Excel Report Generation
Display last sale or purchase price in order lines based on the selected product.
Applies percentage discounts for user groups with limit warnings.
Add products using Barcode in Sales, Purchase and Invoices
Catchw8 - Catch Weight Management
Catchw8 - Catch weight analysis report for all channels sales order
Applying coupons and promotions for catchweight products based on catchweight quantity
Catchw8 - Catch weight Sale Margin
This module adds Default Terms & Conditions option for catch weight.
CW8 module for Shipping Cost
Customer Credit Limit Management and Due Amount Warning
Set Discount Limit
Hiding the visibility of cost price for sale user group
Odoo CRM IndiaMart Integration
Product image in Sale Reports
Qty on hand in secondary UOM.
Purchase dashboard
Sale Quotation/Order report by category
"RFQ from CRM" enables seamless creation of Requests for Quotation (RFQs) directly from CRM leads.
This app shows that how much percentage invoiced against a Sales order or Purchase order