auto fill Email and Mobile to Odoo contact with GeekerCloud

Add Badges and direct acces to activities and last messages.

Badges and direct access to activities and last messages.
Florent de Labarre

Additional tools for attachments

Base Extra Attachment Module
Moval Agroingeniería

Our Odoo app simplifies the process of importing products along with their variants directly from CSV or Excel files. With this module, you gain the flexibility to import custom fields as well. Seamlessly create or update both products and their variants with essential details like images, prices, quantities, and stock levels directly from your CSV or Excel files. Easily identify and manage products and variants with the 'Unique Identification' field. Simplify your product management workflow with our Odoo app today!

Bulk Import Product Variant from CSV/Excel
Prefortune Technologies LLP

ChatGPT Integration With Odoo ChatGPT From ChatRoom ChatGPT OpenAI ChatRoom 2.0 Odoo Connector for ChatGPT Odoo Integration ChatGPT and Odoo Integration Seamless ChatGPT Odoo Connection Odoo ChatGPT Integration Plugin Integrating ChatGPT with Odoo ChatGPT and Odoo Connector Solution Odoo and ChatGPT Integration Tool ChatGPT Odoo Bridge Odoo CRM ChatGPT Connector OpenAI API Integrate OpenAI API with Odoo Editor ChatGPT GPT Odoo Connector GPT-3 Odoo Connector GPT-3.5 Odoo Connector GPT-4 Odoo Connector ChatGPT Notes ChatGPT Descriptions ChatGPT Content ChatGPT Auto Response OpenAI's GPT-3.5 OpenAI GPT-3.5 OpenAI's GPT-3.5 OpenAI's Text API Chat gpt ChatGPT Odoo Connector odoo chatbot integration Chatgpt in odoo chat gpt Integration chatgpt integration odoo

ChatGPT Integration With Odoo
Softhealer Technologies

Чеклист, чекліст, чек-лист, чек-ліст, завдання, процеси, дії, список, пункти, кроки, ефективність, поліпшення якості, управління складними завданнями, делегування, продуктивність, вимоги, особливості, checklist, tasks, processes, actions, list, items, steps, efficiency, quality improvement, complex task management, delegation, productivity, requirements, features

Checklist All in One
Kitworks Systems

Clear the default filter for invoices

Clear the default filter for invoices
Piotr Cierkosz

Bug Reports and Feature Requests for Click Up

ClickUp User Support
Lean Easy
Clickable Tags

Extends Client equipment

Client Equipment Servicing
Cyder Solutions

Collapse Expand Section on One2many Field. Show total items under section line. Sale Order Lines | Purchase Order Lines | Invoice Lines | Bill Lines

Collapse Expand Section on One2many Field
Sonny Huynh
Combined calendar
Kitworks Systems
Combined calendar + activity
Kitworks Systems
Combined calendar + calendar
Kitworks Systems
Combined calendar + project
Kitworks Systems