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Allow to use the purchase UoM in a stock move

Stock Move Purchase UoM
ForgeFlow , Odoo Community Association (OCA)

Inter Company trade of Warehouse/Sale/Purchase Orders and Invoices. Can set stock picking order validate automation. Notify payment to other company. When Seller Company A done the delivery, the buyer company can received done auto.

Enhance Inter Company Trade for Sale/Purchase Orders and Invoices/Warehouse,关联交易增强

Restrict Warehouses and location for users.

User Warehouse Restriction
Cybrosys Techno Solutions

The PoS Low Stock Alert module is a crucial component within the Inventory Application that empowers businesses to proactively manage their product inventory levels. By defining customizable threshold quantities for products, the module monitors stock quantities in real-time. It triggers alert notifications within the Point of Sale (PoS) interface when a product's stock falls below or equals the set threshold. This feature ensures that businesses can take immediate action to prevent stockouts, optimize inventory management, and maintain seamless operations. Low Stock Alert | Stock Alert | Stock Alert Notification | Inventory Management | Threshold Quantities | Real-time Monitoring | Point of Sale | Low Stock | Stock Level | Product Stock | Product Alert | Product Quantity | Alert Quantity | PoS Product | PoS Alert | Alert Notifications | Replenishment | Stock Levels | Inventory Optimization | Business Efficiency | Operational Continuity | Customer Satisfaction | Data Insights | Reporting | Role-based Access | Resource Allocation | Strategic Decision-making | Integration | Procurement | User Permissions

PoS Low Stock Alert

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