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Odoo Apps Dependencies Attendances (hr_attendance)
Employee Contracts (hr_contract)
Employees (hr)
Project (project)
Time Off (hr_holidays)
Discuss (mail)
Calendar (calendar)
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Lines of code 3124
Technical Name ohrms_overtime
Versions 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Attendances (hr_attendance)
Employee Contracts (hr_contract)
Employees (hr)
Project (project)
Time Off (hr_holidays)
Discuss (mail)
Calendar (calendar)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 3124
Technical Name ohrms_overtime
Versions 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0

OpenHRMS Overtime

A Module For Requesting Overtime Work.


This module OHRMS overtime could be useful for create overtime request based on days and hours. These overtime could be utilise as leave allocation or cash payment.

There is a python dependency for this module called 'pandas'. You have to install the pandas python dependency before installing this module. You can use sudo pip3 install pandas for installing pandas in ubuntu by running the command in terminal.

Key Features

Employee Overtime request could be create using this module.

Overtime can be utilise as leave allocation or cash payment.

Overtime request could be create for hours and days.

Overtime request could be create for hours and days.



How to Create Overtime

After Installation Open Overtime Request Module in the menu.

In That Module Can see overtime types menu like below.

In this menu user can create overtime types by clicking Create button.


Overtime Type

In the below overtime type form view we can see some fields.

In Reference field user can give name fore the overtime type.

In Type filed we have two types Cash and Leave.

In Duration Type filed we have two types Hours and Days.

User can create overtime type in needed specification.


Leave Type

When selecting Type as Leave a new field Leave Type will be visible like below.


Duration type

This Leave type field is filtered basis of Duration type.

This Leave type can be set for days and hours in the leave type form view.


Tree view

When selecting Type as Cash a Tree view will be visible like below.


Payment Rules

Payment Rules Can be Set like below.


Overtime Request

After creating Overtime Type's we can create a Overtime Request.

In Overtime Request menu we can see a Create button for creating a Request.


Overtime Request Fields

In Overtime Request form view we have to set some required field.

Employee field we can set requesting employee and other department, job and manager field will be automatically fill based on employee.

Type and Duration Type can set as needed and also need to set date field.


Overtime Request Fields

Here we can see hours field it will automatically computed on basis of date.

In the Case of days type hours field change to days and compute days.


Submit Request

After setting these fields employee want submit the request.

Request will be submit using Submit To Finance button.


After Submit Request

After Submit It need to approve by manager.

Before Approving need to select Overtime Type For Computation.

Overtime Type Filtered using Type field and Duration Type field.


leave allocation

In overtime type is based on leave it could have leave type.

leave allocation will be create on this leave type.


Overtime Type manager

After selecting Overtime Type manager can approve the overtime request.

Approve button will approve the request.


Approve State

When request change to approve state leave allocation will be done.

This allocated leave record can be see in Leave ID field in the request.


Cash and Duration Type

When the Type is in Cash and Duration Type set as Days.


Employee Contract

After submitting we need to check the employee contract.

In the case of cash we have to set hour wage and day wage for the overtime.

These wage fields are included in the contract.


Salary Information

In Contract can see Salary Information page view.

Here we can see two filed's Day Wage and Hour Wage.

The Overtime wage is calculated from these field's.


Set Values

We can set values like below.


Overtime Amount

After setting the values we can select Overtime Type in the request.

It will compute the overtime amount based on wage on contact and rule's in the operation type.


Public Holiday

If any Public Holiday comes between selected days it will be shown like below.



By approving the Request It could be seen in the payslip.

In payslip we have a tree view Other inputs like below.

Here the Overtime will be show.


Overtime Salary Rule

If you need to compute overtime in the salary you need to add overtime salary rule in the salary structure.

In below you can see the salary structure you need to open it for adding the overtime salary rule.


Salary Structure

By opening salary structure it looks like below.

Here we can see add a line button here we can add new salary rule.


Salary Rule's

By clicking Add a line it will redirect to the salary rule's.

In below we can see all salary rule's.

In there we have overtime salary rule it need to select for the computation.


Save Salary Structure

By selecting it comes in the salary structure like below.

Then need to save the salary structure.


Salary Compute

After you need to compute the salary.

Salary will compute using compute sheet button like below.


Overtime Salary

By clicking compute button salary will be compute under salary computation page like below.

Here we can see the overtime salary will be computed.


Payslip Confirmation

After computation need to confirm the payslip by clicking confirm button.


Paid Overtime Request

After confirming the payslip we can see the paid overtime request will be marked as paid like below.

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