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Doctor Appointment Booking in odoo, Clinic Website Appointment Book in Odoo, Doctor calendar booking slot, Patient appointment booking and payment online



v 12.0 Third Party 25
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies CRM (crm)
Calendar (calendar)
Contacts (contacts)
Employees (hr)
Invoicing (account)
Website (website)
eCommerce (website_sale)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 14768
Technical Name doctor_appointment_booking_advance_axis
Versions 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies CRM (crm)
Calendar (calendar)
Contacts (contacts)
Employees (hr)
Invoicing (account)
Website (website)
eCommerce (website_sale)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 14768
Technical Name doctor_appointment_booking_advance_axis
Versions 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0

axistechnolabs all odoo apps
Support : Community Enterprise

Doctor Appointment Booking Module in Odoo, Doctor Appointment Booking Module With Online Payment Option in Odoo

Doctor Appointment Booking Module in Odoo is a dynamic module which allows individual doctor, hospitals and clinics to accept online bookings from patients. Patient sitting at home can book avaliable date and time slot of the doctor. Once the online appointment booking is done then this module will send out notifications for appointment Booking pending, Booking Confirmation and Booking Cancellation to the patinets.

Doctor Appointment Booking Odoo Module is avaliable in both Community and Enterprise V15,V14, V13 & V12.

This is one of the best and productive module in Odoo which allows hassel

free appointment booking

to the patinets and

appointments managment to the doctors, hospitals and clinics worldwide

Must buy this advance version of Doctor Appointment Booking module in odoo which comes with an Online Payment option !!!

Odoo Doctor Appointment Booking without Online Payment Option module also available for purchase

Doctor Appointment Booking module supported Odoo Community and Odoo Enterprise edition

Appointment Booking module is also available in

Key Features of Doctor Appointment Booking with Payment Module in Odoo

  • Beautiful Appointment Booking Dashboard comes with list of - Appointments Created, Appointments Pending, Appointments Completed, Today Patients, Total Services, Total Appointments.
  • Charts for Weekly Appointments and Monthly Appointments Reports.
  • Access rights to Staff / Nurse / Reception for managing doctor appointment booking system in odoo
  • Add hospital / clinic address for near by location base booking.
  • Create single or multiple location for user booking in odoo.
  • Appointment Booking form available in odoo website.
  • Ability to create single or multiple services for online appointment booking orders.
  • Display single service or multiple services on a single page for doctor appointment.
  • Custom booking for a specific date or time slot length.
  • Accept bookings for a specific time slot or for a day-wise reservation.
  • For long-time availability of a service set weekly off day or days.
  • Accept single or multiple booking orders in a date or time slot.
  • Option to add a long description for a specific service to show on a single page.
  • Confirm or cancel the booking order.
  • Select the required form fields to complete booking along with avaliable custom form fields.
  • Doctor can only see his number of appointments and can create avaliable time slot in doctor appointment module
  • Patient can login and see their booked appoitment with date, time, appointment charge, doctor name etc.
  • Ability to assign roles and rights with filter option for user to use.
  • Calendar view, list view, kanban view and table view for doctor appointment booking.
  • Single and multiple doctors management for adding services and user selection option in the module.
  • Email notification when online booking order is placed along with the booking information.
  • Email notification with default admin message and booking info for pending booking.
  • Email notification for confirmation or cancelation of the booking.
  • Display of confirmed booking list with all info of the booking on odoo website
  • List of services with service type on the odoo website for the patient information.
  • Form in module is mobile responsive for almost all devices.
  • Doctor appointment booking app supported Multi language in odoo website and odoo backend
  • User appointment booking app supported Payment option for online payment
  • Module works very well for all the healthcare verticals like Dentist, Cardiologist, Gynecologist, Physicians, Physiotherapy, Dietitian, Nutritionist.
  • Doctor Appointment Booking Supported Multiple languages with (English, Arabic, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Danish-dansk, Dutch-Nederlands, Spanish - Español, French-français,Russia-Russian,German - Deutsch) in odoo.

Dashboard for Doctor Appointment Administrator.

Beautiful Appointment booking Dashboard display Today's Appointment, Pending Appointment, Completed Appointment, Total Patients, Total Services, Total Appointments booked. Dashboard detials view available for doctor, receptionist and admin user. Bar Chart available to show Weekly Appointments and Monthly Appointments for all booked appointments.

Odoo Website Appointment Booking Dashboard

Odoo Appointment booking slot, appointment booking calendar app

Odoo Doctor Website Appointment Booking

Step 1 => Select Location for Appointment (Single or Multiple Location - Manage from odoo backend)

Odoo Doctor Website Appointment Booking, website appointment booking in odoo

Appointment Booking Services Selection

Step 2 => Select Madical Services for booking
(Eg. Add Dentist, Cardiologist, Gynecologist, Physicians, Physiotherapy, Orthopaedic, Paediatrician etc. services)

Appointment Calendar in odoo website

Select Doctor for appointment booking in odoo

Step 3 => Display Doctor detail and Select Doctor name for appointment
(Doctors details manage from odoo backend)

Multiple Doctors appointment in odoo, hospital doctor appointment booking

Appointment Calendar in odoo website

Step 4 => Select Date and Time for Doctor Availability in Calender

Odoo Website Appointment system

Customer/Patient add their details in odoo website

Step 5 => User will add detail for book appointment from odoo website

ser will add detail for book appointment from odoo website

Odoo Website Appointment Payment Selection in odoo website

Step 6 => Select your Payment gateway from odoo website

Odoo Website Appointment Payment Selection in odoo website

Patient Appointment Booking information display in odoo website

Patient Appointment Booking in odoo v14, v15

For Doctor login - Patient Appointments counts display in my/portal odoo website page

Booked Appointments Patient app

Patient Appointment Details show in Portal odoo website login

appointment booking for Doctor

Patient Booking information Details View in doctor login

Doctor Availability in Calender app,Patient Appointment Booking information Detail View

Booked Online Patient Appointments in Calender view of odoo backend

Booked Online Patient Appointments from odoo website

Patient Booked Appointments List view in odoo backend

Doctor Services booking odoo module

Accept Booking confirmation

Accept Booking confirmation for odoo apps

Send Booking confirmation mail to patient/user

Create Appointees and Add details

Create Appointment booking system

Add Doctors Appointment Group to show in Appointment Process of Odoo website (Doctor country, State)

Doctor Consultation booking odoo module

Add Doctor Services (Doctor Consultation, Visit for Treatment Description)

Add Doctor Services
              (Doctor Consultation, Visit for Treatment Description)

Add Doctor Appointment Scheduling and Availability

Add Doctor Appointment Scheduling and Availability

Create Time Slot of Doctor Availability

(Based on this patient can book appointment from odoo website frontend)

Create Time Slot of Doctor Availability

Set access rights - doctor

Set Doctor's Rights for access Appointments and slots display

Set Doctor's Rights for access Appointments and slots display

Doctor can login and see appointments

Doctor login into system and see number of appointments in frontend

Doctor can login and see appointments

Access restrictions for doctors

Doctor can see their own slots only and could not access other doctor slots

Payment Details

Admin can see Payment Details

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Import data in odoo for Sales, Import POS Orders, Purchase, Invoice, Import Stock Inventory, Import Product, Bill of material(BOM), Payment, Bank Statement etc. using EXCEL or CSV

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Sales Contract Subscription and Recurring Invoice in odoo, Sales Contract Subscription in odoo and Recurring Invoice in odoo, Subscription management in odoo

Sales Contract Subscription and Recurring Invoice in odoo, Sales Contract Subscription in odoo and Recurring Invoice in odoo, Subscription management in odoo
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Doctor Appointment Booking in odoo, Clinic Website Appointment Book in Odoo, Doctor calendar booking slot, Patient appointment booking and payment online
Modern Odoo Dashboards-Odoo POS Dashboard, CRM Dashboard, Inventory Dashboard, Sales Dashboard, Account Dashboard
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For Technical Help and Support

At Axistechnolabs we offer end to end solution for all Odoo services which includes custom development, integration, migration, analysis & consultation.

Incase of any question regarding this module feel free to email us on

download doctor appoitment odoo module from odoo app store
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Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.