Sales Apps 4909 Apps found. category: Sales ×

This module provide simple and very useful functionality to manage documents with directory (folders), tags, export, numbering, versions and security groups.

Portal Document Management System | Portal Documents | Documents Portal Management | Document Management System | Documents Management System

Show last Sale price or Last Purchase price in sale order line and purchase order line based on selected product

Last Sale & Purchase Price
Technaureus Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

The tool to control poorly performing products. Under-performing products. Sales analysis. Bad sales detection. Badly sold products. Low-demanded products.

Low Sales Report

Apps for sale order recurring orders sales subscription recurring sale recurring subscription sales order subscription process subscription on sales order recurring sales order subscription on sale subscription recurring process subscription management

Recurring Sale Order Subscription Odoo
Edge Technologies

Salesperson Own sale order Salesperson Own Customer Salesperson Own sales person own customer sale person own customer access own customer access by sales person own customer access by salesman customer based sales person permission saleperson own customer

Salesperson permission for Own Customer in Odoo

odoo app will manage customer Documents & send notification before document expiry, Customer document, partner document expory, customer document expiry

Customer Document and Expiry Notification
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Sales QRcode Scanner Sales Order Barcode Scanner Sale Order Barcode Scanner Sales Order QRcode Scanner Sale Order QRCode Scanner Scan Internal Reference Number Quotation Barcode Scanner Quotation QRCode Scanner Odoo Product QRCode Scanner Product Barcode Scanner Product Variant Barcode Scanner Product Variant QRCode Scanner

Sales Barcode Scanner
Softhealer Technologies

Point Of Sale PayLine Reference pos payment reference on point of sale payment reference pos pay reference add payment reference on pos payment code pos payment label pos payment memo payment order on pos payment number

Payment Reference on POS

This module helps user to merge the duplicate lines. User can merge the duplicate lines by clicking on Merge Duplicate Lines button. | Merge | Order Line | Sale | Purchase | Inventory | Stock | Picking | Account | Merge Orderline | Lines | Orders | Order Lines

Merge Duplicate Line
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

Order line Description Sale Order line Description Picking line Description Delivery Line Description Sale to Delivery line description Sale order line to Delivery line description So line to Do line Description Sale order description to Picking Report Sale order description to Packing Slip

Order line Description | Picking line Description | Delivery Line Description
OMAX Informatics

Sales Price Restriction

Sales Price Change Restriction in SO
Silent Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

This apps helps you show last sales and purchase price based on customer/vendor on sale or purchase order | Last Sales Price | Last Purchase Price | Last Sale & Purchase Price

Product Last Sale and Purchase Price
Preway IT Solutions

odoo app allow to add Serial/lot number on Sale order line and pass serial/lot number to Invoice, serial number in sale, lot number in sale, sale order line lot number, sale order serial number, sale invoice serial, invoice serial , sale serial warehouse, sale serial delivery, sale lot number delivery, sale serial stock moves

Serial/Lot Number In Sale to Invoice
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Sale Advance payment purchase advance payment advance sale payment advance purchase payment sale down payment purchase down payment advance down payment for sales advance down payment for purchase sale purchase advance payment for sale purchase advance

Advance Down Payment for Sales and Purchase

Generate Customer Sales Order History Odoo Give History Of Last Sales Order Module Reorder Product Lines From Sales Order Client Quotation History Find History From SO Get History Of Last Sale Order Search Customer Last Quote History Odoo Last Sales Order History Module SO Reorder Product Lines Client Quotation History Find History From SO App Get Last Sale Order History Application Search Customer Last Quote History Odoo Sales Order History Sale Order History Sale Order History Details Sales Order History Details Re-Order From Sales History Re-Ordering From Sale Order History Customer Sale Order History Customer Sale History Re-Ordering From Sale History Re-Order From Sales Order History Customer Sales Order History Customer Sales History Re-Order Customer Sales Order Re-Ordering Customer Sale Order Sales History Of Customer Sale Order History Of Customer SO History SO History Details Re-Ordering From SO History Customer SO History Re-Ordering From SO History

Customer Sales Order History
Softhealer Technologies

This module is allow to set discount limit on product and product category | Sale Discount limit | Invoice Discount Limit | Invoice Discount limit on product category | Product Category discount limit | Maximum Discount | Sale Discount Restrict | Invoice Discount

Product Discount Limit
Preway IT Solutions

The module helps Odoo users see the product lines more clearly by displaying the product photos next to the product displayed in various formats, such as orderlines and delivery lines. Without opening the user can view the image of the item directly.

Product Images In Order Lines | List view Product Images | Show Product Images on List View | Product Images On Order Lines

sale product by location sale products by location product sale by location selection on sale line location product deliver location sale order product deliver location on sale order location wise delivery order Sale Product Quantity Location wise

Product Sales by Location
Equick ERP

This app generates QR code on the sales order form using the URL of sales order and add that QR code on PDF report and portal view of sales order to the customer on your website.

QR Code on Sales Order
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.

CRM Stop Spam Emails Avoid Leads From Spam Emails Avoid Lead From Spam Email Leads From Spam Mail Restrict To Generate Leads From Spam Mails Restrict Spam Emails Avoid Spam Mail Avoid Spam Email Restrict Genarates Spam Lead Odoo

Restrict To Generate Leads From Spam Emails | CRM - Block Spam Emails
Softhealer Technologies