Warehouses Apps 6 Apps found. category: Warehouses ×

Select multiple warehouses in each sale order lines to deliver goods from diffrent warehouses for same product. If you not select any warehouse it will take default warehouse

Sale Lines Multi Warehouse

This app helps to import stock inventory adjustment from xls file

Import Stock Inventory

Material requisition enables users to request a specific amount of stock from the designated store team in charge. Upon receiving the request, the team in charge checks the availability of the requested items and updates the status accordingly, either proceeding with the request or rejecting it. Authorized personnel then receive approval requests from the material requester, where they can choose to approve or reject based on various factors including stock availability. If the requested stock is available, it is dispatched to the specified departments. If not, the purchase process is initiated, followed by dispatch to the departments upon completion. Throughout this process, every action is tracked and remarks are captured, updating the status as ribbon status on the tree and form view to notify the users effectively.

Material Requisition And Approval
AppsComp Widgets Pvt Ltd

Record purchase orders by supplier, each with distinct order dates. Given that suppliers deliver GRNs in bulk, users manually input GRN entries. When entering a quantity of 1000, the system automatically matches and displays the purchase orders that have been fulfilled and closed.

Multiple Purchase Order With Single GRN
Appscomp Widgets Pvt Ltd

Based on access group this module allows or restrict feature of auto or force reservation of available goods in delivery orders

Restrict Automatic Reservation

The system enables staff to purchase medicines in two dfuelifferent types. For medicines with strips, it maintains specific product-wise configuration indicating the number of pieces per strip. By default, upon purchase, a strip reference is generated, serving as the lot number, and the quantity is updated as the final on-hand stock. For medicines without strips, a normal purchase process is followed with the product quantity updated accordingly.

Stripwise Medicine Stock
AppsComp Widgets Pvt Ltd