Website Apps 2031 Apps found. category: Website × version: 14.0 ×

Website FAQs

Website FAQs
Odoo Helper

Module allows user to place Fast Order by Uploading CSV, xls, xlsx Or by entering Product Code and Quantity or by selection products in list.

Website Fast Order
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Module allows user to place Fast Order by Uploading CSV, xls, xlsx Or by entering Product Code and Quantity or by selection products in list.

Website Fast Order (Enterprise)
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Place Order Quickly Trouble Selecting Products Quick Order Add Multiple Products With Quantity Add Multiple Products With Qty Superfast Order Add To Cart By Uploading File Website Order By Uploading Files CSV XML ODS XLSX Odoo Fast Order by Uploading CSV/XLS/XLSX/ODS File Fast Order by Entering Product Code/Quantity/Selection Products in List Fast Order by Uploading CSV File Fast Order by Uploading ODS File Fast Order by Uploading XLS File Fast Order by Uploading XLSX File Order by Product Code Order by Quantity Order by Select Product Website Order by Uploading CSV/XLS/XLSX/ODS File Website Order by Entering Product Code/Quantity/Selection Website Product Website Order by Uploading CSV File Website Order by Uploading XLS File Website Order by Uploading ODS File Website Order by Uploading XLSX File Website Order by Product Code Website Order by Quantity Website Order by Select Product Bulk Order by Uploading CSV/XLS/XLSX/ODS File Bulk Order by Entering Product Code/Quantity/Selection Products in List Bulk Order by Uploading CSV File Bulk Order by Uploading ODS File Bulk Order by Uploading XLS File Bulk Order by Uploading XLSX File Bulk Order by Product Code Bulk Order by Quantity Bulk Order by Select Product Select Website Product Product Code CSV File Excel File XLSX File XLS File ODS File Website Sale Fast Order Website Sale Bulk Order Accurate Order Accurate Website Order Accurate Bulk Order Website Bulk Order Website Bulk Fast Order Website Fast Order Fast Order module for website Online store Fast Order plugin E-commerce Fast Order feature Quick order module for website quick Order From Website Odoo

Website Fast Order | Website Bulk Order
Softhealer Technologies

This Module Provides Snippet which displays feature blocks Website design block Business theme Corporate theme theme

Website Features Snippet
Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.

Manage News feeds on your website.

Website Feed Management
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module allows to the user can give feedback. | website feedback | feedback | survey.

Website Feedback
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

The module allows the website customer to upload a file with his/her website order. The file can contain a request, customisation or suggestion for the seller.

Website File Upload
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The module allows the Odoo user to give discount to the customer on their first purchase from your Odoo website

Website First Purchase Discount
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module provides snippet which navigation tab functionality.There are five tabs(icons), by clicking on each, user can navigated to specific tab. Website design block Website snippet

Website Five Navigation Tabs With Icon Snippet
Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.

Sets the default language for first-time visitors regardless of their browser’s language.

Website Fixed Default Language

Geminate comes with a feature for floating video player. now you don't need to miss your currently watching video while scrolling the rest of the page. we are delivering your video wherever you are on the page in front of you. you can get your video player playing your current playing video automatically available in the floating video player on bottom-right corner with action of page scroll. additionally you can drag the video player from left to right and vice versa on the bottom page area using the move button.

Website Floating Video Player
Geminate Consultancy Services

Website Footer Extend - Privacy / Term of Use / Legal Disclosure / Copy Right / Trademark

Website Footer Extended
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.

Odoo Forum Questions full-text search

Website Forum Full-Text Search

Adds a button to allow subscription from the website

Website Forum Subscription
Tecnativa , Odoo Community Association (OCA)

This Module Provide Snippet which displays Four Blocks Hover Effect Website design block Business theme Corporate theme theme

Website Four Blocks Hover Effect
Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.

Show Free Delivery offers to your customers

Website Free Delivery Offer Info
ErpMstar Solutions

Manage GDPR App, Website GDPR Module, General Data Protection Regulation At Web, EU GDPR Management, European Countries GDPR, EU Website GDPR, Privacy GDPR, GDPR Cookies Odoo

Website GDPR
Softhealer Technologies

Website GIF Snippet

Website GIF Snippet
Geminate Consultancy Services

Create new tabs for products as you need it. Customize tabs using with html contents or simple text for a single product or globally.

Website General Product Tabs
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.