Openworx Material Backend Theme V12

Odoo 5
v 12.0 Third Party 8143
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Backend themes might not work with Odoo Enterprise Edition. Please read the description carefully and, in doubt, ask the author before buying.
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Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 1371
Technical Name backend_theme_v12
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Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 1371
Technical Name backend_theme_v12

Openworx Material Backend Theme

The first Odoo 12.0 community backend theme

Enterprise look'n'feel and App Sidebar

App Dashboard

Quick search in App Dashboard

Side Chatter on widescreen

Fully responsive

Remark: It is possible that the Odoo service needs to be restarted after install.

Help & Support

Website: Openworx
Contact: Email Support

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Great stuff.. love it i use on Oodo 12CE
on 7/28/22, 10:18 PM

Great free theme with Enterprise options
Julia van orsouw
on 9/1/20, 6:14 AM

This theme adds great colours to odoo CE to give it a fresh modern look and feel. The added navigation options (apps dashboard - search menus) makes you forget you're using CE instead of EE.

This backend theme is great, but...
Wildom Consulting Kft (HU14818367)
on 11/27/19, 11:31 AM

I haven't the possibility of change the background color. (v12.0.0.1 has not possibility to change the background color on the Setting -> Company form)

Great Module
Grzegorz Krukar
on 5/24/19, 6:22 AM

Is there a way to change default buttons color from green to other color?

Thank You For This Great Module.
on 5/2/19, 6:07 AM

This Backend Themes is Great and Works Perfectly on All Platforms. I am very Gratefull to Openworx for time they have contributed to make this happen.!!!

Acredita Assessment SpA
on 6/29/22, 2:33 PM

Hi!, Odoo CE v15 available?

Acredita Assessment SpA
on 6/29/22, 2:32 PM

Hi!, Odoo CE v12 available?

Howto change background
Mario Gielissen
on 5/13/19, 3:05 AM Author

The background can be changed under Settings -> Company

odoo 12 community, can not see the app dashboard after login, it goes directly to inbox?
on 3/13/19, 8:55 AM

odoo 12 community, can not see the app dashboard after login, it goes directly to inbox?