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v 15.0 Third Party 13
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Sales (sale_management)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Inventory (stock)
Lines of code 6193
Technical Name sync_xero_connector
Versions 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0
You bought this module and need support? Click here!
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Sales (sale_management)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing (account)
Inventory (stock)
Lines of code 6193
Technical Name sync_xero_connector
Versions 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0

Xero Connector (OAuth 2.0)

This module is compatible with

In order to run reports efficiently and accurately, oversee all financial data of your customers, projects, as well as display all needed information at one place , on one screen, and much more all you need to do is integrate your current Xero Connector with Odoo. This integration will allow you to view, and manage all your invoices and expenses related activities efficiently in Odoo.

To check what kinds of import or export functionalities are supported by our module, please refer to below table.

Import/Export Table

# Functionality
Import (Xero to Odoo)
Export (Odoo to Xero)
1 Currencies
2 Charts of Accounts
3 Tax/ Tax routes
4 Contact Groups/ Contact tags
5 Contacts (Supplier/ Customers)
6 Bank Accounts
7 Manual Journal
8 Items/ Products
9 Invoices
10 Bills
11 Credit notes for Suppliers
12 Credit notes for Customers
13 Attachments

Automatic & Manual Synchronization

Xero supports both automatic & manual configuration of the data which needs to be synchronized.


Customer Invoices and vendor bills can be imported/Exported between xero and odoo with partial as well as full payment.

Sales Team

Allow your sales team to view overdue client accounts in Odoo.

Reduce Double Entry

Reduce double data entry between Odoo and Xero.

Improve CashFlow

Improve cash flow by accelerating payment time.

Multiple Organization

Can connects multiple Xero organizations (accounts) to one Odoo


Credit/debit notes can be Imported/Exported between xero and odoo.


Different kind of attachments can be exported from odoo to xero. For EX. Contacts, Invoices, Bills, Debit/Credit notes.

Invoice Without Product

User can also import invoices directly without using product link.

Disable Export

Enable export instantly using disable export (Account & Taxes) button.

How does Xero Integration work ?

Xero integration bridges the gap between current organizations and contacts in Xero by linking them. With the help of advanced import and export tools , you can import as well as export all needed data. In addition to this you can easily post invoice and credit straight to Xero as well as log payments in current posted to Xero.   Furthermore, integration with Xero supports both automatic & manual configuration of the data which needs to be synchronized.

What is Synced?

Following are functionality of Osdoo Module where both import and export of data can be done.

  • Currencies: At the time of import, currencies can be pulled from Xero with initial sync and create a new currency automatically in Odoo if not available. It cannot be exported.

  • Chart Of Accounts: At the time of both imports & export , Charts of Accounts are pulled from Xero sync with the initial stage and from Odoo also sync with the initial stage.

  • Taxes / Tax Rates: At the time of Import Tax and Tax rates can be pulled from Xero with initial sync and any changes in Xero are synced to Odoo. On the other hand at the time of Export Tax rates in Xero are created in Xero with the initial sync.

  • Contact Groups / Contact Tags: At the time of Import Contact tags and groups are pulled from Xero with the initial sync and new Contact tags in Odoo.Whereas, at the time of Export all Contact tags of Odoo will be created as Odoo Contact Groups in Xero.

  • Contacts (Suppliers / Customers): At the time of Import all Contacts are stored with Xero of both Suppliers & Customers. Whereas at the time of Export all Contacts are stored with Odoo of both Suppliers & Customers.

  • Bank Accounts: Accounts with bank type (not bank transaction and other details) are imported to Xero from Odoo.While at the time of Export its vice versa Accounts with bank type are exported from Odoo to Xero.

  • Manual Journal: At the type of Import all types of manual journal which is directly recorded in Xero.

  • Items / Products: At the time of Import Products with its details (sale price, cost price, accounts, taxes etc), are imported from Xero to Odoo and also manage tracked and Untracked Products. Whereas at the time of Export same thing happens vice versa.

  • Invoices: At the time of Import create payment lines in Odoo if an invoice is paid fully or partially in Xero. Furthermore it also imports Customer Invoice with taxes. Whereas at the time of Export handle customer invoices with tax, as well as create a payment in Xero if an invoice is paid fully or partially in Odoo.

  • Bills: At the time of Import, create payment lines in Odoo if bills are paid fully or partially in Xero as well as manage bills with taxes. On the other hand, at the time of export create payment lines in Xero if bills are paid fully or partially in Odoo as well as manage bills with taxes.

  • Credit Note (ACCRECCREDIT): At the time of Import, an Account Receivable (supplier) Credit Note with payment and allocation is imported from Xero to Odoo. On the other hand, the same is exported to Odoo from Xero.

  • Credit Note (ACCPAYCREDIT): At the time of Import, an Account Receivable (customer) Credit Note with payment and allocation is imported from Xero to Odoo. On the other hand, the same is exported to Odoo from Xero.

  • Attachment: At the time of the attachment exported to Odoo from Xero.

# Functionality
Import (Xero to Odoo)
Export ( Odoo to Xero)
1 Currencies
2 Charts of Accounts
3 Tax/ Tax routes
4 Contact Groups/ Contact tags
5 Contacts (Supplier/ Customers)
6 Bank Accounts
7 Manual Journal
8 Items/ Products
9 Invoices
10 Bills
11 Credit notes for Suppliers
12 Credit notes for Customers
13 Attachments
Xero Set up Guide

A complete user guide will be shared with you of the following Modules along with images so the installation process becomes easy to use.
How to configure Xero OAuth 1.0
How to configure Xero OAuth 2.0
How to configure Xero and Odoo Accounts?
Import and Export Operations

NOTE: For we have added installation steps in documentation, in case if you need more then, we will provide you more support once you purchase support hours from us.

Disclaimer: Whenever there is a change in API of Xero or change in related Odoo objects you can contact us to look into it. For we have added installation steps in User guide, but if you need our support, then you will need to avail our paid support.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am not just clear on the account mapping on both ends, am I supposed to remap it again whenever I add on any data?

As for different countries, Xero maintains different kinds of charts of accounts and if some Chart of Accounts and Taxes names will be same at Odoo side also then we have to, first of all, rename them and then you will be able to map Chart of Accounts and Tax again for Import or an Export process. So basically it is a one-time mapping process only, you do not have to map Charts of Accounts and Taxes each and every time.

Can I Import and Export Vendor bills?

Yes you can easily Import and Export vendor bills.

Are all Vendor Bills and Invoices marked as drafts when imported across? Even historic?

No, you also have to map stages for Customer Invoices and Vendor Bills here, so basically the Import and Export process system will also map stages and display records only on those relevant stages at Odoo side.

Does your module provide an automatic import and export process without manual intervention?

Yes , in our module , we have also provided automated schedulers here for import and export processes automatically at the given time duration/ temur.

Does your module provide automatic Import and Export functionality?

Yes we have provided automated schedulers to automate import and export functionality in our module.

Does your module support a multi-company scenario?

Yes, our module supports multi-company scenarios, you can configure different Xero Accounts for different companies here.

Does your module support Mismatch Logs or Mismatch Historical Data?

Yes, our module supports Mismatch Logs when any serious warning prompts users to do import and export operation, you can find basic details from created Mismatch Logs lines.

Do you have full documentation for this module?

When you purchase this module then you will find a complete PDF guide with every import and export operations along with Screenshots in detail. For the complete functional flow of our module, you can refer to this index file or see our functional video.

I want to process inventory adjustments automatically at Odoo side. How to do that?

We have provided this functionality by default for Import Operations and Custom functionality for Export Operations as well.

I have so much data as well as Customer Invoices and Vendor Bills in my Xero Account, is your module capable of importing and exporting so much data?

Yes, we have optimized and developed this module in such a way, that it will work with a huge amount of data. We have boosted up the speed for API calling for import/export operations, you can also see this section in the starting of this Index file, you can find detailed information from there also.

What are Mismatch Logs ?

Mismatched Logs contain details of all record processes which have found mismatch while import/export data.

I or my client just wants import operations, he/she doesn't want export operations or vice versa.

Yes, you can disable or archive Export Scheduler so that the system will not do export operations from Odoo to Xero or vice versa.

Justify me this Scenario - I have not imported the newly created Customer/Vendor from Xero to Odoo till now, now I have created an Invoice/Vendor Bill from the Xero side for that related Customer and directly imported Invoice from Xero to Odoo, now How Odoo will react then?

We have developed our module in such a way so that when any Entity is dependent on another Entity and while doing operations directly for a second entity then the system will find all dependencies for that record and automatically create them.

I have so many Invoices created at the Xero side so when I import them to Odoo, will my system create any errors or hang?

Not at all , with our optimized code and pagination techniques, we have already tested this module for huge amounts of data so no need to panic for it.

We have seen your module. We want some additional customization in your module according to my or my client's requirements, how can I proceed?

Of course, our experienced developer team is ready for any kind of customization ,feel free to contact us. Kindly Email us your requirements on can also ping us on our Skype Account - synconics.technologies

I want to see Live Preview for this module related functionality

For seeing Live Preview for this module related functionality , kindly Email us your requirements on You can also ping us on our Skype Account - synconics.technologies

I want to talk with you regarding commercial or other terms and conditions and Support

At the bottom of this Index file there is a section named Free Support in which we have clarified our terms and conditions, you can refer to that. If you still have any query then kindly Email us on You can also ping us on our Skype Account - synconics.technologies

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Terms & Conditions

  • All the apps are to be purchased separately, for individual versions and individual edition.
  • One month free bug support period will be offered pertaining to any one server used, testing or live.
  • Synconics is not responsible for installation or updating of the module on any of your server.
  • If an error appears in our app due to other custom modules installed in your system or if Odoo base source code is not updated on your system, to make it compatible with your source code, we'll charge you for our efforts to resolve those errors and make the module compatible with your source code.
  • Please refer the document for configuration. If any support is needed for module configuration, installation, updating or any help is needed, it will be considered in paid support.
  • Please note that you are not allowed to distribute or resell this module after purchase.
  • This module is tested and working on Odoo vanilla with Ubuntu OS.
  • Support services will be provided from Monday to Friday, 10:30 AM to 7 PM IST (Indian Standard Time).
  • Support will not be provided during Indian public holidays or company holidays.
Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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  • The author can leave a single reply to each comment.
  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.